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Tagged: race
- This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by
November 18, 2014 at 8:14 pm #5393
Participant-Warning this is a long topic-
Hi everyone my name is Gabriele and i have some suggestions for the game. i divided them in 3 categoires: the ones that could be implemented right now (needed or “easy” stuff), general suggestions for the game, and some fantasies i have that you are not allowed to make joke about xD.
1-1) There’s should be a “demo pack” that would allow you to play the game for a short period of time like 25 minutes, so you can have an overall idea on the game. This pack should cost 1-5€ and at the end of the time you can buy another pack for a discount of 1-5€.
1-2) Monlty contests would be cool
– in-game stuff –
1-3) Light blocks should bright if dropped out from the inventory, immagine how cool would be to launch a torch in a rovine and see it shine in its way down1-4) In-chat achivments, i mean simply achivment like “[player’s name] has travelled for 100000 blocks, Booyha!”
1-5) Signboards, If becon aren’t enough mainstream place a sign: “THIS HILL HAVE BEEN CLAIMED! go away.”
– General Suggestion –
2-1) Very deep customisation: All races have their pros and cons, NPCs of the same “family” should differentiate by grade (like novice, master ecc) dipending in the area you find them. Armor and tools as well, there’s shouldn’t be two “same equipped” players in a world, i suggest to add a random variable in every modification,
2-2) The choice of blocks you can have shuold be huge, every worlds have their own choice of colour and shades in blocks, NPCs, fluid, air and “sun(s)”
2-3) Mining and caving must be at the top of the list: the speed you can mine should be affected by the depth you are mining, your status(hungry, cold, hot ecc), the tool you are using and its upgrades and enchanting, the number of people mining that block (it’s an MMO, i mean, come on!) and last but not least the block itself.
2-4) The player should realy be effected by the world it’s in, the game shuold have basics survival aspects, nothing too fancy (it’s still a sandbox): food, water and temperature are enough.
2-5) Life should be the most important thing you have. As you “don’t die” in the time you would earn skills and achivments, die and you loose them all; life is a right, not a must. In the other hand, the brave players who are successfull must be rewarded
2-6) There’s shouldn’t be passive mob, come on, you can’t punch a cow with no consequences! some bull can realy get hungry. Having a pet like a wolf, a bear. an hawk is a must if you want to play alone. In line with the huge customization, you shuold have a “big choice in choosing” your pet and its skills and coustomization: a big and armored bear for carry all your chest and protect you, a skilled wolf to attak the enemy.
2-7) In-game interacion: have the possibility to use the microphone to speak with the players nearby, being able to dance, greet, seat, press [f] to pay respect and so on..
2-8) If u are reading this then wow, i am onored xD. Connected textures, connect the frame, the bezel or even the entire tecture of two blocks near each other, for remove the checkerbord effect. This should be applicated not only on block of the same “kind” but even between like sand and gravel (not sure how xDD)
2-9) Some blocks “tips”: if you stop mining a mineral or an hand-made block it will rest cracked, if the block is byological the cracks would disappear in the time. You should be able to walk across leaf blocks but you would move slowly, hand-placed leaf blocks wouldn’t let you walk across. Blocks should interact with fluid.
2-10) Fire shuold be a big point in the game: like other elemnts, its abilities should depend on world itself. If it’s a dry and windly world fire can easily spred on a grassfield covering everything in ash; it can turn a forest in charcoal trees with no leafs as well as melting ores and player
– Other suggestion –
3-1) A world made by only floating island with lava at the botom where there’s a flying Titan. It would be like Kyogre, Huge, strong, slow and powerfull, flying around moving the big flins and levitate like it’s made of Helium. You have to shoot him in its weak point, the gills as quick as you can becouse it will slowly but surely destroy all the floating ilands.
3-2) Massive Multyplayer Events, like in Destiny there would be every once in awhile a special event like “two titan spawned at …” or “world full of gold has been found”.
3-3) Being able to capture other players (why am i writing this?), lock them in a room with no exit and play a game .. (why am i writing this????).
3-4) And the most utopistic of them all: a mobile version with a cross platform multyplayer.
Let me know (if you have read this, and i don’t think so xD) what do you think of my ideas, what would you change, and what you wouldn’t.
-i do apologyse for the grammatical errors. -
November 20, 2014 at 4:58 am #5478
MemberSome good ideas. I like 2-1
November 20, 2014 at 5:57 pm #5511
ParticipantThanks 😉
December 26, 2014 at 3:54 pm #7077
ParticipantSince this is the first forum I saw labeled “Suggestions” I’m going to post some of my ideas here.
Regarding races, I read a news thing about the survey where they asked the community what races we would like to see. One of the big ones was Cats, I love cats, however for the sake of being more unique (lots of games do tend to overlap on certain ideas) if cats do become a thing, they should be like rocky beings with cat like features rather than literally be cats. This is just an example of course, what I’m really saying is let the community recognize that the race they requested took form, but throw in a unique twist. After all, everyone’s likely to go for Dragons and Elves too and I think those have been overused.
Because these races are the playable races, another topic comes to mind and that is character customization. Is everyone going to look the same? Is everyone going to have purple skin if we pick a scaled race? Are we all unisex? I have no intention of advertising, but because I’m trying to help with the flow of ideas I’m going to bring up Mabinogi for a sec. This MMO in particular has a ton of customization, from what you look like to your height/age, weight, clothing (ridiculous how many clothes exist) the colors of your clothes (again ridiculous variety) and even the skills and weapons (too many). There are millions of people who play that game, but I have always felt unique while playing that game. Now this game, Oort Online, being similar to Minecraft, has tons of potential in the battle for being amazingly unique (Oort already beats Minecraft looks wise and we have grappling hooks and apparently epic battles in the future). I want to be That One Guy and not some dude over there. I play tons of games, and one thing I’ve recognized recently is I tend to become some kind of wizard ninja person if it’s possible, so please let me continue my odd tradition.
My fellow Gamers, and of course the Devs, please respond to these thoughts with more ideas, or a more solid interpretation of what you think I’m getting at, Gamers give your critique, Devs give me the yay or nay on what you think is going to happen.
December 27, 2014 at 11:28 pm #7142
MemberEverything is sorted into lesser suggestion categories and it help if people keeps to them 🙂
Further more please remember the search tool at the front page check if the suggestion exists already 🙂
(They can be found a bit all over the forum as people aren’t very good at using the search tool)
Other stuff about races:
December 27, 2014 at 2:05 pm #7107
ParticipantHere’s an idea that I hope everyone can agree to, instruments. Yes, music in your hands, I don’t want to build roller-coaster to listen to a song that took half a world to make. Obviously your other keys do things already and I don’t want to have people breaking things just to play musical notes, again I’m mentioning another game to provide an example and again it’s Mabinogi. In Mabi you can make score scrolls that you basically program with the music you want to play, the notes are the same no matter which instrument you choose to play with and other players can join a band with you for that lovely blend of sound, which I believe can help build that tight-knit campfire community if we can implement something similar in Oort.
I sincerely want players in Oort to be close to their guilds and their friends and feel welcome to join strangers in some fun. Something that Minecraft (I apologize, but that is my basis for games that have blocks) could never do was make me feel connected, it was a solo effort even with other people everywhere in the world. I know Oort is a very different MMO, but I believe (I can fly) that it has the potential to deliver.
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