I quit

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  • This topic has 34 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by nuu.
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    • #6994

      Okay, I guess someone doesn’t want me on Ruchs.

      I logged in today, and I found that someone changed my base. BIG TIME.
      First, they changed my clan’s name from “NITE” to “DICK”.
      Then they filled up my whole area with bricks.

      So… I’m done; I quit. I’m not gonna spend all this time on this game for nothing. I thought this community was great. I even found Scythe on the server and we had a great time, even though we didn’t talk. He showed me his place, I showed him mine. That’s how a community should be.

      I guess I won’t be enjoying the game any time soon.

      Also, the only reason I never asked for a Beacon before was because my area was so huge, I don’t think one Beacon would cover it.


      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by HoLyCoW.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by HoLyCoW.
    • #6997

      There are some real idiots (putting it mildly) out there but there are also some fantastic people too.

      As frustrating as it is, don’t let the bad guys win. I’m sure that there will be people out there who will be happy to help clear it up. I know I am.

    • #6998

      And all fixed 🙂

      See! There are good people here 🙂

      Thanks to Sequell too.

    • #7000

      Thanks to you Ardos, was nice to meet you 😉
      I am pretty happy that there are nice people around 🙂

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Stefan.
    • #7003

      Everyone playing right now knows griefing can occur. Having said that, and as was shown, there are a ton of really great folks that will help out with whatever is needed. But why quit? I mean heck, they say they won’t, but there are a ton of issues/changes that could cause world wipes to be required. Oh well, I will just start over. The fun is in the playing so go have fun. =)

    • #7058

      Drama queen alert! lol

      Don’t let the terrorists win! They want you to rage. They are probs on the forums waiting for you to make a rage post too.

      I wouldn’t get to attached to your creations anyways, several world wipes will probably be planned anyways from now until its eventual release into a full game. Just use now to experiment.

      If you really want to just build, just play minecraft until. Most people who are playing now are just bored, and are just looking to annoy people. You will still find griefers after release, but you can fight them off. Thats what being part of a mmo social world entails.

    • #7075

      Why didn’t you contact the devs and ask for a Beacon for your home? There are mean people in any game, not just this one. If you handle them by quitting the game altogether, then you’re running away from the problem, not solving it.
      Just repair your base (I’m sure you put a lot of work to build it) and ask the devs for a beacon.

      You can contact the devs on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OortOnline ; or via email: [email protected]
      Just tell them your character name, the name of your World, and the coordinates of the center of location you want the Beacon to be placed in. You can check your coordinates by hitting “.” button while in-game.

    • #7085

      I’ve been building my stuff on [redacted], pretty darned far away from the capital. It’s actually very difficult to get to my location, since it’s mostly hemmed in by really aggravating mountains. I might ask for some protection via a capital beacon, but I can’t decide which parts I really want to protect: the college (with basketball arena and football stadium), the resort hotel and spa, or the mall? They’re sufficiently spread out that the area might be too large. (The mall’s not finished yet, should you happen by and wonder why it looks unfinished.)

    • #7086
    • #7242

      Thank you Ardos. You don’t know how much I appreciate it.

    • #7244

      sad to say the dicks spoil all games and you cant get away from them.

      thanks guys for sorting this good to know there are great people still out there

    • #7245

      You’re more than welcome HoLyCoW. 🙂

    • #7247

      I’m not one for destroying property, but just letting you guys know, that I will be doing my fair share of looting your stuff, and killing if I have to. Thankfully, beacons don’t protect you from being robbed or assassinated.

      Just putting that out there.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Padraigo.
    • #7272

      Umm, I know this is not relevant to the subject but: Why are there absolutely no players online?
      I’ve been warping around asking is anyone is online, yet I got no answer :c

    • #7286

      Because the talk range is absolutely tiny. Hit “.” to see online players… Also, pre-alpha + many huge worlds = pretty sparse.

    • #7288

      @Padraigo — yes, looting and killing sounds like the basis of a stable civilization. Why is it that we whine about the lack of world peace and the fundamental inequalities in the world, and yet the first thing we do in a game is declare our intent to go looting and killing? Apparently we haven’t the intellect or soul to actually get along and support each other.

      One hopes that in the real world looters and killers aren’t looked upon with respect. So, I’m putting THIS out there: I will be standing with those who defend against looting and killing.

      For the record, I don’t do PVP. As I have a sneaking suspicion that this will turn out to be a primarily PVP game, I fear I won’t actually be playing it once it hits the streets.

      • #7342

        What I do in game is in no reflection to what I do in real life or would do, that is just silly.

        I love world PVP in MMO type games, I believe it is a real test of skill and fun, because the environments can add to the challenge and there is always the unsettling feeling that they may have backup on the way. It isn’t fair for you to judge people who like PVP, just because you don’t.

        Having said that, I believe they will implement some worlds as PVE only, it was one of the survey questions recently.

        If you don’t like the PVP, stay off the servers. Simple.

      • #8199

        @Padraigo — I don’t believe fair has anything to do with it. I’ve seen a lot of PVPers in my day (going back over 15 years now) and not one of them struck me as the kind of person I’d invite over for a Saturday afternoon picnic.

        Of course I won’t be on PVP worlds–they’re not nice places.

      • #8239

        @Brook Is there a list of PVP servers? Or is this something in the future?

        • This reply was modified 10 years ago by nuu.
      • #8241

        There are no PvP servers yet. They will be decided later.

      • #8242

        @Ardos Thank-you.

    • #7297

      I think you’re not alone about PvP. I wouldn’t worry too much about PvP only servers as from what I read, private servers will be available. And the admins of those servers, who don’t like PvP, will just disable it on their server.

    • #7302

      They have said that there will be PvE worlds so you needn’t worry about aggressive PvPers if that isn’t your sort of thing. I will certainly be spending most, if not all of my time solely on PvE.

    • #7308

      Hey thanks for the shout out CoW, I’ve been noticing your posts on here since we ran into each other (This is Scythe) 😀 Sorry to hear that somebody hit your base but I’m glad somebody cleared it up so you can stick around ’cause the community is small enough as is XD

      Griefing has been becoming more common lately. There was a big one at Lemde a few weeks ago but it seems to have cleared up. Thankfully people aren’t breaking anything, only filling blocks (at least from what I’ve seen).
      I think that’s why the devs are suddenly pushing for beacons out of nowhere. I only hope they work well enough to claim enough of an area while not becoming a spam tool.

    • #7315

      From what I hear there will be peaceful worlds where you can build for the sake of building, and worlds that the game was designed for. You can visit all if you like but I for 1 will play where it’s challenging. This is a pre launch and we are simply testing the mechanics so that’s why u don’t see many ppl. They sleep until new things arrive. As for building? why bother. Besides some servers I think weather and decay will destroy it all anyway. You can ask devs to look previous saved data and try to restore your build but they are hard at work making the rest of the game. You may also ask them to save your work if they do have to sweep.

      I also made a nice castle home and asked for a beacon when I was griefed several times. I don’t have the nicest of builds but it was mine never the less and I put hard work there… so the beacon was small and I stopped building but it’s a great place to collect every block in the game 🙂

      • #7331

        Oops, I did something wrong. Post below!

    • #7316

      We’re on it, promise! It’s why we auto-funded Beacons (I hope it shows we care and we’re listening).

      • #7454

        I noticed your guys’ response shortly after this thread, so yes. I did notice, and am extremely thankful.

    • #7332

      [quote]Thankfully people aren’t breaking anything, only filling blocks (at least from what I’ve seen).[/quote]

      Unfortunately this is no longer the case. I’ve just logged in only to find large holes bashed in my build.

      Whilst the damage isn’t extensive, it will be difficult to repair as the structure is based on a circle, which with square blocks demands exacting block placement, and is very difficult to figure out afterwards.

      Fingers crossed for beacon’s soon!

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by gypsythief.
    • #7334

      hear hear 🙂

      I too am dreading the day the grievers will find their way to my place.
      Sorry to hear that has happened if I can help you fix things don’t hesitate to ask.

    • #7360

      Thank you very much for your offer. Luckily the damage was not extensive but technical, and with help from plotz I’ve managed to piece things back together again.

      The Oort team have also been very kind and put me a beacon up, so I can build in peace 🙂

    • #7361

      Now I need a bigger beacon. When can we buy those? =)

    • #7461

      So just to make it clear. I am fully aware of griefing and that it WILL occur. When I started this thread, I should have clarified that I quit on that base because I do not have a lot of time and the time I do have, I don’t want to spend the little time that I have, re-creating an area that I have already spent hours on. My original intention would be to continue working on the area, once tools (i.e. beacons) were in place such that I could protect my stuff.

      However, thanks to the kindness of Ardos, I have been working on the area again.

      I really do hope beacons come soon. I do appreciate all that the dev team has done to push this to the forefront of development.

    • #7539

      Dude, beacons are in the game. Contact the devs per the instructions and soon you too shall have our own. =)

    • #7561

      HI, I’ve just joined. SO far i can see huge potential for the game. looking forward to getting the player mesh added, and all the other good stuff coming down the line. I am playing, and building, but again I don’t plan to get attached to any of the creations i make, as they will likely be wiped anyway. Its a pity griefers are out there, but without trying to state the obvious, they are going to be. I would fully expect anything I build to be potentially griefed, sure no one wants that to happen, but with the nature of the game as it is in its current form, its almost inevitable. its good there are a lot of good people out there, ready and willing to help.

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