Grapple hook hotkeys

Home Forums Suggestions Exploration Grapple hook hotkeys

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    • #7658

      I would like a hotkey to automatically launch the grapple hook at the cursor without having it selected in inventory (assuming you have a hook) as well as hotkey options for release/reel in/reel out.
      Possibly integrate different hotkeys for these when grapple hook is activated (like it does now for reel in/reel out when selected in inventory), just move launch and release to hotkeys other than left/right mouse.

      I find myself switching to the grapple hook constantly and breaks my flow of building, this would be nice to have as an option.

      What do you guys think?

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Hawkatom.
    • #7803

      I like it, it’s a GREAT idea
      though to make it simpler the hot keys could ALWAYS manipulate the grapple in addition to the normal ones (which only work when the grapple is selected) they would just be alternate keys
      this would also be usefull when in combat

      thinking as I type;
      rather than limit it to just the grapple how about having 2 selectable options,

      ‘main hand’ and ‘off hand’

      with the primary control being what we currently use and the secondary hot keys controlling the off hand. then you just select the grapple with the off hand while your main hand does other things like place blocks or use a weapon

      this would then allow you to use the off hand for more than just the grapple
      you could use a second weapon
      or select a second commonly used block
      or use a shield
      main hand weapon off hand torch at night!
      or even set it up so that some weapons/tools require both hands to be used (selecting such a weapon or tool could automatically shift both hands to it)
      selection for main hand could be 1-9 while off hand would be hold-SHIFT 1-9

    • #7825

      I agree, perhaps my op is a bit shortsighted, what I’m really asking for is customizable hotkeys with the ability to bind items with an active ability as long as they are in my inventory, as opposed to selected in my hotbar.

    • #7831

      Customizable hotkeys will come for sure i think, but the Hook (or other traveling gear) should have a special slot (or slots) and own hotkeys, right. I hate to switch off the torch in caves when I start to climb again ^^

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