Hello fellow explorers 🙂
I just wanted to say hello to this – as far as I already could read – awsome but small community.
My name is Steffen (ingame Bojeya) and I am pretty proud to be part of this community now.
Im 20 years old and throughout the past 7 years I tried to get access to all alpha/beta tests of MMORPGS or whatever because I love to hunt those little bugs 🙂
I read an article about this game in a german game newspaper and I just couldn’t resist to hop into this project as well.
Due to the reason I’m German my English may not be the best but I try to get my impressions or ideas expressioned in a way that you hopefully can understand.
Enough said for now. I am really looking forward to discuss things in this forum and see you ingame building unique monuments :b
One last question: Is there any way to change my profile pic? 😀 I couldn’t find anything to upload a new one.
Best regards