World builder sugestions

Home Forums Suggestions Worlds World builder sugestions


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    • #6127

      I am not quite sure if this should be here or in the backer forum, but here i go:

      – Make it possible to define a maximum amount of biomes and trees, rocks, ores and such (This way you should be able to makes super rare areas, plants and ores. you would also be able to one single forest in a world or making a giant mountain that maybe could be what defines the world)

      – Add subbiomes as a thing, This should make it possible to make special terrain that only spawns in a specific biome (This should make it easier to make things that differs from the noise)

    • #7025

      More stuff:

      – A minimum y that can be set on substrata

      – (If subbiomes are added) a minimum an maximum y on subbiomes which should make it possible to have underground subbiomes.

      – A maximum y on caves

    • #7037

      Allow people to use RGB scale so you can paint any wood/leaf/rock any color that way the worlds are going to look way more different than using the pre determined color set atm

      • #7042

        That would help quite a lot too 🙂

    • #7404

      It seems there is quite a big difference between the noise you make for caves and the caves you get from it. Is that intentional?

    • #7998

      An in editor notepad/post-it type annotations feature. For attathing to individual title bars. I too often forget what I did three sliders ago. With a feature like this I could keeps notes on my whys and trys. Also this would allow one to annotate placeholders.

      Would definately like a max y on caves or even a cave pane specific height map.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Bootlegger.
      • #8226

        That would definitely be helpful, sometimes i forget why i use some messed up noise long back in my noise chain… Then i delete it and everything die

    • #8000

      I would also like to see substrate and strata as world wide options in addition the the biome level, like caves.
      I like to have waves of strata replacing other waves with specialty blocks (ores).
      Fewer white block representations would be awesome. I currently use glowstone (bright yellow) so I can have a visual of these occurrences. Just gotta remember to switch them to the intended block.

    • #8009


    • #8022

      This is supposed to be a reply to Thorbjorn’s cave noise issue, post 7404 above.

      It seems as if their representations are reversed, though not for all biomes.
      This is caves pane..Caves render from biome pane
      and what should be deposited world with caves..
      Should be a negative of this, caves turned into the land mass

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Bootlegger.
      • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Bootlegger.
    • #8025

      To quote Dylan the ConflictNerd. “This is seriously powerful tech!”
      Perhaps then, as an add-on to Oort Online, hand holding is never your intention.

      My request, as some noise don’t seem to work with all functions, perhaps an ‘acceptable usage’ highlights border on cells that work together. ex. I am working with bushes, I select the bush pane and the Perlin Noise 2d option in the far left selection ‘highlights’ as an acceptable and usable noise.

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