taming and training:

Home Forums Suggestions Creatures taming and training:

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    • #2457

      for example i will use a pig:

      you have a wild pig. first you need to get his trust by giving him food, getting a bit closer each time and stuff like that. if the pig trusts you he will not run away(and in the case of other creatures will not attack you).

      so you tamed a pig, you can put a lead on his head but that’s all you can do right now. so you can do a couple things: getting more trust so you can sit on him, or learn him tricks/combat(no combat for the pig of course). tricks can be fall dead, sit or roll, but also handy things like fetch,climb,use. a lot of things that will help. if you want to let him for example learn fetch you first need to let him pick up stuff you trow away. every time he goes after it say a command in the chat, in this case: piggy catch! would be a good sentence. but you can even say fall dead if you want, every comment works. everybody will be able to hear this so saying something weird like: “sir pigsalot eat a banana” is a bad idea.

      if you get enough trust to ride the pig he will not follow your direction. you need to learn him that. just hit the forward button if he walks forward, steer right if the pig does that. etc.

      the saying in chat is so you can have multiple animals on your side, each with his own name. this way you can sent just one to get the loot on the other side of the hallway instead of all 3 animals flying towards the loot.

    • #2465

      Well they are creating unique creatures in the game. Like creature we haven’t seen before and giving them unique looks 🙂

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