Global Chat

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    • #6885

      I was playing the other day and realized that Oort desperately needs a global chat.
      Maybe it’s a planned feature, but it should be implemented ASAP I think.
      It could really help with Oort’s weakest point, the lack of community. All of us have the game, sure, but the average player isn’t going to come to this forum or the twitter feed.

      Being a new player and signing on to see the chat active (even if only 10 players at a time), would really help to keep the game alive. Even the most basic of flash games can be used as a chat and Oort should have that function too 🙂

    • #6886

      Yes, I have noticed that the range of the local chat isn’t even as far as the nametag visibility. I would really like multiple chat channels, such as global, per world, local, and maybe private messaging.

    • #6890

      I like it, good suggestion.

    • #6891

      Also for when you are connecting to servers, instead of saying “quiet” say how many people are on that server.

    • #6893

      I like the local chat they have now.
      What if you are a privet person or just want to enjoy a chat among friends with a global it would light up and everyone would be involved.
      What if your best friend moved or in a different area and oort is the only time you really Tlk to them and you have a bad day and wanna talk about it saftl and not wanting to worry about someone’s rude or hurtful comments.

      • #6894

        simple answer
        have multiple chats that you can cycle through and choose from

        one is global; everyone currently on Oort can see it

        one is current world only; only people currently on the same world that you are on right now can see it

        one is Local; only people within a predetermined range (like 500 blocks) can see it

        one is private; used to send you messages by name (this is the option you would use in your scenario)

        this could also be an option; local and private are default and available from the start but world and global are items/devices that you either craft and use from your inventory or place in the world and interact with

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by drthmik.
    • #6899

      Based on what I’ve seen for global and zone chat in other games (and I’ve played a lot of online games over the past 17 years), I’m recommending against global and zone chat. In fact, given that there must be players behind that chat, I’m almost ready to recommend against the game having players. Nothing ruins a perfectly good game like players.

    • #6965

      For now, a globalchat is pretty cool. Later it will be better if there is no globalchat, or globalchat is only for “restricted people”. Like in my favourite MMO Lineage II, you need to fight on a Olympiad (PVP 1v1) and if you had the most points of your class, you became hero. You could speak then on a seperate global chat (Hero voice).

      It was pretty cool, because if you wanted your message shown globally, you asked the hero friendly. This also makes sure, that the “global chat” was only used by the best players/best clans.

    • #7016

      Add it, and have the ability to turn chats off. Easy. While I also often find global chats annoying, not adding it because of that is foolish IMHO. Simple fix.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Quantum73.
    • #7406

      Some more opinions on the matter:

    • #7407

      Global chat just no… atm it wouldnt be too big of a problem but later on it will.

      If you need party members for something specific go to a local town created by players (there will be quite a bit) as the game goes on things like meeting spots will appear, like having taverns where people could buy food and drinks from the keeper there and they could go to either entertain or find parties for killing bosses.

      if you need to buy something specific find a town and a smith if there is nobody online in the town place a message on the bulleting board saying what you need and if you want to sell something specific go to the bulletin board

      I am against global chat COMPLETELY it’s simply immersion breaking and would remove any need for face to face interactions and shops + cities. also saying ”just turn it off is just plain out stupid” because if it is there then everybody will just use it and spam it and it would be harder to have an actual immersive experience since nobody would go to the towns when they dont need to.

    • #7481

      I also dislike a global chat. It will be more anoying that anything else. Chat Channels per Server may be ok, even if I don’t use them, but I think there can be another solution for those people who want the feeling of a “global”, server wide chat: A Token for each world, which has to be built for adding the server chat input of a world to your chosen Chat display even if you are not on that world atm. With this solution the people who want to have a global chat can get one (If you want to have it, work for it 😉 ) and those who dislike a global chat are not anoyed by chat input from servers they are not on atm.

      What if you always need a token to get a world chat, even if you are on it atm? I would like that, cuz it would have more the feeling of a crafting game: You want something? – BUILD IT! ;D

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Birne.
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