Home Point / Respawn Question

Home Forums Suggestions Building Home Point / Respawn Question

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    • #2128

      How will we be able to set a home point? Where will you go when you die?

      Oort will be a giant world I’m sure, but finding your way back can be a pain, especially if your trying to raid somebody or find the battle location for fighting a Titan? Will we have certain markers we can place?

      Say we have a home point, where we go when we log out we return to our home. We have a guild point (If guild has an area claimed), where we go when we have a guild meetings and group up for party activities, and then we have a checkpoint which we carry with us, but say the checkpoint is only usable outside in a ‘safezone’ so people don’t place it in caves with resources or inside other peoples bases, you can move the checkpoint but it has say an hour cooldown to place it again in case your traveling to a new ‘safezone’?

    • #2130

      The beacon system will probably be what you’re looking for. Depending on if they put a system in their HUD for it. I suggested that a faint light be at the top of your screen. Grows a little brighter when looking in the general direction. Or maybe they can make a bright glowing star that only the player can see.

      Having a bunch of markers on your screen never appealed to me personally. All AAA games have it and it ruins immersion. Minecraft had a mod for it and whenever I watched someone play it, it was just riddled with cruddy waypoints. Of course you wouldn’t have to have a bunch of waypoints selected. Just that it seems very eh.

    • #3103

      Personally, I’m all for ingame visual clues. Meaning, the beacons can take care of the outside perimeters. They’ll take care of your last known position. So, ingame that might mean that, for example, when you as a group pass a lonely watchtower surrounded by beacons everyone quickly passes by and each person will personally be “logged in” on that last known position ingame.

      As for the bigger area’s, like say in cities for example, people could claim their own houses/towers or whatever by means of banners/flags with maybe even their own colors/logo’s or whatever the designers feel like works best.

      This way, no flashy markers on your screen, it al fits nicely into the lore and general mood & setting of the game (I believe it’s already shown in the concept art at some point too btw).

    • #3365

      I’m thinking you can go into some type of settings or a ingame map and you can mark where you want to re spawn, i think something like this will get rid of all the points on maps or markers

    • #3517

      Could allow a crafted block of some sort that players could set spawn to. Then players could set up inns to respawn from in town.

      • #3520

        It could be awesome if you could take money for the use of them too

      • #3654

        Awesome idea! In my mind I instantly created a big hotel with an adventurer-shop that sells shovels, ropes…

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by El_Bollo.
      • #3660

        Exactly the thought 😛

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