Cities/town idea

Home Forums Suggestions Multiplayer Cities/town idea

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    • #5445

      So I thought that players should be able to form some type of “Town” or “City” wherever they desire. I think it’d be great to have something that allows you to create a town and maybe eventually get NPC guards that have certain permissions like “warn someone to put their weapon away, if user hasnt put weapon away in 5-10 seconds then begin attacking until death” and they could call other guards to assist them.
      The only thing that will make it so towns aren’t EVERYWHERE is to make things purchasable by gold. Like you’d have to buy every guard and they’d be somewhat expensive and then you can have them patrol areas or stand guard or whatever.

      Things like a town bank where users can store their stuff and if people raid that town they can try to rob that local bank and try to steal gold and such.

      Maybe in a TL;DR form “It’d be really nice to have some roleplaying aspects put into the game so it’s not just constant slash and kill. People should be able to form their own government(kings Queens dictatorships)
      I’ll revise this as time goes on because yeah it’s a lot of words.

    • #5535

      Hey, EightBitPixel! I would also like to see some RP in the creation of cities and nations! I think this is the intended direction for beacons in the future, protecting players builds and encouraging the formation of communities. There has been lots of talk by many other founding members in older forum posts for nearly identical features. The devs have told us many times that if there is demand for a feature, they will try to implement it! This would probably fall under the category of a stretch goal, so it may be rather far down the road, but I personally love the idea!

      Beacons may work wonderfully to keep towns farther apart, as each player will only get a limited number of beacons to use. (I hope they limit a player to one per world, up to 5 worlds)

      Keep townhe great ideas coming for the devs to see, they may add it!

    • #5570

      A political structure is a must. Maybe votes for setting the prices on materials sold by shops? Obviously corruption would be a problem in such an instance, but such things can be corrected. *sharpens blade*

      Also, a limit of one beacon per world sounds very nice. Perhaps there are ways to earn more, though?

      • #5603

        no a limit of one beacon per world doesn’t sound nice at all. I want to have the freedom to own and place as many beacons as I want. However, the difficulty of obtaining another beacon after the one you get for starting, is a whole different matter. They should be dangerous and hard to obtain, so only groups or maybe a middle to high level player could get one.

    • #6009

      I like that idea… more freedom for higher lvl players
      This should also be considered for other aspects of the game
      Limit things you need to keep from spreading and allow players room to grow and push those limits

    • #6016

      I really don’t like the idea of NPC guards or any AI players at all, like traders, companions, or any kind of guard. How do you even spawn these things? I prefer player to player interaction, where if you want to buy something, you get it from another human being, same if you want someone to travel with, or if your town needs guarding. I’m sure you can find wildlife in a world somewhere that can meet your needs, be it a travel companion, a source of protection, or use as a traveling caravan.

      As for creating towns, just place some beacons, now you have a town/city. However much you control is your town, or you can say your town is some land that doesn’t even have one beacon, but that’s going to take much more protecting. There shouldn’t be any UI for naming or creating towns, just player to player interaction and beacons if you choose. Tell people the name of your owned land as say “Rock Haven, City of Stone” and now that’s the name of your town, known by whoever you tell. Maybe you can make a sign. 🙂

      I hope this makes sense, it can be hard to properly convey an idea through text.

    • #6019

      As much as I’d love the potential for unlimited beacons, it would be too easy to abuse as a griefing method. Even if it was difficult to obtain additional beacons, it would still happen. Take my word on this, i saw this abuse first hand during my time as an MC host.

      • #6022

        Very true. It would make sense if beacons were expensive to craft, therefore reducing exploitation. Possibly each beacon would cost more than the last, or they could need maintenance, or in someway can be destroyed (this should be very difficult). Maybe beacons run on Oort stone like portals do, so you would have to consider long and hard whether you should make a beacon or not.

        I made a comment that talked about this and several other things in another thread: You may have to copy and paste that, the link coding wouldn’t work.

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Patfor333. Reason: Trouble with link
        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Patfor333. Reason: Trouble with link
    • #6032

      My experience with similar plug in features for minecraft taught me two viable ways to counter land claim griefing.

      1) Most effective: Dictate only one claim per player, no exceptions.

      2) Less effective, but great for power players and server costs: Additional land claims can be made with real world currency purchase. Think along the lines of $20 USD.

      Both of these methods were nearly 100% effective at blocking claim griefers on my public server of a few thousand unique players. Still, many times more effective than high difficulty or high in-game cost methods, mostly because long term griefers often end up among the richest in the game. (Not unlike corrupt people IRL.)

      • #6037

        I would never support option 2, and I am against option 1 because making a town becomes impossible for someone who solos. There are many players who would enjoy building a town and protecting it but don’t have a large enough group to do this. It would make more sense in lore terms if you had to collect the Oort material to make beacons. In a game like this it would be hard to amass the resources necessary to build beacons just to grief with them, if you lost all your items on death.

      • #6040

        And what if the beacons were large enough for a nice size town by them selves to that you would only need one beacon? I see little reason why a beacon would have to be so small that you could not build an entire city inside just one. Add to that if you get one beacon per world, you can have several cities if across several planets if you want.

      • #6043

        Yeah that would be nice if they were very large, and you could place them across several worlds. I’m jealous of your master package, with your largely increased beacon size. ;P I’m under the impression that worlds would be infinitely large though, is that wrong? If they were I would at some point want beacons in several locations across a world: 1 At my town I’d make (I like building towns even though I never have anyone to play with) 2: At my best mines 3: At any portals I find so I can build a base there, or at portals I make (if, for whatever reason, I decided not to build the portal within one of my beacons I’ve already placed). I think beacons could be balanced without limiting the amount you could make.

      • #6087

        Yes you are wrong. the worlds are not infinite, but they are big as hell, i asked a dev and he mentioned the standard size would be around 16 x 16 km or more, and they are playing around with a tool to get the world ends to connect so we actually get planets you can run around. the beacon is a problem that is hard to control, because on one site if you limit it then why would i waste one on something i have made if i just want to make like a small pass through a mountain people can pay to pass. but if its not limited then what stops a troll from claiming every piece of land on an entire world, they were talking about one way they could go about it was ”growing beacons” that would have a set size and the more time you build in them and time you invest in them they would grow.

      • #6114

        Oh thank you. So when he says that’s the standard size, is that an implication that there will be varying sizes? That connecting of the ends idea sounds really cool.

        Even if it isn’t limited in terms of how many beacons you can place in a world, it could be limited in different terms. You could limit them in the amount and quality of resources it takes to make a beacon, or have it take a very large amount of time to make one.

        Also the growing beacon idea sounds interesting, like a town expanding.

    • #6095

      1) Why beacon a mine?
      2) Portals are to be player built, so if you beacon one you find, that’s theft.
      3) Too many beacons per world = over crowding issues on high population worlds.

      Even if everybody only gets 2 beacons per world, a world with 100 players now has double the number of beacons compared to people. If you come late to a world, good luck building anywhere.

      • #6115

        1) Let me quote the main website: “Beacons can even be used to secure strategic resources or locations. Find a rich resource deposit and claim it before anyone else, then set up a shop on the surface and sell the goods.”
        2) The lore says the Ootians once used these portals to travel the universe, and that they crafted many of these. I wouldn’t doubt there is at least one portal left behind by the Oortians.
        3) There’s an infinite amount of worlds, if you cant find an area to live in one world then travel to the next, you may even like this one more.

        Addressing your last point, again there’s an infinite amount of worlds you could go to.

    • #6119

      1) I didn’t ask if you could, I asked why WOULD you? Just mine that up and move to the next zone. No point in spending resources to claim something you’ll remove soon anyway.

      2) Even if portals, as in the brief-subject-to-change lore are naturally occurring in addition to player crafted, they would be in Oort temples and likely unclaimable.

      3) Your third point actually ignores my point of over crowded claims and supports my point on beacon control. If you can’t find a place you like, go to another world! If you ALREADY found a place you like on one world and used your beacon, go to ANOTHER world and find more places you like! No need to have multiple beacons per world when there will be hundreds (NOT infinite) worlds to explore! Why do you need multiple beacons per world when you can explore so many worlds?!?

      “Beacons may work wonderfully to keep towns farther apart, as each player will only get a limited number of beacons to use. (I hope they limit a player to one per world, up to 5 worlds)”

      • #6121

        1) Why would I personally, or why would anyone? Clearly someone would. If I had to place a beacon in a mine it would be of two reasons. 1: I was at an area rich with resources that I wouldn’t have time to mine in one go (and wouldn’t be able to sleep with confidence that no one else will find it). 2: There were valuable resources I don’t have the proper material to mine yet (like I have a tier 7 pickaxe but I see tier 10 resources).

        2) Okay… Say they are in a temple, do I now not want to place a beacon? I’ll tell you that would be all the more reason to place one, once I finally clear the temple. Imagine that there are portals naturally occurring outside of temples (which I imagine they could implement, otherwise you’d be stuck on the world you spawned on for a long while…) would you still think people wouldn’t find it worth placing a beacon for?

        3) In worlds where overcrowding is a problem, I doubt it will be the result of one player using several beacons. I do support beacon control, as I’ve said before. I don’t think they should be limited in the number of beacons you can create. I don’t support your specific views on limitations but I still do support limitation, not supporting your view doesn’t mean I don’t support limitation. I think beacons should be very hard to craft, probably taking a lot of expensive material, and this would mean it would take time. Do you think someone would spend weeks or months (which it could take to make your first crafted beacon) progressing in the game, becoming so invested… just to make a beacon and grief with it? Can’t you see there are some agreements here?

        The reason you would need multiple beacons one world are numerous, we both know this. We both know that people can really mess around with beacons if they aren’t limited, we just have different ideas of getting there.

        I want people to be able to craft as many beacons as they want. If they wanted to they could place 100 beacons in the same world, but they won’t. Not if you impose the correct limitations.

        Let me quote the main website again: “Each player is entitled to craft a number of Beacons that can be used to claim and control land…” This doesn’t mean they won’t limit the number of beacons per world, but I hope they don’t. They won’t need to if beacons are hard enough to craft.

    • #6122

      About claiming ores and such:

      Thee will be small beacons for such things.

      Also i would personally not have anything against restricting the amount of beacons per world as that would create more reasons for making guilds and work together, yes solo players should have possibilities to play alone but if they really want to make something Really big they should probably join a team.

      @Havok40k one of the reasons to claim areas outside your own would Fx be to keep a tunnel through a mountain from decaying and and to claim super rare hard to mine materials. Also there where talk about portals to special treasure rooms which also would be something interesting to claim.

      • #6126

        I didn’t even think of different sized beacons, I love that idea. I also like the idea he mentions in that post about decay. This would be really interesting and great to counter griefing, and allow for many resources to respawn. The only problem I see is making roads between cities, but then again if both cities collaborated on roads they could probably get some beacons for it.

        You’re right, it probably would cause more need for collaboration between guilds if beacons were limited. If they do implement decay outside of beacons it would create more of a necessity for them. This would be disproportionately bad for solo players (like me).

        However, if beacons were unlimited per world, but were very expensive, this too would call for collaboration between guilds or more of a tight community within guilds. It could raise the economy for miners and crafters, as the need to expand would call for more supplies and more labor.

        I think if a player is willing to work hard enough, he should be rewarded. This game runs off of player interaction, but it should avoid limitations that would punish you otherwise.

      • #6132

        That is actually a quite good point. The biggest problem if the beacons where unlimited per world would be that some guild would be able to take whole worlds if they where big enough and worked focused enough. (Seriously big guild would be able to do this anyway)

        Maybe the amount of beacons should be restricted based on character (Or guild) instead of world? The amount of beacons you can own should be able to raise infinitely based on some special resource. (Something from Titans?) The material would then be consumed to raise the characters/guilds maximum amount of beacons.
        This would probably slow down the progression and people would be able to decide between making a lot of smaller outposts and taking bigger amounts of territory.

        Another way would just to let beacons be made from something rare. This would of course mean that peoples starter beacons need to be soul bound else newcomers will be cheated into trading their beacons away.

      • #6151

        I wouldn’t say any guild could claim a whole world. If you take the standard size of 256 km^2 (16×16) and assume a beacon could protect about 10’000 m^2 (100×100) then you’d need exactly 25600 beacons to claim every single block. Even half of a world would need far too many beacons^^
        (unless you’re a famous and have more than 25600 followers which play Oort and are willing to take over a World with you. In that case I wouldn’t complain because that needs some serious planning^^ And as long as they are on that world I can play anywhere else without meeting them^^)

      • #6157

        So by Kuma’s math, it would be incredibly difficult to conquer even a fraction of a world.

        I like the idea of being able to raise your amount of beacons you can own through use of materials. It’s very similar to having to craft them, but this way you could more easily travel with beacons as they wouldn’t be an item in your inventory (as they are a statistic in your character, and you wouldn’t be able to drop them on death).

        However, you can also do this by making the amount already unlimited, you just need to craft them with the same amount of materials it would take to increase your limit. Also if it were this way, you could make them have a separate section to be held in (like another inventory slot, or armor slot in a way, that isn’t connected to your normal inventory) so when you die you don’t drop them.

        But… These two now are the same exact things, just a different story to its truth. Haha I think it’s interesting how those two thing literally are identical (both would take the same materials to craft, neither would be an item in your inventory, and neither you could drop).

        After thinking about it, the idea of beacons being an item that occupies your inventory that could be dropped, lost, or traded sounds lame.

        Now another question: Can beacons be picked up again? Can they be deleted or destroyed?

      • #6160

        Kuma: I said Seriously big guilds didn’t i? If there is no restriction to the amount of beacons a guild could probably do it with 1000 members or so if they just are working intensively on it.

        Patfor333: I would actually prefer the last part and then open beacons up for trading and then make the starting beacons soul-bound. This way people could actually earn their living by selling beacons.

        Also i think that beacons should be able to be destroyed in daily and weekly worlds in some or another just to hinder people from rushing in and claiming all the good places.

      • #6166

        Ok I wrote my post with the assumption that beacons are very very very hard to obtain (like only mid or high level players could do it) and you’d even have bad chances getting one if you tried to rush the Titan (or however you’ll get the materials) with 1000 people. And still, you’d need far to many beacons. A 1000 people guild means every person would on average have 25.6 beacons. If you can get so many high level players to work together to accomplish something like claiming a world, then you’ve earned it.

        I’d also prefer the version with already unlimited beacons and having the ability to trade beacons (except for the soulbound ones). I’m not sure about the part, where you can’t lose your beacons upon death. I mean I understand why, but it’s still an item and if you die while having one in your inventory, you have to live with the consequences.

        Why not say “no beacons at all in daily/weekly worlds”?
        And maybe there could be an option, if two guilds from two different towns fight against each other, they (but only these two) could destroy/capture either the beacons of the opposing town or just the things inside of it. But this option would have to be handled carefully

      • #6168

        I have been convinced. If the beacons are going to work the way you think it would work just fine 🙂

      • #6256

        I agree Kuma. Could either of you explain what daily and weekly worlds are?

      • #6259

        Daily and weekly worlds are something we spoke of 2-3 months ago. (I can’t find the thread though)

        The idea was that there should be worlds that only existed for a day/week where people could get new new resources and such. The catch would be that they should be PvP and it would probably be quite risky to venture out into them.

        They where one of the many options of how to put super rare materials into play.

        (Something like that it is quite a long time since we talked about it so maybe i forgot something)

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Thorbjorn.
    • #6261

      yeah that is more or less it. it would only stay for a day so it would be a nice way for example if you had a raid group of people they could enter that world every day and try to find the titan and defeat it, i dont think titans should respawn quickly, maybe a month or so, and only have a few on each world, if they do something like that then it still wouldnt be a problem for those who wants to hunt titans to do daily worlds, and letting it be pvp would also be really really cool, some sort of no mans land where players are fighting over the few resources that are.

    • #6310

      i disagree with the weekly worlds idea, its the same type of mobile game crap that almost forces players to constantly log in, players would abusive other players who dont have to time to play daily by selling items at unfair prices.

      • #6321

        so you’re saying that people who only play it 1 hour a week should have the same advantages at one that plays it 20 – 30 hours? thats bs. and the weekly daily thing is also a way to get awesome player created maps into the game, and a way to get resourceses that is a lack off on the other servers.

      • #6326

        Actually i think it does the opposite of forcing people to log in as. People would be able to get new rare resources without charging in every time a new world appears.

      • #6429

        I also disagree with weekly and daily worlds. I think some worlds should have different materials, some having really valuable and rare ones, some just having lame low-tier materials. Worlds are going to regenerate their materials anyways. Once you’ve discovered a good world with nice rare materials, you can start colonizing it if you’d like.

        Also, I think every world should have PVP enabled.

      • #6535

        The weekly/daily worlds where hugely discussed but i think people liked the overall idea we got.

        Also a all worlds is PvP rule would make it very hard for newer players.

    • #6536

      A teaser for the beacon layout has been sent out. What i feel is missing:

      An area for some kind of payment to keep the beacon going that would help hinder beacon griefing and make peoples beacons disappear if they are not on for a set period of time (Though i think people should be able to pay at least 2 months in advance for big beacons and 1 month in advance for smaller ones.)

    • #7052

      This was stated on the website. “Combine Beacons with your friends to found a settlement and share land.” I can imagine placing a beacon next to another should cause some kind of reaction. This might be how a city is created and how you become a resident of such city, allowing you to build within all areas of said city.


      A player is given a beacon from the start. They may grow this beacon by placing another beacon token within it. Players can craft beacon tokens however they are require rare resources. (A traveling NPC can sell these as well for real cash.) Players can hold as many beacon tokens as they like however they may only use 9 at any given time. Players can choose to place a beacon token onto an active beacon to grow it, or place a new beacon somewhere else. This allows players to combine their own beacons to make shapes in their territories.

      No beacon

      Outside beacons players are against the mercy of the wild. They must survive against protectors, wild animals, and weather. Anything the player builds will also be affected to decay, fire, protector raids, and nature. The best way to protect property is to use a beacon however protectors will still attack large or groups of beacons trying to reclaim the territory. The more you build the more violent they become. Most the game requires you to explore outside beacons and hunt protectors. This is a survival game after all.

      Solo players

      I do not believe a solo player can or should build an entire city. They may build a beacon of their own and live within that beacon just fine however the game is more fun if you play with others and should encourage you to do so. Outside beacons are dangerous and you will be attacked by man eating plants, protectors, and nature (you could get hit by lightning). Building outside beacons is not practical because over time they will get destroyed by the environment. If you find a small area with rare resources you still need to transport them somewhere.

      Players with more than one account

      I like the idea of couples being able to merge beacons or being allowed to build within each others beacons if not merged however I do see ppl using alts to build more with their main. This is why I believe that once enough beacons have merged that it become public so that 1 player can’t gain a monopoly. There may be an expensive toll to pass through and with so many beacons it could be impractical. Although this may be a reason for players to war.

      Less is more

      Beacons all over would be annoying and boring. There would not any kind of theme and everything would look almost the same. Also this is a survival game and the main part of the game takes place outside beacons. Where we look for resources, hunt and harvest food, and reduce the number of protectors (some worlds they may be very violent and attack cities).

      Protectors and wildlife

      At first, the most you’ll encounter is wild creatures that you can hunt. Some will defend themselves and some have packs. Protectors are rare and usually spawn if you build too much in one area. They are the sleeping guardians of that world and you are the invader. Man vs nature… Protectors do not want you there… The more you build the more they spawn in the area.

      Combined beacons

      Players can combine beacons if the borders touch or overlap. If one player places or grows a beacon onto another players beacon, the players are given the option to combine, remove, or war. If both players agree to combine, the beacons become a settlement and the player with the most territory must name the settlement. If one player fails to respond for a week or is inactive for a month the other can decide to combine or war with the 1st players beacon.


      Every city building will be a 5×5 – 10×10 block with a door. Players can place this block on any flat surface within their town and build a house around it. The door is like a portal taking you within the building to a room much larger than the outside block. Houses and city buildings will have different size rooms both inside and outside. The interior rooms will expand as the town grows.


      Settlements are established when 2 – 5 players combine beacons. Residents can grow the settlement by placing beacons outside the settlement however, the beacons count against the total number allowed by the game. The leader can rename the settlement at any time and grant permissions to residents, The leader can also accept new members who try to combine beacons or declare war over territory. The leader must set up a town hall where they will be given 6×6 block with a door they can build around, Other buildings allowed within a settlement are a storage and garrison. Leadership is granted by default however any resident is allowed to run anarchy and attempt to take over leadership.

      Small town

      If a settlement gets 6 – 20 members they become a small town. At this point anyone can join without permission from the leader. All buildings interiors are expanded and more buildings can be placed. Turrets and other defenses can be placed within a short distance outside the beacon and protectors will attempt to attack the town. Members need to hunt protectors daily around the town to keep the numbers down. If protectors are left alone they may overtake your town. Agriculture is also introduced around beacons where crops and farms can be set up. These are subject to player and protector raids if not near any defenses. Gardens can also be set up within the beacons by members.


      Any town that was overtaken by protectors become a ruin. All members will be removed and the beacons will belong to the ruin. Players must either move on or retake the town.


      Cities are established when your town gets 21 – 50 members. Interiors are once again expanded. Residents begin to develop factions and guilds that compete for power. Guild halls can be built and residents can join one of the many guilds. The leader of the city is determined by the leader of the guild with the most prestige. Guilds gain prestige based on overall player battle ratings, weekly protectors killed, members donation to city storage, weekly guild vs guild competitions ect. City beacons expand to protect surrounding farm areas.


      Any city with over 50 members become a kingdom. Kingdoms gain many useful tools for finding server temples and war with other kingdoms. Guilds gain allies with other guilds both in and outside kingdoms. Interior buildings become very large inside and can become grown larger with gold.

      City war

      If another city nearby comes within 10 blocks they will merge into one big city however they need to war to decide which one consumes the other… the leader can decide to surrender at any time. After a week the city with the most area wins.

      Town hall

      Players may come here and apply for a house to place within the settlement. The house will be a small 5×5 block with a door. They may build around the block to make their house look anyway they like. Once the settlement grows, players can expand the interior of their houses and the town hall interior will also expand. More buildings can now be build and shops set up. After the town becomes a city a road way will be set up connecting to the capital.


      Houses are very important. If a player dose not own a house when they are killed, they have to respawn at the capital and loose a % of experience and gold. Your house interior can be expanded and you can allow others to help you build within them. You can rest within your house and regain health, learn new skills, and even place portals to other places in the server including another players house in another city (if the other player allows it of course).


      The garrison is a building where defenses are studied and turrets can be built. The number of turrets depend on the level of the garrison. Players can build a prototype turret within the garrison but only the leader or a player with defense permissions can decide what ones to use and where to place them. turrets can be mounted to towers and walls for better defenses.


      There are many storage groups players have access to. They have their personal storage within their house, the guild storage, and the city storage.
      They may donate to any of these places but only the owner of the storage or someone with permissions may remove the materials within.


      You can hire a transportation from any storage you have access to. Transportation can be attacked by guardians and other players and loose a percentage of resources. You may transport to your city storage, personal home storage, or guild storage. You can also try to carry them but you will loose them all if you die.

      Guild beacon

      The leader of a guild may place a large beacon anywhere in the game and set up a portal to their city, This is a good way to farm resources or war with others.

      Other builds

      Banks, farms, stables, ranch, gardens, arena, dock, skydock, world portals, vacation house, treasury, wedding hall ect.


      Capital cities can act as a city no mater how many members, They cannot grow into a kingdom and are free from heavy protector raids. This is a good place for starter players and is much larger than most player built cities. Capitals have other perks as well such as road design to other same server cities.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by ShadowFox. Reason: Adding more thought
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by ShadowFox. Reason: Rethink beacons and NPC
      • #7110

        Regarding beacons… this is certainly an issue because of how free you are to explore and you can easily claim territory using the beacon, plenty of certain types of people would make an annoying point of blocking off large areas from everyone else. Here’s an odd thought and maybe this will help make beacons seem more like a world friendly part of the story thing and less of a game mechanic meant to protect your stuff thing. Everyone gets a single beacon, more like a trinket bestowed upon you at your birth, a device meant to protect you in your time of need. Again some people like larger projects, a few of you will complain that you want more. It’s an MMO there will, hopefully, be tons of other players on at the same time. If a single individual has so much territory think of all the other ‘individuals’. The only other beacon that would be allowed at this point would be the guild beacon. The ancient power of unity has been granted, the guild leader would be the only one obtaining this extra beacon, and instead of just claiming a large area it would create a grid of sorts that links nearby beacons belonging to your guild members.

        Guild Beacon so and so distance to Player beacon = Territory from point A to B, connected Player Beacon so and so distance to other Player Beacon = Territory from B to C and C to A as well

        Maybe I’m thinking too much, or just can’t see something that others can, but regarding this issue I believe this solves it a bit. This is an important feature so please share your thoughts.

    • #7053

      Man vs nature… Protectors do not want you there… The more you build the more they spawn in the area.

    • #7116

      I like this

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