Goal reached news?

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    • #5509

      Is there any news about the survey of the next goal i couldn’t find it any where.
      And i expected them to at least say something about the fact that the the first goal people voted for has been reached.

    • #5514

      I don’t know either, for the next one I vote for Guilds (I’m crazy about sandbox faction pvp :3 )

    • #5515

      I doubt if the place guilds in the options last time there was only crafting farming beacons and portals

    • #5516

      I don’t see any of the possible choices on the website so I don’t know :/

    • #5521

      On the twitter they said they would email the vote surveys toward the end of the week. You should have it by Friday/Saturday.

      Not all features for the roadmap will be availablable to vote on. Some things require other features first. Ex; titans require creatures to be funded first. Guilds may require economy or beacons first.

      My opinion is to vote for features that will attract more players so full game can be funded faster. I’m voting creatures 1.

      • #5595

        exactly my thoughts.

      • #5697

        Naah, i want Character Races

    • #5526

      Good idea indeed

    • #5711

      Creatures shouldn’t be implemented until the combat mechanics are implemented. Why implement something you can’t even kill yet.

      Character races is also a fairly moot feature at this point as well, considering we’re all a bunch of orange blocks with no faces.

      They should work on features, not visuals and NPC entities, why add a bunch more orange blocks with no faces, that can hurt you none the less with no way to hit them but with using a slingshot that does 0 damage.

      This game is bare bones features at the moment, and needs certain features before other features, otherwise, issues within the community will arise ie. “Why are there creatures, we can’t even kill them yet” or “What do the different races even look like, I’m still an orange block” etc (I’m using the 2 suggestions in this thread as potential issues if worked on before required precursor features or assets)

      • #5719

        Ah, this is really sensible way of thinking.
        I just got so excited about char races and voted for those, along with combat and creatures to be done ASAP. Now I know why they might be put off until after other things. = w=

      • #5720

        Don’t get me wrong, I want to see these features as much as the next Oortian, but I also don’t want it to be a shambled mess that needs to be gone back to to include features that things like Race and Creatures depend on to function properly.

      • #5827

        What makes you think Character Races and Creatures won’t include their actual models?

        Considering the description for Character Races says “Player Character Models and Animation”, I strongly believe that this option will include replacing the orange blocks with actual characters.

        I agree with you on the fact that there are certain options that should be picked to favor getting more people interested and donations and Player Models don’t add any actual gameplay, but..

        Having said that, I think you are underestimating how much immersion having your own player model that you customized, will add to the game, and how much it will attract new players.

        It will make screenshots and videos look better when being showed to friends and other people by far.

        There needs to be some flair to show off in the game, and the first thing people see when they enter a game for the first time, is their own character.

      • #5828

        You clearly misread my post entirely… if you think I think they should leave us as orange blocks, you totally misread what I wrote.

        CURRENTLY, we’re nothing but a bunch of orange blocks, and as I stated in another thread, that these orange blocks are placeholders.

        Come on man, I’m 33 years old, I’ve been playing games since the early 1980’s on my old mans 286 computer (anyone else remember BC’s Quest For Tires?), my first console was an Atari 2600. If anyone knows the importance of graphics, content, and story/lore, it’s this guy right here. And to be honest, Graphics is the LEAST important thing on the list…

        To prove my point, is the 17 million copies of Minecraft sold, on PC/mac/linux alone, the next contender is Word of Warcraft, with 14 million copies sold. Across all platforms, minecraft has sold over 54 million copies, leaving only 3 other titles besting it cross platform, Tetris (184 million copies), Wii Sports (82 million copies) and Oregon Trail (65 million copies) again, none of which have astounding, or even slightly advanced graphical aspects.

        Minecraft remains at the top of the sales list, despite it’s ridiculously outdated graphics, with the character being nothing more than a slightly textured combination of blocks and rectangles.

        Give more block options, and features with said blocks (dare I say machines) and THAT will convert many minecrafters in and of itself. People don’t care what they look like in games like this, they care about what they build looks like…

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
      • #5844

        You went off on a complete tangent there, so I skipped over your life story sorry.

        In your post to what I was replying to specifically, you said that they should work on features not visuals first, and you also made it seem like the Character Races option wouldn’t include the actual models.

        I was just pointing out how important visuals are, especially to this current generation of gamers, despite it not adding any actual gameplay to the game . This game will mostly be kids unfortunately, and alot of them are wanting player models (you can see this on the steam forums)

        I believe player models will get more attention from new players and boost sales of this game, which is why I’m going to be voting Character Races.

      • #5845

        Of course visuals are important, but their least important. Block types, slope/rotational system, and the beginning parts of crafting for things like signs, chest’s, and other basic requirements for a game of this type. To allow people to build beautiful buildings, with a few pieces of décor and furniture, that will make a much better SS then what races will add to it.

        I’m not saying races isn’t a priority, but is it really a priority over other things? Can it not wait until the buildings we’re taking pictures of look absolutely breathtaking and diverse? Right now, there are several building concepts, which is all good, but their all limited to a small amount of options for building materials, slopes, and block rotation ability. Not to mention things like doors, connecting glass (so a pane of glass more than 1×1 doesn’t look ridiculous like vanilla minecraft).

        Flesh out the world, then flesh out the players.

        My friend and I build a 1:1 replica of Super Mario 1 (NES) in Lemde close to the Capital, and while it looks good, with the right kind of building blocks it could look much better. Swing thu, check it out sometime.

        Edit, just checked, we apparently have 1-2 as well now.

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
      • #5849

        You are completely missing the point. I’m just telling you that the majority of players (being kids) will want player models before a more fleshed out crafting system.

        We will get both either way, but the biggest audience here are kids, and guaranteed they will go for visuals. Check out the steam forums. Maybe you can set up a soapbox and petition to them to vote for crafting 2 over there.

      • #5858

        No, you’re missing the point, screenshots consist of a variety of buildings, that all look the same in the end, because their made using A, B and C materials, they all look the same even tho their different. You keep going on about screenshots, when you know more block options will make much better screenshots then your precious character models.

        Most on steam are kids LOL good one there fella. Nobody I’ve met in game is a “kid”, you might be, but that doesn’t mean everyone on steam is. That’s like saying “I think this way, so everyone else must think this way too.”

        Character races would add something to the game, nobody is denying that, but I think you’re being a bit naive in thinking the customer base are kids.

        You want to know who their target audience is? Anyone who’s played minecraft, zelda or an MMO in general… I HIGHLY doubt that consists entirely of kids… Furthermore, most of the current players are builders anyway, and not a single one of them I’ve met in game cares about their Orange Block model, they want more blocks, slopes, and block options.

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
      • #5875

        Just because I didn’t agree with you, doesn’t mean it was a personal attack on you, so there is no need to make false assumptions of me like that.

        I don’t know how Zelda comes into this, it seems a very obscure reference and it’s first time I’ve seen it mentioned in this game, but the majority of Minecraft’s playerbase are kids, beleive it or not. If you want to mention Zelda, I guarantee the major playerbase for that game is kids aswell (not that it matters). I know you might find that insulting, but it’s the truth, the game is designed for children. Don’t take that as an insult, because they are great games, and I myself still play games like pokemon. There is no denying that the target audience for these games are children though, because there are alot more of them, than there are manchilds like us.

        That isn’t the point here though. The point I’m making is, from what I’ve seen on these forums and the Steam forums, is that Character Races is the likely choice for the next vote (even vaguely admitted by a dev of the game). Having said that, it is by no means the worse choice either, for picking up sales of the game.

        Just because a chocolate bar wrapper doesn’t add to the taste of the chocolate bar, doesn’t mean it is any less important in selling it.

    • #5727

      Slingshots actually do tons of damage, more than the pistol. Try it out with a friend in a pvp zone. Character races would refer to adding models for those races with attributes to come later.

      I would hope that adding creatures to the game early would allow them to work out creature ai and mechanics as best as possible prior to 1.0 launch. I’ll agree that character races add perhaps the very least to the gameplay, although they are huge for immersion. The only other core feature that both impacts game play and attracts more players would be crafting, but with nothing to use crafted materials on, why bother crafting at all?

      • #5729

        Interesting, didn’t know PVP zones exited in that sense.

        Passive creatures is ok, to get the AI pathfinding down.

        Primary focus should be on fleshing the worlds out with block types, to lay the foundation for crafting. That coupled with a new Slope System, currently it’s extremely annoying. I suggested what game should be emulated in this respect in another thread, anyway, the game is called Space Engineers, and block placement should be handle near exactly that same way. This would allow for smooth buildings both tops and bottoms (and everywhere in between) instead of blocky buildings with sloped tops.

    • #5851

      I agree that crafting has to come first and then you can add peaceful creatures.
      I do not agree that at this point majority of early access gamers are “kids” in the future yes if and when they implement the character races and all that goes with it.

      and for the record, I am 43 and my first experience with video games was pac-man in a lunapark and commodor 64 as pc 😀

    • #5855

      I feel like the most important parts of the game should come first, for debugging developping and balancing reasons.

      1 race

      These are main areas that really need to be up by the time the beta hits. especially the sound, a bit of music on the back ground, the wind that blows, the birds wistheling, the footsteps, ect.

      races (different ones)

      Are some thing that should be done on near the launch.

      It’s really hard to find a good schedule, everyone’s interests are different.
      But we must have a good base layer of features to build upon and to trully have a great game. smaller features and ideas cna always be added as long as we have a solid base feature.

      for example

      Base crafting (tools weapons armor)
      adidional crafting (decorations)
      Base combat ( damaging people with sword or bow)
      additional combat ( dodging mechanics, blocking mechanics, buffs, debuffs)

      This might seem undoable. but i rather have a later launch date and a great game fully featured than a standard launch date with some unfinished features.

      you get the idea.

      I really have high hopes for this game. it looks fantastic, feels immersive and gives me a relaxed mood.

      keep it up oortians and devs (oort gods :p)

      • #5857

        I feel like the most important parts of the game should come first, for debugging developping and balancing reasons.

        1 race

        These are main areas that really need to be up by the time the beta hits. especially the sound, a bit of music on the back ground, the wind that blows, the birds wistheling, the footsteps, ect.

        races (different ones)

        Are some thing that should be done on near the launch.

        It’s really hard to find a good schedule, everyone’s interests are different.
        But we must have a good base layer of features to build upon and to trully have a great game. smaller features and ideas cna always be added as long as we have a solid base feature.

        for example

        Base crafting (tools weapons armor)
        adidional crafting (decorations)
        Base combat ( damaging people with sword or bow)
        additional combat ( dodging mechanics, blocking mechanics, buffs, debuffs)

        This might seem undoable. but i rather have a later launch date and a great game fully featured than a standard launch date with some unfinished features.

        you get the idea.

        I really have high hopes for this game. it looks fantastic, feels immersive and gives me a relaxed mood.

        keep it up oortians and devs (oort gods :p)


    • #5883

      Well i for one decided to vote for Beacons to be added because as this game gets bigger there will be more and more griefers infact there is already some so i would like to start protecting my builds especially my port town of arathiba which has took me 34 hours to build and it is continuing.

      races i was gonna choose these cause i like the way things look and i would like to draw them as you can see form my profile pic but i realized that these other mechanics are way more important if the game needs to be successful. Beacons For example. because all the character models are are something nice to look at, in fact the orange block works perfectly so far no problems so i think we should focus on the main non visual features first then move our way into the visuals.

      • #5894

        Every game will have griefers regardless, and beacons will not be able to protect everything once they are implemented, just the important stuff.

        Griefers in this will be like bandits or delinquents in other settings, and if they are causing trouble in your town, you should hire a town guard to patrol the streets and surrounding lands.

        That is one of the many beauties a social mmo like this can allow you to do. When guilds become implemented, you can add people who live in your town to the roster as citizens, and allow positions to be filled in the town such as law enforcement, trading and crafting, shops and military.

        Possibilities seem endless.

    • #6362

      Looks like I was right. Go me! 😀

      • #6388

        You were right in one point: Races won.

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