First Impressions

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    • #1704

      I have noticed there aren’t any posts on this forum as of yet, so I thought I’d get the ball rolling by sharing some of my initial thoughts on Oort Online thus far.

      From the material I have seen, I must say it looks extremely promising. The game design is stunning, and the features included in the tech demo all look superb. The weather and particle effects work very well with the environment that has been created, and features like the god rays or the dynamic cloud systems really help to make the game beautiful.

      Meanwhile, visuals aside, the multi-world system will help the multiplayer aspect of Oort Online massively. With each world completely unique, players can explore a vast terrain, or simply settle down in a landscape that takes their fancy. You can spend your days mining for resources, raiding temples with your friends, or constructing massive structures of your own. The possibilities are endless.

      In summary, then, The game is already very promising, both in terms of visuals and core mechanics. It has a lot of potential, and I look forward to seeing how Oort Online develops in the future, to release and beyond.

    • #1705

      Hi IAmSpartacus.

      Nice to see your first impressions so quickly.

      Thanks for the positive feedback. We’re stoked that you like what you’ve seen so far and we’ll be adding a lot more to the site and game over the coming weeks.

      Keep feeding back to us. We need to know what you like and what you don’t like in order to make Oort Online an awesome sandbox game!

      If you have ideas feel free to share.

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

      • #1707

        The only point I can think of, and it is a very minor one, is the sloped terrain. It is a very attractive feature for the most part, and it helps create a more natural-looking landscape, but depending on the terrain generation the grass can occasionally look slightly out of place.

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by IAmSpartacus.
    • #1710

      Thanks IAmSpartacus. Good feedback. We’re constantly tweaking the procedural world generator so we’ll bear that in mind for the next update.

      We appreciate the support! 🙂

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #1714

      I can’t think of anything else off the top of my head, but if I do, you’ll be the first one to know.

    • #1715

      Just bought the beta package and I truly believe this game will attract many different people, whether they be fans of WoW or Minecraft or something else.

      I know it’s very early on in development and things could be slow until people realize that this game exists and start funding it, but I can’t wait to see what this game has in store for us since it already looks like it has so much potential!

    • #1716

      I don’t have enough cash spare to buy one of the bigger packages, but I’m hoping to get at least at explorer or adventurer some time in the next few days. It’s all well and good looking at the tech demos and whatnot, but I feel that I could come up with a more comprehensive look of the game if I get some hands-on experience.

    • #1721

      I hope you save your money for Oort Online IAmSpartacus! 😉

      We want your support and it’s going to be worth it. We’re looking to build a game that you can play for a long time, meet new friends and have adventures and moments that YOU create.

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #1722

      That’s the hope, certainly 😛

      Do you have any idea when the $50 dollar offer for Adventurer is going to end, by the way?

    • #1742

      It’ll be around for a while. Don’t worry, we’ll give plenty of notice before it ends.

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

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