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December 27, 2014 at 11:43 am #7104
MemberOk so one thing that i think would be cool is a good guild system so i thought why not make a discussion about that and see what other players think and even what the devs think and see if we can come up with something good. feel free to re make it by copying things you like and replacing things you don’t or just comment on certain things that you do or don’t like.
# Guild system
Guild leader can make ranks as well as naming those ranks and setting permissions for that rank
Guild leader can send out polls to guildies through mail or something and guildies can vote on things to determine whos interested in building say a church, do a raid, decide a direction that the guild should go in, or if they should go to war with another guild.
Sub- Guilds. like if a guild leader wants to set up a blacksmithing part of the guild. the leader could have a sub leader that runs that part as well as multiple units for sub leaders to deal with certain issues like going to war with other guilds and also bringing in more money for the guild to grow and protect itself.
# Towns basic
So giving guilds ability to claim a town that guild members made or worked on after the guild has been made so say one member works on the capital it with like 20 other non guildies that doesn’t mean that guild can claim the cap. be a good way to make fresh towns more people will want their guild to have a different town and for it to be special and so forth.
Also making a guild hall in a different town and having many guild halls would be fine just don’t have them claim that town like its a neutral town for many guilds that can give out lots of quest to neutral players.and guild members could have permissions depending on their rank in the guild to do certain things like change taxes or edit guard patrols and so on. Guild leader would also play a roll like a king, mayor, or what ever system they decide to have maybe they want 5 people to help run the town and make major decisions or just them.
I believe that having your own guild town will make people that like or get into that guild will make player bond with their guild more and have more pride towards their homeland thus wanting to improve and better their homeland. those having oort have something that makes it slightly different even though i think its pretty different already.
# Citizens
These can be only real players or NPC’s I think NPC’s would add more life and would be great for quests and introductions to towns or even clerks for player shops and guards and however else you want to involve them into your town. I think they would add to a story like which players could make or make with devs to make a great story like hey steal this or oh I think my miss is fool around with that no good town drunk again and so on maybe even have a saga of quests.
Maybe give the ability to have players hire clerks to run shops so players that want to enjoy other parts of the game can open shop and leave it to a NPC to run or have NPC’s to help them out when they’re in the shop. Maybe just be company lol or liven up the shop possibly model the goods.
Also I think giving the players the ability to teach NPC’s to do tasks like blacksmithing or making that players signature weapons for the players shop. NPC’s couldn’t buy any mats that are not in that town and a wage system could allow the NPC’s to get those mats to build those items that the player wants them to build certain items to keep profit up. NPC’s can never have higher skill sets as the player teaching them so there items would be a lesser version and sell for less.
Of course you can still do a bounty board and quest bored with NPC’s or without them I think without them it will take away from certain aspects of questing like though experiences where players are like oh thats my favorite quest or that was super funny or whoever made that saga of quests they were really good and it was soo sad and moving that I cried. Also the town would seem more dead without NPC’s If players aren’t on or if there away. What happens with the town? Who gives out quest? Does it become a ghost town after a set time?
Mainly I just think that the guild members or residents of said town should be the ones who decide.
# Taxation
Taxes would be interesting and a income for guilds that could be put in a guild vault/ bank which guildies would have to vote on an choose how it is use. players could make underground subways or trains or other big transports and charge say 2 gold per stop on the subway. So say you want to go to said town that has 3 stops in the middle of point your at to the point you wanna go to so thats 6 gold. The subway would get you there much much faster than walking. Maybe have a tax for the sell of booze or other goods.
These taxes could be used to pay guards or NPC’s to fix spots that were grift or damage to the city during battle after a set amount of time or whatever the guild wants to use them for.
Taxes would not be able to be used by one single player and use of taxes would have to be set by voting as well as what will be taxed.
# Battles
Battles would be Guild vs. guild and could only be a loud in certain worlds where they could wage war against each other like.
depending on the size of the world and the guilds and their relations weather their allies or enemies. These worlds could be extremely hostel for those who love more dangerous environments such as myself.
Real players could have different roles based on their position in the guild and also their class roll
sub- parts of the guild could work to produce better weapons and armor. They could also build forts and bridges and warps. I think they’re called that the portals that worp you from place to place on the same world. Of course these should be more limited and maybe have a production time of like 30 seconds or even a minute, maybe you have to place markers so that you can’t just place one right in the enemys base and worp there and the time to make it you the other side can break it or maybe have a way to break them after they’re made. Plus a down side means you have to protect the warps to so the enemy guild doesn’t run in over to your side and use it against you.
warriors and mages can be on the front lines while assassin’s or thieves can sneak in and kill and mess with the enemy. Scouts can make make maps bring them back to edit a bigger map that everyone can see. Leaders or guildies can edit by placing markers on the maps depending on permissions so that builders know where they should build and what they should take out as well as were fighters should go.
Their could be a Guild point system that allows guilds to revive NPC armies that can be sent out to set places on the map that have been marked and info for this map would be provided by the players. So like if you have an old map then they could go to a bridge that’s no longer there waste there time and have to come back or even get ambushed. GP could also be used for having NPC’s to repair damages
GP would only be for the use of helping the guild in war or to revive or rebuild damaged or even grifed parts of the city
GP would only be achieved for things like kills or damages to the other guilds maybe even doing guild activities however would not be able to give to players. They would be for the whole guild and non tradable so not a currency for players to use in the market.
also making towers as another way to fight would be cool. as for the map i think it be cool to be able to craft a big one to set on a table for all to see or an even bigger one for a large wall.
Towers would also be cool for an alternative to beacons for players that like to hide their home. Also I think that the range in which you see a character’s name should be shortened a lot or have the ability to toggle off in certain areas so people can’t find a name tag and dig to it and also to make it a lot harder to see an assassin or thief do their thing.
ph and for guilds in hostile areas have the ability to be able to take and claim the defeated town however if the old guild can run in and kill a major figure like an NPC or win a battle in a crazy pvp fight they can take it back or go fight for another guild town.
A real players relationship to a guild town.
say you do a lot of shopping or quests in one of these guild towns and you decide to go see what the other guild town has to offer well since your relations to other guild town is higher. The guildies would get an alert to when you show up and maybe have townsfolk be distant or even hostile towards that player.
The player however can do request to gain higher relation with that guild town however there would have to be a system to where if that player chooses to do the requests of the other warring guild town they are opping out of the ability to make maps of that town, and fighting for each team till a clear side is decided for that player. Therefore, that player will be attacked upon coming near the other enemy town.
# Crime and bounties
For players to who commit crimes or do so, but escape however were not sneaky enough upon escape. these player that were in a stand still or something for a certain amount of time therefore able to be identified will have a bounty placed on them which the bounty will be paid through a player or tax system. If the player is captured alive then a fine or item could be taken from them to pay for the misdoing.
# Report system for devs
This really could be used for many different things and if the dev continue the updates after release they could use it to change the game based on how players play the game. The actions that player do for example say the cat race gets treated badly then other races could be hostile towards people who play that the cat like race and the cat like race NPC’s. The devs or players could feel out why the cat race is treated the way they get treated; are they known to be drugys, thieves, untrustworthy, rude, or are they stubborn? Thus you have something the devs can use or players to help determine the direction of the game as well as story.
If you have suggestions or any things you would like to edit feel free to do so.
And also all this can be added in different stages like Guild II, Guild III and so on.
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