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    • #5517

      Hey, created this as I’m not sure where else to post some issues (sorry).
      It may have been posted many times already, but I’m still having major lighting issues while building. What happens no matter what type of tile I break in the world is this: place a light source near where you want to remove blocks (torch or lantern) it lights up the area. When you start to remove any blocks, it is pitch black where any blocks used to be. The placed lights don’t seem to illuminate the new space created. The only fix I have so far is to place multiple lights, dig as much as possible, then smash one light. When the light gets smashed it seems to refresh the lighting layout in the area. Thanks for taking time to read this huge post :p

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Azmadi.
    • #5519

      I can’t say I’ve noticed this. Might be worth posting your specs. I’d imagine that the important parts here will be the graphics card and driver version and OS.

      The best place to put stuff like this is in Support. If you want to, you can move it yourself if you click the edit button directly above your post and then change it to Support in the forum box below the text box and then save.

      • #5558

        Perfect thanks, I’ll move it over to support. I’ll get my specs posted as well. But a couple buddies of mine experience the same issue while we are building and we all have quite different specs for PCs.

    • #5614

      Well, here’s my specs.

      GPU: Geforce GTX 780 Ti (latest drivers as they come, currently 344.75)
      CPU: AMD FX-9590 Eight core processor
      Memory: 16 gigs
      OS: Windows 7 home premium. 64 bit os
      Screen: Asus Designo, 29 inch (running max resolution of 2560×1080 @ 60Hz)

      Not sure what other specs would be required really?. Hope this helps a bit.

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