Floating foliage

Home Forums Suggestions Building Floating foliage

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    • #2957

      What I really dislike is the floating foliage of a chopped down tree. It’s really unrealistic and kind of messes with the immersion. I don’t know if this is hard to get into the game and it isn’t something really important but I really want to see it in the completed game.

    • #3023

      Ditto. Nothing better to kill a (realistic) game with, then to have something as floating foliage. What Minecraft didn’t have, was the ability to cut down trees like in the real world.

      But how will we make tools then, you ask?

      Simple. Gather sticks lying around underneath the trees. Sticks break of by wind or from accidents with mobs or whatnot, right? Well, gather ‘m that way instead of punching on a tree. Man, that’s gotta hurt your fists, am I right?

      Once you have your first sticks, you can make an axe, cut a tree down, and chop it into little pieces and make more sticks that way. Simple as pie. Sort of.

      To come back to the original topic; if you cut down a tree, the foliage comes down with it, and nothing remains floating. Problem solved.

    • #3503

      Or even just handle it the way Minecraft does and despawn the floating leaves after a few seconds.

      • #3504

        honestly until crafting is implemented I don’t mind any floating things xD
        But if the leaves come down with the tree and then despawn if you take away the wood or something like that would be enough I think

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Kuma.
    • #3516

      Have the foliage all pop at once into sticks and leaves (perhaps an occasional fruit that can be eaten or replanted as a sapling) when the trunk is harvested, then you can use them for building materials or cooking/forge fuels. That way we can keep more of our logs for building rather than having to break them down into sticks.

      • #3653

        Like in Terraria… yeah that would be the best way I guess.

      • #4749

        Yeah I’d say trees ought to fall when you cut them and the blocks would turn into collectable materials. In fact I kind of wish they would implement collapsing structures so that there are no floating blocks. It’s definitely possible, look at the game Ace of Spades. 😀
        On the other hand, people might be somewhat attached to their floating islands and things. :c

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Connorses.
        • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Connorses.
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