Player Owned Zones (Leader Control)

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      So I read that players can own really big zones, how will that be possible? Will there be something to do such a thing like say, you do a monthly fee to Oort Online and you can have your own zone which you can moderate?

      Like say you pay $5-15 a month to own this land, people can come in and go as they please, travel through, make homes, gather resources and have a good time. You set up certain rules for players to follow like (Role-Playing only, pvp welcome, clean community, no random unnatural builds as some random examples.)

      I myself wouldn’t mind paying some money every month to help support the community, run my own area and helping the developers have funding to add more to the game when it’s released?

      What do you guys think?

      I honestly don’t think the zone mod should be OP, it’s an online game and I think they should at most be considered a mayor that can just tweak some things that happens in the zone.

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