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- This topic has 38 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
January 7, 2015 at 10:03 pm #7385
MemberI was wondering how the chat system is going to work. Is it going to be typing or voice?.. Also, is it going to be that everyone in the world can hear you?.. or only people within a certain block radius?.. I don’t know if these questions have already been answered. If they have, then please share a link to the answers. If not, i would really like to know.
January 8, 2015 at 1:17 am #7387
ParticipantAt the moment, there is type chat, and it is a small radius around you.
The game is meant to be an MMO type game, so they might do a server based chat or something.
There may be voice chat later on, it depends how many people actually want it.
January 8, 2015 at 7:04 am #7390
ParticipantThey have talked about voice chat in a certain radius like the chat system and as he said we have a small chat radius atm
Also server chat should NOT be thing, for one thing they destroy the immersion and any game with a server wise chat is just being spammed with little kids talking about how they fucked your mom
January 8, 2015 at 9:26 am #7392
ParticipantIt’s still important for players to be able to contact somebody a great distance away for trade and stuff. Like Wow’s trade chat, only usable in capital cities and can be turned off if you want. Perhaps even connect across servers within a region? Connect all the Capital cities in USWEST to one trade chat for example.
January 8, 2015 at 9:45 am #7393
ParticipantTHIS is what i want to avoid, i want people to make ingame bulleting boards that others can read if they need something really specific or go into cities to trade what they have, that way it becomes way more immersive instead of having a server wise chat, we could also take it so far that we say every saturday there will be a market in a big player made city and anybody who wants to get rid of something can then go in there and do it and have actual face to face interaction π
January 9, 2015 at 6:01 am #7421
ParticipantIf they do end up doing different Chat channels like WoW, then I’m sure there will be an option to /ignore or /leave the chat channel.
Then people who don’t like it can just turn it off, and not have to listen to a global chat.
Problem solved.
January 9, 2015 at 6:07 am #7423
Participantit would be like at the start of game a bar popped up asking ”Do you want to get 100.000 gold, yes or no) You can click no, but it would be hurtful cause all of the other people will be pressing yes and hence destroy the economy, saying ”just turn it off” is a god damn horrible argument.
January 10, 2015 at 1:58 am #7446
ParticipantYou need to calm down. It’s not an argument, it’s a suggestion. Just because you don’t like something in particular, doesn’t mean everyone else does. This is an MMO game after all. If you don;t want to ruin your immersion, fine. but there are plenty of people who would like to socialise on a larger scale in this game. You aren’t forced to participate, so don’t force others not to.
and your analogy is completely irrelevant. People aren’t going to be giving away free gold like that. You are being paranoid and silly.
January 10, 2015 at 10:54 am #7456
Participanti am completely calm. and look around, you are the one thinking its a great idea even though most people disagree, practice what ya preach mate π
January 12, 2015 at 2:08 am #7505
ParticipantYou actually do sound upset that it was even suggested.
All I’m saying is you don’t have to participate in it if you hate it so much, and the few people here in this thread doesn’t reflect the entire player base’s opinion.
We are just exchanging ideas here. You don’t have to act hostile because people have differing opinions to you.
Please stay calm.
January 12, 2015 at 5:03 am #7507
ParticipantI for one think it’s not only a great idea, but necessary for effective global trade. Items can still require face to face transactions, but the communication over great distances is KEY to active trade. Without a global trade system players get isolated in small pockets only trading among a handful, maybe a dozen players. A global trade chat would give rise to sprawling trade hubs. If you need evidence or proof of concept, Early WoW trade was EXACTLY this, back when mailbox transaction times were longer. Hundreds of players went to capital cities just to make trades.
I’m not saying cross servers, or even truly global. Chat between beacons would accomplish this nicely. People would visit Beacon’d cities JUST to trade.
January 17, 2015 at 2:28 am #7664
It is very much necessary in an MMO game, and I believe the overwhelming majority of players will be asking why it isn’t in, if it doesn’t get implemented by release.
It was one of the biggest complaints for Destiny.
It is understandable that some players want complete immersion and a more RP feel, but like I said, make it be able to be turned off. That way everyone gets what they want. No one is denied anything.
Even if it is just in certain areas or trade hubs.
January 8, 2015 at 2:49 pm #7405
MemberYou can find other opinions about it here:
http://oortonline.com/forums/topic/global-chat/ -
January 8, 2015 at 11:52 pm #7418
MemberThanks you guys! π I would like there to be some sort of voice chat.. I was thinking… it would be cool if the voice chat worked in a certain block radius, and then the type chat worked in both world-wide and radius, but you had the option to turn world-wide off on the chat. Just an idea.
January 9, 2015 at 6:05 am #7422
Participantim still up for a small radius voice chat and against a world wide chat. doesnt matter if you can turn it off, it would still highly affect everybody rendering towns useless since people can always spam over global if they want something instead of having to go to a city.
January 9, 2015 at 7:21 am #7425
MemberI am with Zouls on this topic. It serves not real purpose to have a constant possibility for server wide voice chat. Close proximity for voice/type chat server the purpose of the need to travel to get the things you want. Also has anyone considered a real game forum for stuff like that?
However I was thinking of a system where you set up long range communication portals. You guys ever see staregate SG1 or Startgate atlantis where they can only talk to Earth when they open the portal. Something like that π
January 9, 2015 at 9:36 pm #7434
MemberYeah.. you’re right. Theres no point to world wide at all. I would rather explore to find stuff I need than to get spammed by people in the chat haha.
January 10, 2015 at 4:01 am #7449
MemberI am definitely in agreement with Zouls. WW chat will only result in spamming and ruin the sense of exploration this game would otherwise have. I like the idea of having to craft a radio for voice chat and then utilizing the token system that will be implemented to add more contacts to your radio/comm. device.
January 10, 2015 at 12:04 pm #7457
Participanti would also be on with this, not a ”radio” per say but works like that, as you said to place tokens in it, i’m not quite sure about any longer length chats that i’m somewhat split between, because having a guild chat would be cool i guess but also destroy the point of making guild halls, i think if you could whisper people if you have a token and then have a small radius around you.
also a thing that could be done was making an item which can be used once, so you have a magic device that allows you once to speak to everyone on the server and when you have used it it disappers. and then have an item that allows you to make one announcement on all the worlds at once, both being bothersome to make so people would only take the time to get the mats if they had something really specific they want and then it wont be abused for spamming.
some of us from the founders talked about creating an event guild that would host ingame events, and if we did it would be nice if we could announce what happens or when it starts, say maybe a pvp tournament where everybody pays some gold and the winner gets 90% of all the gathered gold and the guild could take the rest so we have a little to make a new event π
i know we can use steam hub, but would highly prefer to keep it ingame.
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
January 11, 2015 at 2:26 am #7488
MemberI like the idea about the event guild but I think it should be implemented in the bulletin system. I would like it if the game avoided notifiers that weren’t physically in game. Like what if that item you craft posts to all of the bulletin boards you’ve visited on your server and the other would post across all the bulletin boards you’ve visited on all the servers? I think the “radio” should have the ability to communicate across world’s and servers because you had to meet that player in-game at one point. Starting a group chat could be limited to either guild or party leaders and only if all members are within a certain radius on the same server to start with. Posting to a guild bulletin board would notify all members that a party was forming and what for across servers. Thoughts?
January 11, 2015 at 9:43 am #7496
ParticipantIts physical bulleting boards, they have stated they will be in there and i dont think they should ”magically” be server or world wide, its for things like a shopkeeper where people can write the item they want when they are out or to put in the town square if the leaders of the town decides something special.
January 10, 2015 at 5:01 pm #7468
MemberI think that they should test this. Introduce a wide range text chat system that can be toggled off (maybe have a popup the first time you login after it’s added) if you would prefer to only use the existing local range one. They can then use the analytics, see how many people use it, and if they also maintain chat logs, see if it’s being misused and how much.
Testing various options is all part of the development process and if it’s not a popular feature, it can always be disabled later.
January 10, 2015 at 5:05 pm #7469
Participantatm there would be absolutely no problems what so ever in a global chat, im talking when they add monsters, weapons, combat and more than anything else, economy.
just please look at ANY game with global chat and see how it is. atm the community is small so its not too bad but it will grow bigger and bigger.
January 10, 2015 at 5:28 pm #7471
MemberI didn’t say test it now, just that it should be tested.
I have played games that have wider range communication and have found it mixed, usually dependent on the type of server that you play on. Those that I usually play on tend to have more friendly players.
Please note, I didn’t say have cross server chat, just wide range, so could just be serverwide. Of course, cross server could be tested as well once different server types are implemented to see how the differing groups interact.
January 10, 2015 at 5:31 pm #7472
Participantyou can obviously see here that the majority doesnt want it in, cause we all know what it will do to the game, so dont test it unless a massive amount of players come and say they really think it is a good idea, cause ultimately i think its a really really REALLY bad idea.
January 10, 2015 at 5:41 pm #7473
MemberOf course there’s a point. As with any game, only a small percentage of the community actually uses the forums. You could do it in the next poll but again not everyone fills those in. The best way is to test it.
We get that you don’t like the idea of it, so you would turn it off. That would then be analysed and would count as one against having it.
I’m not sure why you are so against them testing this option, no one would be forced to use it.
January 10, 2015 at 6:24 pm #7475
Participantthe game is about building, exploring, making guilds, cities, towns and shops.
its not a choice whether or not you can turn it off, it affects the no matter what. if you let everybody just spam a global chat for everything you get the soloist mentality poisoning all mmo’s now adays. why would shops ever matter if you can just spam chat? why would inns ever matter if you can just spam chat? why would exploring ever matter if you could just spam chat?no ingame things would EVER matter if you add global chat, it may make sense to you since its convenient if you have no intention of being near other players or making a shop, but it will massively hurt those of us who actually want face to face interaction.
if you add global chat for convenience then you go directly against the point of the entire game.
i also described above the only global chat system that would make sense, 1 time use items that takes time and money to make which means it wouldnt be abused as a always online global chat will
January 10, 2015 at 8:43 pm #7477
MemberWho said I had no intention of being around other people or interacting with them face to face? o.O I certainly never did and most of my existing builds are located quite close to the Capitals.
Global chat has never hurt in the way that you suggested in any of the games that I’ve ever played.
Also, you suggested the only global chat system that makes sense to you. Just because you suggested it doesn’t make it the only option that makes sense. As I’ve already mentioned, I have not encountered the issues that you say you have. That is over the course of 11+ years.
January 10, 2015 at 9:18 pm #7478
Participantwell it might just be me that is cynical then. but every game i have played with anything resembling global or trade chat is always spamemd either with gold sellers or morons, but also think back, have you ever met face to face or went to a specific place in hope of selling an item in those games? i remember in wow if you had something you wanted to sell or buy you would just spam trade chat, never needing to move anywhere, which isnt fitting at all for this game :/
January 10, 2015 at 10:06 pm #7479
MemberI used to sell enchants using /s in the WoW capitals (mostly SW). I don’t think I ever used the trade channel. Most of the time, I had that turned off.
January 12, 2015 at 5:10 am #7508
ParticipantTraded for 10+ years on WoW. Always ended up in a capital city. Always ended up meeting the player face to face to exchange. Simple solution here is to have the global trade chat only active inside of beacon’d cities and zones on the same world. The most popular or relevant city would attract the most players to them (think Shattrath, Dalaran, Ogrimmar, etc.) Leave trade chat while inside beacons if you want. Outside of these zones, there would be no global chat.
January 12, 2015 at 8:53 am #7513
Participantalso this i would be up for as it is on the same server, but when do you define as beaconed, when is it a city, does that mean i can just place a beacon and spam server chat from there? how big or how many beacons would a ”city” count as if it wasnt?
i’m just highly against being able to ANYWHERE on the map speak to ANYONE in the game or server, so if it was only in things called cities it would be fine, even though i still feel that shops wouldnt be needed at all since people can just spam what they want until somebody makes it for cheap(unless the thing i suggested with showcasing weapons and armors on stands and mannequinns i would make it simply cause its awesome)
January 12, 2015 at 3:35 pm #7518
MemberI think a system where you are able to chat from capital to all other capital’s beacons would be good. The Idea of being able to come to a city to trade but to be able to reach not only one world there can be helpful but still doesn’t breake the feeling. I think it should be able to link to those channels with other beacons, but that should be a task which is not easy to do – like gathering many rare materials to create a the token for it. So It would be able for guilds or people who realy want that, but not every day every where π
January 12, 2015 at 3:39 pm #7519
Participanti would personally be more up for the other idea with cities being the things you can talk to and from, because if its only the spawn point of the world then that is going to be extremely crowded and whenever you spawn you will just be spammed by people standing there.
also if its only server bound, people actually need to go to different servers to figure out if somebody is selling what you want, that also enforces the idea of being able to take the materials from one server and sell on another for a better price since it might be more rare there.
January 10, 2015 at 6:03 pm #7474
ParticipantI think it would be an interesting idea if a (guild/town/whatever) can create a portal like device that allows them to link up to the same local area chat as other towns with that same type of device. That way if you are just a random person making a base in the middle of nowhere you can be all alone, but if you join a larger community you can communicate with other friendly communities even if you aren’t right next to each other.
January 10, 2015 at 11:39 pm #7482
Member(I add my answer to this from another thread here too, cuz I think the discussion is more active here …)
I also dislike a global chat. It will be more anoying that anything else. Chat Channels per Server may be ok, even if I donβt use them, but I think there can be another solution for those people who want the feeling of a βglobalβ, server wide chat: A Token for each world, which has to be built for adding the server chat input of a world to your chosen Chat display even if you are not on that world atm. With this solution the people who want to have a global chat can get one (If you want to have it, work for it π ) and those who dislike a global chat are not anoyed by chat input from servers they are not on atm.
May be you need the World token of the world you are on to to get the chat of it. I would like that, cuz it would have more the feeling of a crafting game π
January 11, 2015 at 12:56 am #7485
Member@Birne, as has been suggested previously, the global chat would be optional so those who don’t like it would not be annoyed by it. Don’t want it? Turn it off.
As that chat would essentially be outside of the game mechanics (unless all chat had to be in character), I would be against using the in-game mechanics of tokens to have access to it.
January 11, 2015 at 2:30 am #7489
MemberIf you are able to trade though a big chat that reaches people all over the worlds it makes capitals or worlds chosen for big trade obsolete, which would be sad. I would like to see people coming into a big town (filling many kilometers) to trade with others through the chat there. Global chats would sabotage such game concepts.
If tokens are not to be used for chat mechanics it would be sad, cuz using them would be inovative and giving a special feeling in the game. But if the developers decide to make a “standard” chat which works outside the ingame mechanics we would have to accept it.
January 28, 2015 at 1:36 pm #7849
MemberI’ve played no game so far with global chat which could grab my attention for more than a few hours (except Minecraft) and this might be coincidence. But it could also be indirectly linked.
I played Runescape for years. It was the first MMO I really enjoyed and sunk hours even days into it. And it didn’t have a global chat (I don’t know if it has now). So what happened when you came to Runescape the first time? You didn’t have a clue what to do and there was no global chat to help you. But there where others around you who also didn’t have the faintest what to do. And since you could only talk with them because chat had a certain radius (I believe it was render distance, which wasn’t a lot) you’d team up with them. Being clueless together isn’t as embarassing as randomly walking around alone.The same goes for the grinding (let’s be honest RS was pure grinding even if it was fun). You would be hours at the same spot to level your skills. And since you could still only talk to the people you could see, you’d make new friends, pass time while stupidly grinding and exchange tipps and tricks for the game. Even if you were shy. You could only see the chat of this few people and eventually you’d have something to say to the topic and they’d let you in on the conversation.
I’ve never seen such a helpful community since then.The point I’m trying to make is, if you have no global chat then you have to rely on the people in your surroundings. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who can make friends better if I see them standing in front of me (and if I’m not constantly distracted by something someone says miles away from me).
How about having a trading place token? (I’m not sure if it was already mentioned, sorry if it was) A town could make this token to place in the beacon(s) around their market place. (Maybe it’d give other perks too.)
Well this depends on how far you could actually hear someone. If someone says something and is outside of this range but still inside the market, which is marked by this token, you’d be able to hear it nonetheless if you’re in this zone too.
Note: this doesn’t mean you’d be able to communicate with other marketplaces.I hope I said everything which came to my mind while reading this thread^^ and excuse the excessive use of brackets^^
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