Can someone buy me Oort? in steam?

Home Forums General Discussion Can someone buy me Oort? in steam?

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    • #7900

      Hi Guys im kjsoccer and i just want something that i really love to play with it and someone to play with.. I was dreaming about this game called Oort and i’m looking forward for it, But i cant buy the game because my Mom and Dad cant afford and we dont have a credit card like MasterCard, Visa, And PayPal. If i someone could buy me Oort online and i know it is still on Pre Alpha or Alpha but i really love to play with this game SO MUCH. please guys i beg someone. it’s okay if you dont buy me Oort because its not my decision but i really like to play with all of you guys. For those who DO really can afford to buy Oort for me for just $15 i would appreciate you and play with you with almost 5 hours – 7 hours.

    • #7904

      you know that you can sign up for a chance to win it?

      and the $15 price is for access WHEN IT COMES OUT later
      the cost of instant access to the alpha is $30

    • #7911


    • #7913

      Or you mean that i will twwet it and download?

    • #7932

      The $15 option does not give you instant access to the game. You need to buy one of the higher price options.

      Also, can’t you get a job? How old are you? If you are over 12, then you don’t really have an excuse.

    • #7938

      im 13.

      • #7951

        Then you can get a job at like McDonalds or something. Make your own money, then you can buy the things you want.

        Games are for leisure, and if you cant afford them, then that is the least of your problems.

        As much as I want more people to donate to this game, if you are so poor, then this is not the best choice to spend your money. The game has very very minimal gameplay at the moment.

        Make some pocket money, save it up, come back and buy the game later when you can afford it and it will be in a more playable state.

    • #8194

      I made decent cash as a paperboy when I was about your age. Do they still have those?

    • #8197

      McDonald’s won’t hire 13-year-olds. There are laws about that. He’d have to be at least 16.

    • #8259

      My brother was working at Mcdonalds when he was 13. This is in Australia though, but looking through the internet, I can see in America the minimum age is 14.

      I dont see where you got 16 from.

    • #8264

      It’s state based, but for the most part U.S. labor laws prevent hiring under 16 except for farm related work or basic janitorial duties. Source: Am U.S. citizen.

      I’d suggest finding income with recycling cans/paper/glass or shoveling snow. Depending on your state, of course.

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