Double Jump

Home Forums Suggestions Exploration Double Jump

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    • #7160

      I just finished watching the video on Youtube about the races, where we are shown a peek into what is going on there. Someone said something about different possibilities for races, such as double jumping. I would actually prefer to see this as something people can get no matter what race they play. Give double jumping to all races, but allow some to jump further, or offer a third jump.

    • #7190

      multi jumping sounds silly when you have a grappling hook. I shoot at ceilings to climb higher and aim at walls to cross gaps. Not saying its a terrible idea… it just doesn’t seem necessary.

    • #7191

      A grappling hook?! I had no idea! You are absolutely right. No need for extra jumping with a tool like that. Looks like I need to dig deeper into this game to see more!

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