Ground in the Oort Online

Home Forums Suggestions Worlds Ground in the Oort Online

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    • #1711

      I already watched two videos what I found on website
      First about game (trailer) on Oort Online website and second about technic.

      And I’ve got two suggestions to you! Dear Developers.
      Please make some bushes and flowers in the world of Oort Online!

      Something about bushes:

      – Will be generated from time to time.
      – Created with 4-7 blocks!
      – Color will be assigned to biome where this bush will be placed!

      Thanks for watching my suggestion and please reply to this topic with your choice 🙂

      PS. Sorry for my bad English but I’m from country where English isn’t basic language (POLAND) 🙂

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Disco.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Disco.
    • #1719

      Hi Disco,

      Your language is great! You should hear my Polish 😉

      We want to put a lot more flora into Oort Online. It’s early days yet and we have a few flowers through the worlds. Over the next few months, depending on what you and other players are asking for we will be adding more plants, bushes and trees etc to the worlds.

      When we do we want to make sure that they all have a purpose and work together with crafting and all of the other features.

      Keep bringing the suggestions!

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #1819

      Not sure if hunger is going to a be a thing in this game. But if it is, having bushes yield berries of some sort might be an interesting idea.

    • #1828

      I love the idea of bushes that have berries. This also gives the idea that certain blocks or creatures have a percentage of dropping material. For instance, trees could drop bugs that can be used for fishing. If such a feature was to be implemented.

    • #1849

      We like the survival aspect of hunger too. Has to be balanced nicely without being too much of a chore.

      Having a hunger system is an aspect of the game that we’re intending. How much of an impact hunger can have will depend on what you guys like.

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

      • #1874

        Hunger would be a great feature!

    • #1948

      I was thinking having food be necessary for 2 things. One would be stamina. The more hungry you are, the shorter amount of time you can sprint, until being at highest hunger point(you need to eat right now!) will make it so you cant utilize the sprint.

      The other thing would be stats taking a toll. The more hungry you are, the slower you mine, the slower you swing your sword, impacting damage you do.

      At no point should it impact health. This is not a survival game, unless thats the route you want to take.

    • #2004

      I’d like to hear more about what you all like regarding survival aspects of a game (hunger, thirst, stamina etc). How deep do you want to go? Do you like to micromanage that stuff and worry about where the next drink of water is coming from or not?

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #2029

      I’d like there to be survival and the like, it will give those who are culinarians, farmers, ranchers a whole reason to work,sell,trade to the community.

      I dunno how you could add a thirst element into it, just maybe stick with hunger, that way players will always try to at least travel with some types of food with them.

      Speaking of food, maybe we can a fridge that we can store our food/raw food materials in for storage after we get back from working the fields/tending our animals/exploration?

    • #2082

      A way to get people to care about food and drink would be to give them a buff for eating the more advanced food too that way it would actually make sense to go hunting for special meat and farm exotic plants.

    • #2150

      Good idea Thorbjorn.

    • #2192

      But you should be ableto tame animals and breed them and take plants and seeds and start a farm so you can grow them yourself.

    • #2690

      @Rob, there’s a HUGE appearance of survival games everywhere, at the moment. Everyone is doing a great job (Rust, The Forest, H1Z1, DayZ…) So, how about THIS instead?

      Instead of adding survival aspects to the entire game for everyone, how about giving the players a choice? Not blatantly selecting Survival yes/no, that would be too easy, but instead you could introduce races or factions with different “properties” and “traits”. There could be a race that simply doesn’t have to eat while another race walks superslow but can float… 😉 Of course once avatars are implemented one could be able to change his appearance and also acquiring the “properties” and “traits” at a later stage via items or powers to achieve the exact avatar he desires could be an option, too.

    • #3737

      The Idea with the races which don’t have to eat (or have much lesser hunger) is great. How’s about a golem race 😉

      But back to the question what role hunger/thirst should play in the game. First I think, that there should be only hunger, not hunger and thirst with different stats. It’s easier to have an eye on it on this way 😉 …

      Second: Hunger should be anoying if low, but not deadly. The idea with lower stamina and power (but not setting it to zero 😉 ) through hunger is great. Don’t let hunger kill you (or even stop you regenating health) …

      and Third: Producing food and drinks should not be a anoying work. Thorbjorn told something about buffs through food. That’s great. Why not making food regenerating health and drinks you mana (blue bar? ^^) and special recieps giving you a buff on the maximum of that attribute? Or faster running speed, higher strength, better resistances … but still there should be a difference between food and magical buffs.

    • #3742

      Is cooking going to be implemented like in wow? I’ve heard that this is possibly a Minecraft/wow hybrid with amazing artists painting a different light. I like the idea of food giving you buffs and also the magical side giving you buffs so like on wow you could double up on both making people want to make a farm for the buffs or at least use the player stall/ guild members to get them if they don’t fancy taking the time to farm or only interested on the buffs. Then the alchemy/magic side for the magic buffs, special gems or magic stones ground down into powder to make potions for the magical buffs?

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