Could this be close to the Oasis?

Home Forums Suggestions Could this be close to the Oasis?

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    • #7617

      Anyone who has read Ready Player One (which you should have!), has dreamt of a game like the Oasis. A virtual universe of unlimited worlds. I feel like Oort Online has the potential to be the manifestation of a lot of Earnest Cline’s vision.
      We already have:

      • Player owned/controlled worlds
      • Player owned/controlled structures
      • Travel between worlds
      • and lots more!

      Here are some of my thoughts for some awesome additions to the Oort Online universe. I haven’t been able to read everything about Oort Online yet so I’m sure I’m covering ground that has already been discussed.

      • Tech and Magic items – technology using minecraft-like redstone circuits but in hand-held artifact form (think automatic bow and arrow, or a mechanical mining drill) and magic items like enchantments, not just for bonuses, but also for special effects – directional, area of affect, boosts, protective shields (localized beacons?), etc.
      • World limits on tech or magic – some worlds support tech, some support magic, some both, and others neither
      • Virtual Movie Screens – the ability to pipe web video to a virtual screen in Oort Online – for interactive billboards (advertising), in-game movies, personal profiles (dating), etc. Like I could stream music videos from youtube on a screen in my compound that other players could watch in game
      • Real world shopping ability to create real world shops that others can buy actual products from. Sort of like in Second Life. Oort could take a small transaction fee off of each item sold.
      • Player designed and sold flare/clothing ability for players to design and sell clothing or trinkets for characters in game for real $. This could prove to be difficult. Sharing player created 3d models might be a challenge, though I think Second Life does it. Again, small transaction to Oort.
      • Transportation Fees ability to charge a fee on a teleportation gate, especially for player owned worlds. Small transaction fee goes to Oort.
      • Questing “Official quests” and ability for players to design quests like in Arma 3. Players can use the same tool as the developers to develop missions that other players can access, play, and even change through the same editor. Maybe even the ability for players to charge for access to a quest?
      • Vehicles Ability for players to create (and sell) vehicles like in Space Engineers. They don’t have to be space ships but things like land cruisers, submarines, boats, hybrids, and of course flying contraptions would be awesome.

      I think this game has awesome potential and am looking forward to watching it’s progression!

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by meracuza. Reason: fixed formatting
    • #7619

      I posted this on the sub-reddit as well but figured this forum was more active and appropriate at this point.

    • #7738

      I like the idea of different worlds with varied attributes in relation to elements or magic. I’m not too sure if a whole world should act as a single Biome with one and the same landcscape type. However, it would force the inhabitants to travel between worlds in order to obtain their needed goods, which can’t be found in the homeworld.

      I believe it is very difficult to give a digital game object like a piece of gold the appeal of valence. It could occur with the balancing of attributes like occurrence, visual appeal (shimmering with an aura of warm light, softly humming or jangling like a bell) and a practical ingame usability (e.g. trade object, when nothing else is at hand; decoration for houses, temples, etc. or it simply is so rare, that one could be crazed by the idea of owning as much of it as possible because of its becalming humming sound which amplifies by stacking up gold boulders).

      If the Oort forum would be hidden in one single Oort world and readable from an ingame menu it could turn out a mystical place or an object worth to be preserved (build a pyramid on top of it) or secure and transport it like in capture the flag.

      • #7876

        If the Oort forum would be hidden in one single Oort world and readable from an ingame menu it could turn out a mystical place or an object worth to be preserved (build a pyramid on top of it) or secure and transport it like in capture the flag.

        This idea sounds awesome, Reminds me of the Black Library, a secret hidden place containing all the secrets of the universe… fans of 40k lore know what I’m talking about.

    • #7739

      was great is that ben, one of the developers, already talked about most of those things possibily making it into the game, post launch and further, after all the already pre made goals are met, we get to choose and vote on what is be funded, so your ideas such as landrovers and giant forum screens could be one of them if you get alot the communiy behind it

    • #7740

      I don’t want to ridicule the game. The presentation of the concept and promo video on the official Oort website was truly to my liking. That’s what i think now, because it was a statement of self-amazement in awareness of own capabilities – a deliberate and excited performance. The point is I could not pull it off. Even if I’d spend the rest of my lifetime in a stone pit.
      If the finished version lives up to the appeal of the presentaion on the website, I’m happy enough.

    • #7914

      I am sorry, but I do not agree with this article at all. First off this is a game and a game that I would hate to see become pay to play. If that is what happens to this game I will be severely disappointed and feel like I have wasted my money. I get your ideas and concepts, but in the end this is a game. I don’t want to have to check my actual bank account at 2 AM while playing this game to see if I can afford to go through a few extra gates to visit a world just so that I can get some item. This is not an ideal thing to have in a game and makes it less of a game and more of a spam/advertising forum. No one wants that.

      I get what you are wanting, but I think this is not the proper venue for such a thing. I do agree that it would be cool to see the implementation of live forum boards posted in game and possibly streaming (some) media in game, but no advertising and let’s keep this as what it should be a game, not a marketing or money making scheme. Overall I do like the idea of having players being in control of certain aspects, but I would rather not see real money play a major part of it. This just leads to a pay to play style that ruins so many games out there.

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