Minigame Mechanics

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      Hi guys, I’ve been spending the last few days building in Dune, and it occurred to me that, while a lot of attention has been given to combat, not much thought has been put into traditional minigames. I’ve recently built a labyrinth and a parkour course, and throughout construction I have come up with a few ideas I think might be cool to add to the game at some stage during development.

      To begin with, some dedicated support toward unique gamemodes in the game would be nice to add at some point in future, but as the game lacks suitable refinement at this point in time, I feel that this is best saved for such a time that the tools are available to do this kind of thing.

      However, there are some things that could more easily be implemented sooner rather than later. For instance, one of the more integral mechanics for parkours courses and segmented/relay minigames would be a checkpoint system. It would be very useful for you to be able to teleport back to a set point in the course upon death, or possibly on command if you can’t easily get back to that point. For the spawn-upon-death mechanic, it might be an idea to add some way to set one’s spawn.

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by IAmSpartacus.
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