
Home Forums Suggestions Building Farming.

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    • #2513

      First of all after looking through these I believe this is the best/most relevant place to put this.

      As hunger is/will be integrated into the game, the possibility to make farms such as crops would be a nice idea for those that maybe just want to spend a little time looking over the world and create fields of which they can simply.. Farm and continue to see the beauty of the worlds.

      Also apart from crops fruit trees etc. Could also be a possibility having special trees without needing to break the leaves for apples etc. 😉

      Thanks for listen… Reading! 🙂

    • #2538

      I would really love to have the ability of crossbreeding crops, trees, animals etc. that would really make farming a lot more fun.

    • #3013

      Crossbreeding crops? I wonder what this’ll look then? A carrot with orange leaves or something? Not that I’m against the idea, but it’s got to serve a purpose, in my opinion.

      A tree that doesn’t require you to break the leaves, to have apples, is something I’m all for though. It creates the opportunity to have an entire orchard of apple trees. Something that’s still on my to-do list.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Master_Chill.
    • #3036

      Maybe along the lines of the forestry mod for minecraft, breed trees to get another type of tree etc etc. – But not an exact replica of that mod I may state :3

      • #3049

        And every world would bring other trees and crossbreds so you’d have to have a book (from another player) about which two trees make the one you want or try it out for yourself.

      • #3100

        Exactly my idea 🙂
        You can do it with wheat too and a lot of other crops.

      • #3104

        I don’t wish to be one to bring this up, but what’s the idea behind crossbreeding? I mean, it’s all good and fancy, I sorta kinda like the idea I think, but I just don’t see the advantages of it.

      • #3105

        It is used to take properties from one plant and and properties from another similar plants and then then you get a new plant maybe with these properties this way you can get plants that better fit your style of farming.

    • #3123

      As I LOVE to build I’m doing this from a design point of view, if I want a darker wood to work with for example I could breed two dark woods to get a darker one for example, so yeh this could be used to help designers/builders add that extra definition/texture to builds if needed.

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