Looking for multiple users – old and new – to group up for an Oortian package

Home Forums General Discussion Looking for multiple users – old and new – to group up for an Oortian package

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    • #4234

      All in the title, really. I’m looking to go all the way with an upgrade from Wayfarer to Oortian, but $5000 in one lump sum is rather impractical (And my bank has pointed out that it would set off alarm bells).

      As per the news article, all associated accounts will receive the benefits;

      • Feature Roadmap voting
      • Title: “Oortian”
      • Exclusive Weapon
      • Exclusive Wearable
      • Name in credits
      • In-Game Dev chat
      • Founders World access
      • 150% Mega Beacon range

      The Oortian package comes with 8 instant access keys and 30 release keys, so here’s how I plan to divide it up;

      • $108 will grant one release key
      • $328 will grant one instant-access key and one release key

      I’m only after the Oortian package so that we can be incredibly close to the development of the game. The Master package may be far more practical, which would be divided up as follows;

      • $50 will grant one release key
      • $200 will grant one instant-access key and one release key

      Which comes with all of the same non-shared features, bar the title.

    • #4238

      So if I buy the 108$ it basically means I get the Oortian package because I already got instant access?

    • #4239

      Btw, only one get’s the Monthly skype with devs and design a world and item.

      • #4244

        Updated the OP to reflect this, working on Master-level calculations.

    • #4240

      I would go for the Master package instead, it’s a lot cheaper and the only thing you are missing is the monthly skype thing wich only on of us would get.

      Why pay 4000$ only for monthly skype with team wich only one of us would get?

      • #4241

        And you won’t be able to design an item^^

      • #4242

        that’s true.
        But that’s also only for one person :/

        I just don’t think it’s worth 4000$ for that.

      • #4243

        The exclusive weapon and “wearable” are made available to all of them, it’s in the article.

      • #4245

        That’s on the master pack aswell?

      • #4246

        Vote on feature roadmap. In-game + Forum Title, Craft exclusive weapon, Craft exclusive wearable, Your name in the credits, In-game developer chat, Founders World access, and Mega Beacons” for all FOUR Instant Access accounts. However you’ll need to share the “Design and Name a World” reward.

      • #4267

        but the design is shared and masters don’t have the right to design a weapon

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Kuma.
    • #4248

      I have the money.
      But should I spend them all on this?
      Mega beacons… world builder..
      I really really want it.
      I dont know.

    • #4252

      I would totally buy the 50$ one.
      I will get all the stuff such as world builder and stuff?

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Cirlex.
      • #4253

        Yes, but only when the release key applies, which is late 2015. I’m not sure how the key would interact with your current Wayfarer-level release key.

    • #4257
    • #4264

      Were I not already a Master, I’d pitch in. Unfortunately, It would only harm the people I split with if we were to jump for the upgrade. Im not sure how WS feels about our split group joining another split group for a oortian pack, anyway.

    • #4273

      Actualy not all become everything. Only all the Instant Access Accounts will be upgradet. Not all Accounts.

    • #4395

      Karko and I are discussing upping our donations to join a Oortian pack. I’ll probably end up buying out the other two people in the pack we own, and Karko will donate more to match. at least, that’s how I understood it…

      So that’s me, Karko and Hippo, who else?

    • #4396

      Id do the master thing dude is WS allows it

    • #4397

      The split that is

    • #4398

      Kold were talking about each going to master, then as a team getting Oortian

    • #4399

      Oort splits 8 ways for 5k, if we just get 5 others then we don’t have to go for the full 1k each. Only need to pay $625 each. 625×8=5000.

      I just bought out the other two players on the Master pack I split with Karko, so I have $750 down right now. If I buy Karko’s $250 share, I’ll have Master tier to my self. If Karko then put another $1k down, he’d also have Master. That would leave 3k left to be filled for Oortian. I’m not sure how we want to split this up fairly, especially since the top perks go to only one user. Perhaps if we said 1 person gets a world, 1 person an item, and one person skype call?

      Oh, and about the people I bought out, I suppose WS will need to shut down their instant access? I’m not sure how that is supposed to work.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Havok40k.
    • #4402

      Email them for that one.

    • #4406

      > and one person skype call?

      Quick comment on this. What we wanted to avoid was having to do many independent Skype calls. We would be extremely happy to organise a single time when a group of people jump on Skype or Google Hangout all together. So this could easily be shared amongst a collective.

      Let me also float a question:

      We created the packages pre-emptively (ie. before public release and before backer feedback) to try and create value that players might like to capture. If there was a group of backers that wanted to increase their backing – but the current packages don’t fit – we’d be happy to discuss a new package that works for everyone. So instead of me trying to pre-empt a change – how about you make a suggestion?

      As backers what package would you like to see? Price and features. Then we’ll work out if we can make it happen!

      • #4423

        We would be extremely happy to organise a single time when a group of people jump on Skype or Google Hangout all together.

        That would probably be the best solution, and what I initially thought would happen 😛

        If there was a group of backers that wanted to increase their backing – but the current packages don’t fit – we’d be happy to discuss a new package that works for everyone. So instead of me trying to pre-empt a change – how about you make a suggestion?

        As backers what package would you like to see? Price and features.

        As much as I want to, I can’t justify massively increasing my backing for the single feature that I really want from the Oortian package (Dev VOIP). Would it be possible to implement a system where there are tiered packages – as there are now – but we can also pay extra for specific features, as long as we are Wayfarer or higher? Say… Wayfarer + [Amount] grants all of the current Wayfarer-level goodness, as well as the Dev VOIP (But none of the features in between) for a single user.

    • #4416

      There is no limit to how much these guys are willing to listen to the backers, and I love it! I’ll see what kinda ideas I can come up with that would be fair and balanced.

      Edit: ya know, the thing I really want the most from Oortian is the design a unique item perk. I don’t even really care for the world builder myself, that’s not my thing. If there were a tier that let me do specifically that, I’d throw my money at it! If you called it Artificer, I’d weep with joy! Just sayin’.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Havok40k.
    • #4422

      Apparently my notifications haven’t been working for this thread since I last posted, so I’m going to get up to speed now >__<

    • #4491

      My Reservations
      Here is my reservation about teaming for Oortian for the devs. 5, Masters would get 20 Instant keys, and 40 Launch keys. A team of 1 Oortian would have to split 8 instants and 30 launch between 5 people. In exchange for getting to design one item, and chat with the devs once a month. I just don’t think it is worth the sacrifice, when I have a small army of loyal brothers from factions, and my survival/building server that are drooling to get on the Oort wagon.

      My Solution
      Perhaps it could be something like this. 4 X 1250. Oortian, 16 instant. 32 launch. and all other perks. That way there is an incentive to upgrade, but it still requires additional monetization from each master.

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