trade oort online steam for other steam with 3 games on

Home Forums General Discussion trade oort online steam for other steam with 3 games on

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    • #7215

      I’m offering steam and lol account for steam oort online,anybody?

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by donjure.
    • #7220

      I don’t suppose you could expand that into something the non-Steam-savvy could fully comprehend? You have a what and you want to do what with it?

    • #7222

      By the sound of it he wants to trade a Steam account and a League of Legends account for a Steam Oort key.

      I can’t speak for LoL but trading Steam accounts is not allowed by their ToS and this sounds highly dodgy at best.

    • #7223

      just offering if someone dont want to play oort and want to exchange, just that 🙂

      • #7227

        Hey Donjure,
        Just do the developers a favor and purchase a copy for yourself. If you like the game so much, save up for it. Any and all funding for this game is needed to reach its full potential.

    • #7226

      Um… you want to trade f2p accounts for paid game? This is why the forum needs a “flag for moderator” function.

      • #7228

        @Havok40k – seconded. With bells on.

    • #7246

      Not that what you are doing is legal or anything, but if you are selling something as vague as a steam and lol account, you should really go into some details about what games are on your steam account, and the champions, skins ect on the lol account.

      I’m going to assume however that it wouldn’t be much at best, considering the price of buying oort is like 15 bucks.

    • #7256

      You right Padraigo i must write some details about accounts i have.
      Steam account with 3 games: Counter strike source,Call of duty modern warfare 2,Left 4 dead 2.
      League of legends account: Silver III,38 champions,skins 1 skin queen Ashe,2 full rune pages.

      • #7343

        The steam account is probably worth the right amount for the base tier of oort.

        The LoL account is very average though. Queen ashe is worth like $2-3 isnt it? Runes and champs don’t mean much as they can be bought with IP, and you only have 38 out of the 100+

        It still isn’t legal to sell either of the accounts though. There are places you can do it secretly and with a better audience, this isn’t one of those places though.

        I’m sure you can find it in no time on google.

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