Forging and Smiting

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    • #3449

      Forging and Smiting

      Forging metal (bars and item like armour Or weapons) should be more developed in game with such big potential. Make it a little bit realistic and difficult adding Forge and Anvil. Forge used to smelt bars –iron bars, gold bars or bars from rare item. Fuel for forge would be coal or you can put lava inside. Anvil is for forging weapons, armours or better tools and any other metal miscellaneous.
      Why this idea would serve well Oort Online? Answer is easy, being Blacksmith would be more rewarding for making shops, supplying guild or others. To add more sugar (I hope you are not diabetics) Smiting should have own Skill Tree or something like that. Everyone can make iron armour but to make better armours you need more experience in Smiting (or even more skill points). Adding Forge, Anvil and Smiting skills will give players more way to have fun from game – everyone knows: fun is most important thing in game. Why Forge, not furnace? Furnace is good for food, not for metal that’s why 🙂

      Let’s start with description:

      = ======= = Forge = ====== =

      Forge – Big thing 2x3x3(/2) blocks. This is the place when your forging starts. Right click on Forge will open HUD with list of available bars and what ingredients are needed. If you don’t have one ingredient or you miss some of them icon should be gray (or you don’t have enough skills to make them). Forges should be divided into tiers.

      First tier should be made from minerals you can find and mine easy – like stone and wood (should be fine) fuelled only with coal or wood.

      Second tier must be crafted from minerals smelted from forge Tier 1 – iron and/or steel. Tier 2 unlock more bars (like gold) and its unlock to put lava inside (it will fuel forge for 1-2h) and ofc. You still able to make bars from Tier 1.

      Third tier is to make bars from rare ores or items (only for experience blacksmith). Unlocking every bar or jewel (its only depends on developers). To make it more rewarding this tier of forge should extends the length of the combustion of fuel – 15% should be good enough. In my opinion this tier should be fuelled only with lava – but it’s only mine opinion.

      = ======= = Anvil = ====== =

      This place is only to your metal creations – and its from metal too. Use it to change bars into armours, tools, weapons, ammunition and miscellaneous from metal. Simply and easy to use for everyone.

      = ======= = Hammer = ====== =

      Hammer – to make better equipment you will need better tools. Iron compared to diamond is soft and weak so to make diamond armour – you need diamond hammer. First hammer would be easy to make – iron ingot and stick and it will be called “Simple iron hammer”. This is your first step to become blacksmith. Using is easy – take hammer in your hands and right click anvil, chose item you want to create and wait&see how your character smash hammer at ingot making item.

      Ingots are separated by their own tiers. You can smelt gold bar in forge tier 2 but gold is soft so you can craft items from it using iron hammer (even this simple). Ingot Tiers are about hardness – the higher the harder. Example: Gold<Iron<Steel<Mithryl<Titan Bone.
      If you have iron hammer you can try make armour form Titan’s Bone but there is no chance you succeed – only break down ingredients and hammer (Don’t try it at home). Using hammer made from low tier ores trying to make better items will result in percentage penalty.
      Penalty mechanic:
      Let split bars (and hammers) into tiers. (it example)

      1T (Gold, Simple iron hammer), 2T (Iron&hammer) 3T (Steel&hammer) 4T(Mithryl&hammer) 5T(Tital&hammer).
      O -> I -25% -> II -75% -> III -110% (Witch O means your hammer Tier)

      If you have hammer T1 your penalty to craft better items would look like this. T1/0% T2/25% T3/75% T4/110% T5/110%. Using T1 Hammer it’s still possible to craft T3 Item but with only 25% chance to success. This prevent people jump so high so easily with item quality. The only one except is making hammers. If you trying to craft hammer there is 10% buff to succeed. So if you trying craft Steel hammer [T3] with Iron hammer [T2] (not this simple iron one) there is 15% penalty. So you still have 85% not to break ingredients. (Making hammers can’t break your hammer, only ingredients).

      Adding some Magic. Every hammer (except this simple iron hammer) have one slot for magic stone (soul stone/oort stone etc.). Possibly hammer need to be upgraded to use this stones. Putting this stone into hammer will upgrade crafted item or buff to have more chance to succeed. Stones should be only for one use. But how it will magic work, how to create this stones – I think others have better ideas 🙂

      = ======= = Skill Tree = ====== =

      Smiting should be separate skill upgraded only when you use forge and anvil. Creating bars and items from it should give you XP for Smiting skill and when you get enough XP you can choose Skills (Like armourer, weapon smith or tool maker).

      IMPORTANT: Skills aren’t required to put forges into game but adding skill will make blacksmith more prestige and important. Forge idea is independent and skill tree is optional (and cool).


      Thank you for reading! I have a lot of ideas for game like this, comment what do you think about this? What should I add to this idea and why Oort developers should implement this idea. And Pioneer will be mine when payment will come : )
      Sorry for my English if I made mistake
      Hope you look forward for my ideas.

      I almost forgot… I love you DevTeam <3 (My wife will kill me)

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by DjKolekson.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by DjKolekson. Reason: Adding Image
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by DjKolekson. Reason: Adding Hammer
    • #3465

      We are discussing the skill system some days now and got into much detail in other threads:
      and some more I can’t find right now.

      They all touch the subject forging at some point. Which makes me think that forging could be one of the most important skills besides the normal crafting.

      Now to your post. Someone said that just smelting an ore into an ingot without anything that changes except for the name and the model of the item is nothing else but time consuming. And I completely agree with that. I’d like to have more detail in every step of the process: smelting, forging, (assembeling), refining.
      I like the idea of several tiers of forges. But a hammer has to be in there^^ I want to see the sparks when the smith makes my Ubersword of Worlddomination 😉
      Your general plan is good but I’d like to see much more detail because I know this game can do that.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Kuma.
    • #3569

      I will update it tommorow with more ideas, details and features. Thanks Kuma, my idea was easy to develop because i realy don’t know the true potential of the game engine (This game is still prototype). Only engine what i know how to use and create is CryEngine ^^

      Back to topic, see ‘ya tommorow 🙂
      And thanks for links to skills, i will spend more time upgrading this topic.

      PS: Naaaah, hammers – but it’s not possible to craft diamond item with iron hammer. 😛

      • #3590

        I think this dev team is capable of everything^^
        And well why not combine magic into one branch to grow or manipulate diamonds to form diamond items (although they are still not as one might think xD). That would be quite interesting.

      • #3675

        Wee will see late 2015 🙂 Hope there will be battlefield better then minecraft factions server. Not just funny playground good for kids 🙂
        (And i updated topic with hammers :P)

      • #3677

        Yea it should appeal to everyone^^ And I like what you did with the hammers^^

      • #4097

        Thank you. Don’t forget to add some of your ideas 🙂

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