2 Mousebuttons – 2 Hands

Home Forums Suggestions Other 2 Mousebuttons – 2 Hands

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    • #4585

      I just thought about the funcionalit of the left and right mousebutton. May be it would be good if each controls one hand. Here some examples for the usage: …

      You have a pickaxe in the left and a block in the right hand: With left click you dig, with right you build (like we are all used to it ^^)

      You have a sword and a shield in the hands: With left you strike, with right you block. … Switch the shield with a wand/spellscroll/whatever -> right click for casting.

      You wield a two handed greatsword: With left you strike fast, with right you strike all near enemies at once.

      I think there would even be more good ways to use this function. What do you think about it? 🙂

    • #4586

      How would that translate to a touchscreen? It’s already painful enough using a clickpad with inadvertent swipes.

      I think it’s important to be able to customize the controls to adjust to the available input (and preference of the player). A multi-button mouse is one possible piece of input hardware.

    • #4587

      Would be cool, but how would you build?

      • #4588


    • #4589

      I think Birne’s idea is not bad, and a logical approach towards intuitive gameplay. The problem though is how to quickly switch items, weapons, materials for both mouse buttons with one mouse wheel. Somehow I get the feeling, a little simplicity is not that much of a failure. Still I don’t know how to swing like Tarzan with a mouse controller. Although I can imagine it’ll work pretty well. You guys are very talented. I would not even need an Oculus to get that funny falling feeling in my belly. The short clip was very effective and super fun to watch. I need sleep.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Bokke.
    • #7493

      How’s about having only few slots for left button and one key for switching (Like pressing tab to switch between Sword, Pickaxe and Bow) while using the mousewheel and number keys for the other Items on your right hand (Blocks, Hook and may be shields or spells)? On this way you also could use a hook next to a pickaxe to mine in a vertical tunnel or use a sword to defend you while holding a torch in the darkness.

      Sorry for warming up this old thread with this idea, but I just had the inspiration to do so ;D

      PS: I would never even thinking about playing this game with a touchscreen, but may be you can switch between the “old school” system and the new one, so it will be still playable on tablets 😉

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Birne.
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