Items level ! Oort Crystals?

Home Forums Suggestions Crafting Items level ! Oort Crystals?

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    • #3600

      Through the years I can say that i’ve enjoyed upgrading item levels.
      upgrade the item level using refined Oort crystals (or something like that).
      +1 to +10, each upgrade is a risk as for the item can fail and drop to zero.(Kinda gambling, Lovin it!)
      each level will add an effect to the item alongside with random or specific stats (glow if you would like, I like!)
      gives the players so much to show off about when they walk near other players.

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      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Nixcker.
    • #3603

      Maybe combine it with our ideas for the crafting and forging topic?

    • #3645

      I would be happy if you help me in my idea [link above] 🙂
      I think it’s like Lineage II upgrading item system? Explain it more and give more details 🙂

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