Character Races is the next feature.

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    • #6366

      I knew it was going to be, but most of us did too anyways. Some just didn’t want to admit it.

      It’s so exciting, I can’t wait to see what type of models and artwork they come up with for the playable races and the bonuses they will receive.

    • #6385

      I really can’t understand why Races won. It adds like nothing to the game at this stage.
      There’s no ability we’d need at the moment and you don’t see many players anyway. So we’re funding a feature which gives nearly nothing but delays the moneymaker aka. creatures. Which would have given life to the worlds and something you can do except for building.

      • #6396

        Yup i basically think the same (Though i voted for beacons just to get some protection in place, It was a hard choice between those two though)

      • #6400

        It could be that the smart voters were so split between beacon and creatures that Races made the race (what a pun…)

      • #6453

        That’s very rude and unfair to say that everyone who voted for character races are not smart.

        Visual representation can mean different levels of fun for different people, and obviously the majority agrees that immersion is a big factor in having fun with the game.

        Just because you don’t agree with that, doesn’t mean everyone else are not smart. That is a very shallow and ignorant thing to say.

        I personally voted for character races, because character customization in games and making my own character in games is something I find great enjoyment in. Yes, it adds to the immersion, which is something I value in my playtime.

        It also adds more uniqueness to this game, and separates it further from minecraft. I wasn’t solely interested in this game for the block building, but the mmo elements that were combined with it. Something I wish minecraft had, but never achieved, even with mods.

        On a strategic level, I believe that having more visuals and artwork would add value to the game, and would entice more players to support and donate to the game (thus reducing the time we wait for other features). It will remove the orange block that players see, and it is the first thing people see and think “Wheres my character?”.

        Now you may not agree with me, and find value in other elements to the game, but it was my vote, and it seems ALOT of others agreed with me, and im very excited to see what they come up with for races and concept art. Creatures will be my next vote.

      • #6455

        If they released more combat and crafting since they have been unlocked the race thing should be less of a big deal like to fight over. I think other people just want more to do before working on visuals, but I can see how any of these would bring more people to help with the backing.

      • #6737

        We’ll never see who was dumb and who wasn’t. But one side is it and I think it were the ones voting on races. That they were the majority doesn’t negate anything. It doesn’t even have anything to do with it.

        But well it’s my choice who I think is smart and who isn’t, if there will never be a proof. There’s nothing ignorant about that.

      • #6970

        Because they don’t like the same things that you do, they are dumb?

        You are certainly free to think what you want of others, but it does indeed make you ignorant because you have no idea.

        Plenty of people are playing this for the building, and this game is much more than that.

        Just be happy that people are donating to this for whatever reason. No need to get stroppy just because you didn’t get your toy.

    • #6403

      Aren’t Crafting and Combat still coming before Races, though?
      Saw them unlocked, but not in-game.

      Don’t hate me, but I think Races are a solid choice, even if there are some that would have had more of an impact.

      I think Races will help players feel more connected with the game, and other players. Also, if the artwork is any indication, the races will be furping awesome. 🙂

      • #6406

        Yea crafting should come soon I hope and some combat things are already implemented (the slingshot and “railgun” thingys).

        You’re right that Races helps the immersion but it doesn’t add anything to really play with and some just don’t want to play beautiful Minecraft. They want to hunt and do other stuff. With creatures we could give this part of the community something and not just make the already playing part more immersed.

    • #6404

      Hey guys quick question: I thought that the Devs had hit a point to where they could fund an extra feature but I see that the new feature is only 11% funded, how does the voting and funding work?

      • #6405

        we (the funders) vote on a feature which will be the next one to be funded if the previous one reaches the goal. In this case did crafting get funded and apparently did the majority of funders think Races should be funded next.

    • #6408

      Perhaps they (the Dev’s) chose to implement character races before creatures because once the character races are flushed out they will have a better idea on how to approach implementing Creatures next. I personally voted Creatures, but i am interested in how many races they’re going to put in and what each race will be specialized in

      • #6410

        The devs could (and I’m sure they would) only choose if there was a tie.

    • #6409

      Hmmm Races was pretty far down my list of priorities for the same reasons others have said. Hopefully we at a mininum get beacons soon.

    • #6437

      apparently there were a lot of other people that didn’t feel the same.a

    • #6441

      If there was an option for a more fleshed out world (block options) and an improved slope system, that’s what I would have voted for, allowing us to build even better buildings than we have to date (correct me if I’m wrong, but everything in terms of “look at this awesomeness” was in relation to the structures being made).

      Want a bigger selling point? Block options and improved slope system IMO.

    • #6444

      Race is a great feature to see how we actually looks like instead of a block, I think bonuses is not something we should talk about for now, since we can’t do anything.
      But adding a race with different bonuses might be a good idea, all have to be equal tho.

    • #6447

      I voted creatures since it would complement the crafting feature in the future. I guess it can wait :/
      (I was hoping for creature builder to come with it too. Much like playing spore all over again!)

      • #6646

        kills a single creature > kills all creatures > crashes world
        gotta factor in how the game will run with various creatures running around, some worlds might not work with them at first, might lag a bit when around certain creatures, would look quite bad for people who want to buy the game.

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by VexusOo.
    • #6643

      i voted for creatures as well, would have been cool to see little critters or giant beast roaming the game, although it doesnt matter too much to me as long as we voted for one of the key elements that will decide for alot of people if they wanna buy the game and play it.

      they are:

      once people see that the character models aren’t blocky ( i hope) and more of a WoW/mmo type style, people will considering buying the game as it gives oort more of promises of a familiar yet new experience in the game, and even though i wanted creatures, i dont think they would of made a big impact as character races, and that’s mainly why im okay with the communities choice as long as its one of those choices, as it gives oort online its own independence in the voxel spectrum.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by VexusOo.
      • #6968

        must agree with VexusOo,

        there are the first features of Combat and Crafting already unlocked but not in the game yet and i guess combined with Races it will attract even more players while i noticed that really everyday the the community grows a little.

        So lets hope that these two features come in fast and Races gets unlocked fast because i guess it doesn’t matter if beacons or creatures will be the next feature but both of them will make a good jump and will bring lots of players to this game.

        Furthermore i guess its the pre-alpha called stage thats holding back a lot of people, you know everyone has its limits not everybody would start to back up and participate in a game at a stage this early. There are people that jump in pre-alpha others that jump in alpha others that jump in beta in im pretty optimistic that this games reaches all of its goals till end 2015 so just be patient :).

      • #6971

        My next vote is going to creatures.

        Beacons isnt a massivley appealing feature compared to creatures, its only the current players that want it.

        Creature models will help bring in new players too, just like races will.

        It will be a close tie between creatures and beacons, but I’m going to say creatures will get the next vote.

    • #7028

      I have to say even tho creatures is what i see fit the most at this point for more interactive gameplay, I guess races attract more players. More players = more founding = more stuff unlocked = more interactive gameplay. This is just my way to see it.

      Share you’re opinion if you guys think this is a decent wey tho think. Who knows you might lift my eyes for new thinking.

    • #7087

      Honestly I am waiting for the Creatures feature to arrive before I buy into this game, I see no point unless I am playing to survive. Character races as nice as they might be they give me little to no incentive to buy this game. I was hoping the next update would’ve at least been a survival like system with health and a need to eat or something to give me a feel for surviving in an alien world. Without a reason to build a base to flourish in I feel there is no need to build anything, which is a very depressing feeling in a game like this. I really hope that Creatures is the next update, the moment I know that they will implement the creatures I will buy the game to support the funding for the feature; until then I will await for the development team to bring something to the game that will actually excite me and create a survival like atmosphere.

      • #7095

        Game is still early, early. Not even Alpha yet. The whole point of donating/supporting is to get those features in sooner.

        Fair enough if you want to wait until the game has a particular feature added before you put your money down, but it will take longer if you don’t.

        Just know that creatures will be in at some point, and if you donate now, it will make this current feature get done quicker, and you can contribute to voting for creatures as the next feature.

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