Hey guys
Just a thought…
What if the technical blocks of Oort involved gears (minecraft has red stone).
The power source blocks (whether they be wind mills, water wheels or magical dynamos) rotate a shaft block that can be stacked from 1 block high or taller. The shaft block can maybe be placed vertically or horizontally.
The shaft rotates if connected to a power source and can have gear blocks attached that lock into gears on adjacent blocks. Smaller gears will automatically complete their rotations quicker and larger gears will complete them slower.
Switches can be used to connect or disconnect gears (or entire gear shafts) from each other.
Functional blocks can be designed to activate or deactivate whenever an interlocking gear completes a rotation. Or this can be player adjusted. Functional blocks can include doors, pullies, conveyer belts, elevators, block movers, cannons, lights, pop-up or pop-down blocks, rails that move connected carts, etc.
just a thought…