Instances / Dungoen Worlds

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    • #5763

      My Idea:

      World Gates – World gates will be able to be crafted by players and/or communities to open up special worlds that last only for a limited time (usually no more than a week). They would take some doing to craft, but not so much that you couldn’t make more than one of them. There will be a few, each one affecting the level/amount of danger and reward inside.

      While the blocks of the gates must be crafted individually and can be resource demanding to make gates larger than just big enough to walk through, they all have a similar formula. They are made up of 3 kinds of blocks: frame blocks, power blocks, and a control pedestal. The kind of gate is determined by the marital used and the power source the power blocks use. The gates also need keystones to open them.

      Community World Gate – This is the easiest to make and could probably made of copper or some other reliably available material. No keystones would be needed to open a world just used the pedestal to open up a community world UI. Here you can make your own worlds and submit them for approval. If approved anyone can use the UI to open your world and give it a try, you could have the option of charging a small fee of in game currency to use there realms so they can profit from all there hard work.

      Moderation would be key tough, wouldn’t want people making worlds that are just an open field full of treasure and charging out the arse for it.

      Iron World Gate – First of the keystone gates, this one opens up the simplest of worlds, fit for one or two people. They are the least challenging and will not allow more than 3~5 people in.

      Golden World Gate – Second of the keystone gates, this one opens up to worlds fit for small groups of around 5 or so, and will not let more than 10~15 people in at a time and will require at least some teamwork.

      Crystal/Diamond World Gates – The last of the keystone gates, this one opens up to worlds fit for communities of 20 or more people. They have no real limit on how many people can go into them and are the most challenging of all requiring tight teamwork and command structure.

      Keystones – These need to be crafted and will usually require at least one item that is only used for the keystone(s). You place them into the pedestal and lock them in to open the world. Once this is done you can chose who can use the portal (individuals, any friend, clan, ect) and who can close it. Once the portal closes though the keystone will in most all cases shatter into fragments that can be fused together to make the crystals needed to make new keystones.

      Keystone Crystals – Found in the world they should be some what rare, and there could be different qualities of them for different keystones…. however creating a keystone will require at least one. They can also be crafted by combining keystone fragments (which would be more commonly found).

      Keystone Fragments – While Keystone Fragments can not be taken through a gate with you. In survival worlds and others where you can only enter once, some could give you these. Acting like extra lives they keep you linked to the world but shatter each time one is used. When you run out next death will send you packing. They can be dropped on the spawning of a new arrival, found scattered around the world, dropped by particularly nasty baddies, or as a reward for beating a wave.

      While you can’t take keystone fragments with you into a gate you can take them with you when you leave as a reward for not using them.

      Keystone shards could be for sell if the daily/weekly/monthly world is survival.

      They will open up into set pice built dungeon or worlds that are far more dangerous but have catches of grate rewards or rich veins of metals.

      There should be no real difference in the kind of rewards between the tier level, just the volume and number there are. The iron gate will have rewards good enough for one or two people…. while the crystal gate will have rewards enough for a whole clan.

      Once the timer (a few days maybe) runs out or the gate is turned off early the world is removed from the game, and another can be created with that gate.

      Some ideas in the types would be:

      Survival – The portal is one way and closes once it is started or everyone is inside. The exit portal may be some where but once you leave you can’t get back, or it may only appear when times up. Dying kicks you out. You have to gather resources/rewards while under attack, or you have to last through waves of attacks and rewards are opened up after each wave.

      You could have it that the portal will not take you anywhere unless you have no items on you (have to use the ones provided inside).

      Castle attack – Kinda a reverse of survival, rather you have as many tries as you want or just one try, there is some fortification that’s under heavy guard and you have to take it over to claim your reward.

      Standard Dungeon – well yah…. fight bad guys, kill bosses, get loot.

      Hostel World – A world with ether a very hostel environment or local wild life, maybe both. However it is rich in resources, you will just have to be fighting for your life to gather them. This could be anything from a ruined city FLOODED with zombies, to a jungle full of large amount of diamonds but also just as many dinosaurs that want to eat you.

      Colosseum – Maybe some friendly PvP, some worlds set up for certen types of PvP in mind. The key stone for theses would be harder to make but wouldn’t be used up when making the portal.

      Time Trials – You have a FAR FAR FAR more limited time to get through these worlds to your reward before the world collapses.

      You could even have some cool affects for a world collapsing when your inside it. Like in mystcraft how corruption would spread from block to block to block and they crumble lose and fall to the ground, spreading it as they broke apart into nothing or feel out of the world.

      Would be especially neat for time trials…. would give you a few extra moments to get to the rewards jumping over corrupted ground as it crumbled under your feet.

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Azraile.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Azraile.
    • #5764

      Added from agent_dmx’s idea:

      World(s) of the Day/Week/Month –
      The crafting materials for the keystone are not easy to get (harder and harder if there are one of each!), but like the Colosseum you only need one as it won’t be used up.

      This world is created by the staff every day/week/month and lasts just for that amount of time before it dissapears forever. There would be a warning this is going to happen (even if it’s just the world starting to fall apart), so you can grab any gear you set down. After that the same portal will still be open but it will be open to the new world of the day/week/month.

      They are more rewarding than other worlds, but they are PvP, and everyone has access to the same one the same way you do.

      and other idea from me…

      Event Worlds – Everyone gets the key stones for this or the parts to make them drop commonly. They will open up to themed event worlds like a Christmas world.

      EDIT – More world types

      Survival: drop – the ever popular falling through environments maps.

      Survival: stranded – these you and/or your friends come out into a temple on some world of dev/modded designs in a shrine of some sort. They can only enter with nothing on them, and while the shrine will have an exit portal if you use it you can’t return. The world will have two timers, one to show how long you have to stay there for a reward, and the second to show how long you have to collect your rewards and anything you made that you want to keep and leave before the world collapses.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Azraile.
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Azraile.
    • #5782


      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Azraile.
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Azraile.
    • #5793

      Note I have edited the OP quite a bit.

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