Control Remapping

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    • #2277

      The current control scheme is quite reasonable, for the majority of players, but have you considered adding an additional control scheme for left-handed people? Or maybe even allow the remapping of each individual key in general?

      As a leftie myself, it is quite a challenge to control the character with WASD and control the mouse and the rest of the keys at the same time, so it would be very helpful to be able to remap the keys to a layout that people can feel more comfortable with.

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by IAmSpartacus.
    • #2279

      I’m sure they will have an option to set up the key configuration to fit your play style.

    • #2282

      While it would be very useful for people who like using custom control setups, I’m mainly worried about left-handed people who want to play the game. It’s very awkward to hold a mouse to the left of the keyboard and use WASD and all the other keys at the same time, after all.

    • #2286

      The current control scheme is very awkward even for a right-handed player with no mouse, only a clickpad. That’s not an atypical laptop configuration.

      Also, the current control scheme is mighty big job broken with touchscreens.

    • #2289

      It’s still in prototype phase, it’ll get way better.

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