My ideas about Oort Online

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    • #2395

      Hello everyone i’m just watched oort online’s introducing video on youtube and i have to say i want to play this game for real. so i want to give the devolopers my ideas and if it fits your game or developers idea i will really happy.
      just one simple note english is not my main language so im sorry for the mistakes that im going to make until now ^^

      I have waited this kind of game since i play minecraft but i want to play a game that has lots of differences between minecraft not a copy. If creators make Oort and Minecraft so similiar Oort cant be an online game but another type of modded minecraft server if it comes to my ideas lets see:

      1- I need a game that have many combat abilites (maybe sticking to walls or hyper jump maybe invisibility and some spells) I really dont want a war system like minecraft you just punch like idiotic boxheaded charecter or only have 1 ranged weapon. I want a war sytem like you see your character in third person and want to dodge their attacks like rolling around or jumping like Hulk, stick the walls like spider man and as i said before i dont want a battle system boring as hell like minecraft used

      2- I find minecraft or other sandbox games like minecraft boring because they limit or creativity. I’m kinda herad your questions “How?”. we can only place squares. and everything that we make is squares. I find your idea half pyramids and the ideas that you said you re going to make like sliding around but we need desing tools more than this little but awesome ideas. Maybe tools in 3d design programmes like make our squares into spheres so we can create statutes looks like more realistic.

      3-I have to say something we need to control squares’s shapes 0,1×0,1 to 400×400 squares like everquest did

      if designers do theese ideas i’m happy to play Oort 24/7

    • #4757

      I imagine it would make more sense to go for a combat system similar to what’s been done in other MMO’s, since there is going to be a lot of PVP going on. Forming parties to attack large monsters is also a lot of fun…

      ON THE OTHER HAND I also really like the amount of power players have to manipulate blocks in the game Ace of Spades; being able to tunnel and build walls on the fly makes battles a lot longer and more interesting. And the newer version of AoS added the ability to instantly place larger structures from blueprints and things like a tunnel-digging gun and bombs, so you can build and destroy on a larger scale. It’s crazy.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Connorses.
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