Group/Friend lists next to guilds please

Home Forums Suggestions Multiplayer Group/Friend lists next to guilds please

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    • #7415

      Hey Folks.

      I just thought about a good function I noticed at Wildstar. There you are able to build up group lists that are similar to guilds, but with no special advantages next to a chat channel. For example: I was in a big guild for raiding and stuff, but also in 3 Group lists: Two communities from forums and a crafting group, so I was able to stick together with my friends in my guild but also meet the people of the forums or those with the same special interests next to my guild.

      For Oort that would be very helpful, because with lists next to guilds you can play in guilds like you are used to it in MMOs, but still can be in a group of a town where you build your next home or with people of your race or trading partners. Of cause it will also be helpful to help the already active forum communities to communicate ingame in lifetime and support each other.

      Like I said: Just a list where you can see who is online and with a list chat channel, no special mail benefits or banks or something similar. It would be easy to implement something like that and I think it would be great 😉

      What’s your opinion on this idea?

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Birne.
    • #7444

      Seconded. It would be great to be able to keep track of your buddies, see if they’re online, what server they’re on so you can pop in and join them. It’s a pretty simple chat function, so I don’t see it being intrusive at all to the game’s core.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by BranBal.
    • #7460

      i’m going to be a bummer here and only halfly agree.

      i am against any form of group chat system, you should only be able to chat with those around you and those tokens you have


      they have said that every player can make tokens of themselves that they can hand to people, the tokens will determine everything, you can put it in beacons to allow them to build there, put them in map to always track them, put them in communication to be able to whisper them, then all you basically want is the ability to sort up your community list in sections so you can place different people in different ”folders” yeah?

      i want this game to be immersive atleast in the system of chat, so that if people want a party they need to find a tavern where other people who wants parties will seek too, and if you want to communicate with your guild you would have to go hang out with your guild members at the guild hall or if you want them all to know you can put up a note in the game ”bulleting boards” have been promised.

      to me this game simply isnt made for group chats, not party, not guild and not world wide chat, but that’s just me.

    • #7470

      I also dislike a global chat without limited range. The idea of a token based radio system sounds great 😉

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