Introduce Yourself!

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    • #6233

      I thought this might be a nice idea to have a topic where you can introduce yourself and/or get to know other Oort users!

      My name’s iski (please don’t capitalize the first letter!), and I come from Surrey, England. I’m 25 but my birthday’s on the 17th of December ; o;
      I’ve been self-employed since I was 17 teaching myself texture work for IMVU and Second Life.
      I draw, but it’s mostly just to doodle and get rid of bad feelings. I have a doodle site and a vent art site if you’re interested in that sorta thing!
      I’m an iNFP, but extreeeemely introverted so I get really shy or tired out when talking to new people. I wouldn’t mind making some new friends though, just be patient with me please ; w;
      My steam username is iski if you want to chat through there.

      Now it’s onto you guys!

      You can copy and paste this form if you don’t know what to write about yourself.
      You don’t have to fill out every bit of the form if you’re not comfortable with doing so.

      - - - - - -
      Oort name: 
      Preferred world (where to find you): 
      - - - - - -
      Name or nickname: 
      - - - - - -
    • #6236

      Hey, I’m Atreark(a-tree-ark).
      Agabab is my home world.

      My real name is Stephen, but calling me Atreark is just fine.
      I’m 22 years old and I reside in Springfield, Missouri at the moment.
      My hobbies are photography, music and video games. I work for Lifetouch Photography at this time and have been pursuing this field for 5 years.

      Here is the ‘portfolio’ site for my photography if anyone is interested:

      The alias I’ve been using for my photography is “Hakumei Photography”.
      The link I posted above can also be used to purchase some of my images, it would help greatly if some generous soul felt like buying something. ;P Although most of those profits would go towards buying packages for this game! Gotta get it funded guys! πŸ˜€

    • #6247

      Oh gosh, I really, really like the photo of the bottle neck!
      Shame I don’t have much use for prints right now ;o;

    • #6249

      I’m really digging your tumblr! Amazing talent you’ve got there friend. ^.^

      • #6335

        Oh gosh thanks! lol
        Have you been into photography for long?
        It’s always been a slight interest to me, I prefer to do self protraits to vent bad feelings over anything else. They’re never good quality pic due to my camera being an old digi but I like having taken the photos none the less ;D

    • #6250

      Oh and thank you for the compliment!

    • #6344

      Hey guys o/

      I’m Silk in-game, you can contact me as Silklord on Steam.
      25, Male from US West.
      Oort interests would include flying landmasses, Dwarven structures, crystals and magic.
      I haven’t found a home world yet, hoping to visit with some of you fine folks πŸ™‚

      • #6351

        Ooh, the floating island worlds are really spectacular. I’ve come across two, I think. I don’t recall their names right now, though. orz

    • #6369

      An adventure it is!

      I will find these worlds πŸ™‚

    • #6492

      Hi I am Yotes. I am one of the developers at Wonderstruck and I hope to overcome motion sickness when I play Oort or any other first person view games. For some reason, the problem is not too bad when playing Halo…. See you guys in Oort Online.

      • #6849

        aah! That sounds frustrating and unpleasant! I hope it won’t affect it for you.

    • #6520

      My Oort name is CentaurThedark, I Don’t know who would take centaur already, but whatever. My real name is Derek Kramer from the U.S. (West)
      I am 18 years old and I play on the very last server. Not sure the name.
      You may Call me Centaur.

      Hobbies. Games, art, guitar, ect.. =) I hope to see you there at the capitol. Someone made a little village and I am currently making a home there.

      Hope to see any one on. I have met a man named PowerFlare. I wish we could add friends so I could tell when he was online any server or any world, ect..


      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Centaur.
      • #6850

        Hiya! For some reason I thought you said you hobbies were air guitar. I was confused for a moment. I re-read and saw I made a mistake. vwv;
        I think this site uses Gravatar to change your avatar image, this avatar stays the same on every website that uses Gravatar!

    • #6522

      Hi, I am mittekemuis or mitte or mittens or whatever you want to make of it. Kinda used to people wanting to shorten it.

      You can find me on Folva where I did some first attempts to building but the first ones will get destroyed in time.

      For the person behind the nickname:
      My name is Cathy I am 43 years old and have two kids ages 15 and 14
      I live in Antwerp(Belgium) and speak more or less 4 languages. Dutch, French, English , German and some very basic Spanish

      My hobbies are gaming and reading but you can find me at least ones a day in the gym.

      I am a psychoanalyst but not working any more due to Illness which gives me way too much time to play game πŸ˜€

      • #6851

        FOUR languages?!
        I only know English. German I know bits of. I can say potato, that’s important right?

        What do you like to try to build in Oort? Or what have you tried making?
        I’m considering trying to make a tiny village as I really enjoyed doing that on MC with my bf. I like setting out the foundations the most, for some reason.

    • #6596

      Nice to meet you Centaur, Mittekemuis πŸ™‚

      I hope to see you both in-game!

      • #6641

        It was nice to meet you Silk

    • #6605

      Oh! Didn’t realize Folva was the world linked to Saptu, we are cosmic neighbors, Mittekemuis πŸ˜›

    • #6608

      Thank you Silk, I am sure we will meet πŸ™‚

    • #6852

      I have been semi-quiet on this post lately, sorry. Been busy with my work!
      Just caught up though. Hello everybody πŸ˜€

    • #6854

      Hey iski no worries πŸ™‚
      have searched you on steam but can’t find you so if the offer still stands then you better find me under the name mittekemuis πŸ™‚

    • #6882

      My name is alexanderyou, I’m 19 years old and live in Virginia, USA.
      I mostly spend my time in Agabab, where ChickenBranches and I just started setting up a base. I played minecraft a lot, and I am planning on making a huge town like I usually do πŸ™‚

      • #6883

        Oh gosh, when you get it going I’d love to come take a look-see ;D

    • #6888

      I found a nice cove to start building my town in, and started on the harbor. Wow does it take a long time to break stone, I hope this is changed because I wanted to have an underground portion but it takes around 4 seconds to break each block with a pickaxe.

      • #6930

        If you ever want to see something amazing. Go to Ulaip and follow the road down. Silk can tell you all about it.

    • #7347

      Hi my Oort name is Laurendoll
      and my “home” world is wenton/ulaip

      My real name is Lauren, big surprise there!
      Im 24 and I live in the Fort Collins area of Colorado (thats northern Colorado for anyone not familiar with the state).

      Hobbies for me would be photography (which is also my full time job), running, creating art, singing, reading, hiking, dancing, learning Spanish with hopes of moving to Spain… I could go on and on.

      I work at as a commercial photographer at a huge publishing company in Loveland. Also I have my own photography business/studio on the side.

      I am still very new to the world of Oort, and am not very good at making friends in-game. Anyone who would want to be my friend or help me learn more about the game would be greatly weclome!

    • #7357

      Nice to meet you Laurendoll πŸ™‚

    • #7389

      Greetings I’m Joreel
      I’m from SoCal and I’m a 45 yr old gamer lol
      I’m currently playing on Ruchs but I’ve been exploring other ones too
      I’m still a noob at this game as I just got it, but I’m having fun learning it as I play.

    • #7391

      Hey guys I’m new to this game and through my research I find this game very interesting and believe it has great potential. I’m looking for a group to play with and contribute to the games progress.

      Name: Hontedfeet
      Server: undecided at the moment
      Nickname: Hon
      Gender: Male
      Location: Wyoming, USA
      Hobbies: Gaming, hunting, biking, painting
      Job: Sign designer
      Email: [email protected]

    • #7402

      Hi there guys!

      \o/I am not the oldest any more

      you are welcome on Folva, I am a bit out of the capital area but I can give you coordinates. Come and see if you like it. You can find me on steam too.

      • #7414

        I turn 52 in a couple of weeks, rest assured you’re not the oldest here. I have a daughter at ULB Solbosch, I’m planning to cross the pond to visit in a few weeks.

        In my downtime I like to build roads on Eisa. Started in July when it was Fooks, and I just keep going in all directions as I find the time.

      • #7424

        In my downtime I like to build roads on Eisa. Started in July when it was Fooks, and I just keep going in all directions as I find the time.

        Could I ask a huge favour? I suck at following coordinates and I should probably make a road from my place to capital. Would you mind helping me out with it?

    • #7504

      Hey guys, figured I’d drop by and introduce myself too!
      My name’s Lilem, I’m from Moscow, Russia. My real name is Sattar. I’m 24 years old, I’m a psychologist by education, and I work in gamedev (started nearly 2 years ago, so still not much of an accomplishment). I absolutely love games, with a preferation for RPG and strategies. I’m currently spending my time in World of Warcraft (but it gets boring – again), Endless Legend, League of Legends – and now Oort Online.

      The server I’m currently playing on is Lemde (US server, got invited there by another player), but I’ve been exploring other servers too. I chose a more or less isolated location for my home, but I’m working on a nice road that leads there, so feel free to check it out. You can also see some screens of my home I’ve made here:
      I found myself building deeper into the mountain island I chose, digging coridors and pathways, etc, and I’ve made decent progress πŸ™‚

      I’d be glad to find new friends here, so feel free to visit me or add me in Steam (nickname is the same – Lilem).

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Lilem.
    • #7509

      Hi! My name is Alex, I am frome Michigan, USA. Im 19 years old, and i work for an excavation company.

      The server i play on with my older brother is called “Yugen” It’s epic in every way haha! My brother and I use to play minecraft a lot and we wanted to try something new and from the looks of where this game is going i want to play it forever haha. We built our underground village far away from the capital and intend on building up the capital and cleaning it up! Come visit Yugen sometime! My in-game name is CardboardTears and my older brother’s is RogueShadow.

      Thanks πŸ™‚

    • #7567

      Hi Folks, thought I would drop in and say hello..My game tag is Darkstar-IE

      I am based in Ireland (thus the IE on my nick) I’ve just joined Oort Online, and don’t have a home world yet, just enjoying it for the moment and taking in the sights.

      My interests are gaming of all kinds ( I just love gaming, PC’s and consoles), and you can normally find me on Steam, XBox Live, or playstaion network.

      I am a big MMO Fan, and have been playing MMO’s since EQ way back. Played the original SWG, before it was nerfed, then EVE , 7 years in WOW before moving to the beta of GW2 (and still playing it) , and the betas of both Star Trek Online, and TESO. I Also play minecraft (so I was naturally interested in OO) Hobbies are computing and electronics, and generally building gaming rigs.

      Currently spending time in Elite Dangerous where i have been hooked since beta, The Elder Scrolls online, Guild Wars2, and Destiny .. and now Oort Online.

      I am an old timer on the upper end of my 40’s and my real job is a computer Engineer.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Darkstar-IE.
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Darkstar-IE.
      • #7571

        Awesome! Good to have you here πŸ™‚ if you ever get the chance. stop by the world of Yugen. That is where i live. Been building up the capital there with a few freinds

    • #7603

      Hey people :3

      I just bought Oort Online after watching some videos. First I was like “meh another Minecraft clone” and started to read the Steam reviews. After having a look at the planned features, I was sure that this could be something I am looking for.

      I am currently 25 years old and studying near Munich. The interest in Sandbox Games started with Ultima Online about 10 years ago, where I played a woodsman on a German freeshard. When I stopped after 4 years (*snief*), I was looking for a similar sandbox, but there were just a few in fantasy setting (and without the common MMORPG bulls!t). Back in 2009, that’s where I started with EVE Online, in which I am the CEO of a rich (>250b) trading corporation (yeah, we also sell corporation shares) for 2 years now.

      Moreover, I like permanent deaths, no scripts and games you cannot beat – for example Dwarf Fortress or Rim World.

      So, I’m hoping Oort will be a game with a smart and player-driven economy without so called ‘drops’ – I made the experience that this is often the most important (and complex) part of a well developed game. You don’t have to think of a story for the people, let the people write their own stories full of envy and greed πŸ™‚

      Cheers o/
      – dapasdapro

    • #7616

      Good to see more people introducing themselves!
      Have fun guys and see you ingame πŸ™‚

    • #7625

      it is great to be here, and thanks guys – and welcome dapasdapro, I am really looking forward to this community growing. Have to say I’ve been hooked on oort online over the past few days, the more time I spend in it , the more I love it. Its amazing even though many of the end game mechanics are still not implemented. I get the feeling we have discovered something huge here, and as time progresses more and more people will be joining us… πŸ˜€

    • #7627

      Its so awesome to meet all of you guys! Hopefully we can build some cool stuff , see you in Oort!

    • #7628

      Hey, just starting to play now, i dont know if people are still actively playing this game though. πŸ™

      Name’s Taejoon. 20 living on EST.
      I want to make something crazy while during my last days of winter break. πŸ˜€

      • #7629

        People still play there just aren’t many of us and quite a few people are just building in the middle of nowhere to avoid griefers.

    • #7630

      ohh umm hello hello!

      name’s vexus, i’m 21 and i live in the great north, U.S i am more (scarcely) known as kazekuma, an ambient drone music artist, i wil also be making music under vexus AND music for this game for all of us to listen if you like πŸ˜€

      my main hobbies are making music, drawing, painting and creating short fantasy stories

      on first glance of this i knew it could be great, so great that i bought the game before i even have a capable computer to run it XD but, look around anywhere within the oort community, twiiter, and you will see my artwork and suggestions here and there, future concept designs and my own dreams for this game, i want to build my own quest, worlds and bring something truely unique if the game allows me to.

      so soon rather then later, i hope to play with you all later on, don’t grief and have fun everyone πŸ˜€

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by VexusOo.
    • #7661

      Name’s Dakota, most people call me Dakky or Dako. I’ve not got into the game yet, but waiting for the email!

      I’m a digital artist, and I play a decent amount of Minecraft, and TUG, so I’m really excited to check out Oort. It looks like it has lots of potential for the future. One of the major things that kinda drew me to it, is how GOOD it looks for being in pre-alpha, plus the portals which are just amazing.

      My first order of business is to build either an underwater base, or an airship. XD I’ll see you guys in game~ =P

    • #7666

      – – – – – –
      Oort name: Kirosuto
      Preferred world (where to find you): Undecided (debating Agagab or Yugen)
      – – – – – –
      Name: Kristopher
      Age: 25
      Location: Brooklyn, NY
      Job: Tech Lead / Freelance Designer
      – – – – – –

      I’m a huge fan of MMORPGs, my current game is FFXIV but you name it and I’ve probably tried it. I also play League of Legends when I can, it’s the only MOBA to really keep me going. As for games like OORT, I dabble in Minecraft with some friends now and then but it’s been more of a stress reliever / I need to not play an action game right now.

      As for what interests me in OORT, I like the MMO aspects and many of the various game features that the devs have spoken about. Some things have me worried (e.g. Beacons and material commerce) but we’ll see how things fare πŸ™‚

      ‘Til then, I place myself in your care!

    • #7695

      Alpha268, at your service!

      I’m Alpha268, you can meet me on european servers, probably EU Central or EU West. Age and location are a secret, but if I get to know you, I might tell you. I’m a student at a university, and am studying computer science at the moment. In contrary to popular belief of introverted computer nerds, I am an ENTJ or ESTJ. I like to plan and control things.

      Usually I don’t get to stay long with a game. There are only a few games that really got me tangled up, but I hope I can find long term joy in Oort Online. If a game really facinates me, I’ll invest time for helping other players and start to be active in the forums. I hope that by participating in these forums I can have a minor impact on the development and maybe have one or two of my ideas implemented.

      About myself: I consider myself a brony ( /) ), and am happy to meet new fellow pony-fans. I like all kinds of music, but my focus at the moment is electronical music. I usually play action-adventures, shooters and strategy games, but enjoy a change from time to time.

      I like to inform myself about politics and culture, and enjoy to talk to people with different opinions, as long as they remain calm and resonable.

      But enough about me, now it’s your turn to introduce you!

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Alpha268.
    • #7767

      Hey guys,

      I’m Remirol (both Steam and Oort Online usernames).

      I’m currently playing on Eisa (EU West) but I’m not adversed to going to any other European realm.

      I’m mid 40’s and a gamer in what little spare time I have.

      I live in Ireland and am a big fan of Minecraft, WoW and indie strategy games.

    • #7769

      Hi there guys nice to meet you.
      Remirol try and find me on steam I will add you seems I can’t search you on steam, silly me…

    • #7860

      Hey, N3philim here, 24 from Germany (Nephilm [GM] on steam). Dunno really how I stumbled across Oort Online, one day it just popped up on my steam recommendations and I was bored, so I clicked it πŸ˜€ First thing I saw was the stunning graphics and I was in love when I read the tiny little word “mmo” on the description box. I have been waiting for an attempt like this for years and I’m so glad I found this really promising game, being a major minecraft maniac. Atm I’m not really settled on any server yet, spent most of the time exploring the landscapes and discovered a lot of things already that only made me more curious how this game will turn out in the end (dat clocktower, I probably spent about half an hour exploring every corner of that area :D). Planning to settle down for a little project on lepker now, going to build what I hope to turn out a nice “little” asian style cave shrine with a big buddha statue close to the capital (in sight of the tower). (btw, if anyone feels like helping with that, carving the granite will need quite an amount of muscle power :D).

      About myself: as I said, 24, settled in franconia, germany and I am what you could call a music nerd. Playing the church organ, piano, guitar, blues harp and all kinds of percussion, there’s barely any music genre I don’t like or hear. My big love is the metal tho. Another thing I love is gaming of course, owning a considerable game collection ranging from the early 90’s to nowadays, a game needs more than just graphics, this is why I’m so interested in Oort, as it seems to have exactly what a good game needs. Community, dedicated developers and a vision what it’s supposed to turn out to in the end.

      But enough about me (just noticed the wall of text, sry for that), looking forward to meet you guys ingame soon πŸ˜€

    • #7873

      welcome to the forum and the game I have a feeling you fit in very nicely.
      …and I must be really clumsy with search engines because I can’t find you on steam so better to find me if you want πŸ™‚

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Mittekemuis.
    • #7896

      Hi & Willkommen N3philim

      For all new Player from Steam, “Oort” have a Steam Group /
      FΓΌr alle neuen Spieler von Steam, “Oort” hat eine Steam Gruppe

      Oort Online

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Saint.
    • #7921


      I’m a 22 year old woman from Norway who just started playing Oort. I found the game pretty much by random on Steam. The game seems promising, so I’m looking forward to see what’s going to happen with it in the future. I’m a huge fan of MMORPG’s and gaming is one of my favourite hobbies ( when there’s time for it) πŸ™‚

      My Oort name is Cylia. I guess I’ll be playing the Eu West servers mostly. I’m currently in Ruccie, building a nice little wooden hut ( I haven’t gotten too ambitious yet πŸ˜› )

      Feel free to say hello if you ever see me!

    • #7945

      welcome Cylia, nice to meet you πŸ™‚
      A bunch of us have a very nice and social steam group going. If you think that would be something for you find me on steam( name mittekemuis) so I can invite you.

      • #7947

        Thank you Mittekemuis πŸ™‚ I added you on Steam!

    • #7948

      Lots of people! I wish there was an option to reply to all to the newcomers. lol
      Anyway…WELCOME! I’m glad we have so many people introducing themselves here. πŸ˜€

      I look forward to playing with all of you. If you have the time, make sure to go back and read the earlier introductions to get an idea of who everyone is.

      Have a great time in OORT…I’ll see you in-game.

    • #8394

      Hi everyone,
      my real name is David and my nickname is Desirion, I’m 25yo and I live in Italy.
      I’m really new to the game, but it seemed a cool project and I decided to give it a go. I’m still jumping from world to world to get an idea on where I would like to begin building my own place. I accept suggestions(EU Central mainly)! ^^

      I play often during the night, so if anyone is online at nighttime hit me up.
      My goal is to find a nice place to build my very own palace, cause I’m basically a fairytale’s Prince, and an INFP.

      Can’t wait to see this game at its full potential! ^^

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