Change in jumping?

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    • #4492

      As of today’s build 77, I am no longer able to climb the stairs in one of my buildings.

      I can jump up on to the first block but am then unable to get any higher.

    • #4493

      Confirmed, It currently requires 3 blocks of clearance to make it though.

    • #4500

      Actually, you do still only need 2 blocks clearance, but it’s a bit finicky to get your jump timing right so that you don’t just hit your head off the roof before you’ve got on top of the step.

      We changed the player height slightly (10cm taller) which is certainly going to be the culprit here (This was because the camera height used to be at the ‘top of the head’ which screwed a few other things up graphically, and we opted to keep the camera height the same, and make player taller instead to move the camera to a normal eye-level. We’ll likely do the reverse now to shrink the player back again, and reduce camera height instead)

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by deltaluca.
      • #4522

        Yeah – a few people have asked for an average player height so their eyes are halfway between the 2nd block off the ground (1.5m).

    • #4537

      This might not really be the exact thread, but will there be the possibility to bounce of walls while jumping? It is a typical Jump’n Run element. I have seen a third person perspective is optional. Also the Guardians remind me of Shadow of the Colossus (I anticipate it this way). I’m not too sure how deep to go into interpreting the title picture of Oort; its main target group will be kids, I guess. Maybe. Also not too sure about this. If the gameplay will be intuitive (press jump while directing a wall, then while hitting the wall press jump again), and the world is bustling with players (I have seen 2 Qubes jumping up a stairway one by one, which i found VERY inspiring or imaginative) then it could hold me captivated.
      Don’t know if I’m over enthused…I have no experience in creating and building a game. And I also don’t know if my consumer side is too much of a whip towards the developers of Oort. Bouncing of walls would be great though. Especially with detailed(?) phantasy creatures.

    • #4540

      This is a cool idea – I’ll feed it into the machine. You’ll notice that the Oort Online world is more physical that most voxel worlds (see the blocks that are suitable for slides, bouncing and soft landings – these are all simply physical properties of all blocks.) We could definitely explore some additional parkour type mechanics. Might be fun!

    • #4545

      Sounds great!! 😀
      I’ve got good sense for gameplay elements. So I’ll be coming up with ideas as often as I can.

    • #4551

      Update 78 has the fix in.

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