Game Update: Release Notes – 87

Release: 87 – Sun, moon and clouds effects polish
New Features:
* Add option (on by default) to render clouds with soft clipping against world. Will impact performance slightly when enabled.
* New sun/moon textures and colours. No more tellytubby sun, and moon is visibly textured.
* Fix fogging of sun and it’s god-rays and lens-flare. God rays are much more prominent and not so blocked out by fog now.
* Further fog improvements, with two layers of height-based fog.
* Fix the world being darkened when standing around block lights in broad daylight.
* Remove the incorrect ping times on the Worlds screen.
* Fixes for portal loading.
* Reduced brightness of torches closer to that of lamp blocks. Was previously able to light up the world brighter than the sun with just a few torches.