Let's Build a Ship~

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    • #7676

      I decided to build a ship! And I thought, why not take some progress pictures and give everyone a look at how it’s progressing. ^^

      A bit into the build. but this is pretty much the framework.

      Since this was half built into water, I have started to clear all of it out. At first I was using leaf blocks because they break really easy, but they drop when you punch them. So I decided to swap to glass.

      The starting of the captain’s quarters, and the bracing for the floor!

      The deck is built and the masts are starting to get there! I even added some cannons. =P

      I’ll update this post when I get it further in! I was gonna see about beaconing it, but the sheer size of it would take at least two. XD

      Update! More progress! It’s nearly done. Just gotta figure out the details.

      The sails are up! I’m planning on trying to add some sort of design to the sail, just not sure what yet!

      And we have the lower stores and the interior above that! I’m still working on what I need to add to make it more pretty. But it’s looking good!

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Dako.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Dako.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Dako.
    • #7698

      This is neat!

      Could you please tell me how did you clear the water from the lower decks?

      • #7714

        from looking at the screenshots I think he replaced the water blocks with glass then picked them back up when the water was gone

      • #7715

        Yeah. It was extremely tedious. At first I was using leaf blocks but they drop when you punch them so my inventory filled up a lot. I decided to swap to glass blocks because they break and don’t drop when you punch them, but they take a bit longer to break.

        It’s very time consuming but once you get it done it looks good. ^^ Just replace the water with glass and then break it and it removes the water blocks.

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Dako.
    • #7702

      \o/ a fellow ships builder. looking great!

      • #7716

        Yay! Haha. At first I was wanting to build an airship, but then I was like, I’m just gonna build a proper ship. XD Gonna make an airship later~ Lawls.

        If you wanna check it out it’s near the Callaw capital. ^^

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Dako.
    • #7909

      Love the ship, Dako! I’m in need of a Ship builder, perhaps I could hire you to build a fleet for a special project?

      • #8390

        Possibly! Though it’s been a while since you posted. (Got super busy IRL.)

    • #7916

      I like it! What world is this on? I’m working on a harbor city on Sedartas, about 1k east of the capital (also a ship) that you should check out! You may consider building a ship there later as well 😉

      • #8391

        Oh! I might have to check that out! And yes, on Callaw!

    • #7917

      hey Havok, I added you on steam; when you login next add me back!

    • #7991

      His ship is on Callaw, near the capital. We have a small group there if you’re interested in becoming a resident 😉

    • #8012

      That’s looking great so far!

    • #8074

      Cant wait to see this when it’s finished, great work so far!

    • #8392

      Thanks everyone for the compliments! I’m super sorry I’ve not been more active here, super busy and stuff. Hoping to get to building some more things, like an airship for one. =P

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