Oort Pre-Alpha lacks alot of the game idea.

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    • #5118

      look in my opinion this game is great, seriously great!!.

      i like the main idea, but i think the current steam build shows nothing of the game , nothing special other then building with cubes like everyother game in the genre ,

      things that i think you should work off in order to make this a bit more populer for pre- purchase

      1. i never see people in this game, the world are in the right size for now , but with no portals or any way to tp to another player and explore with them i fell lonely .

      2. the protecting beacons / claming lands , i feel for now this is really importent as players would like thier creations to get saved and not just play in the wind.

      3. and the last for now is the very reason people buy this game, the briliant idea of portals, i never see any and i run for and hook for a long periods of time in serch .

      4.the ability to respawn and save your current backpack because lets say i found someintersting mats in other or the current world like flowers etc… and i really want them near my house , whenever your respawn you get the basic mats all over agian ..

      i know this game is not even close to being finish and this is the pre- alpha but you gotta give out more core fetures of the game in the pre- alpha in order to make it really appealing to buy , because right now its the same like any other game out there.

    • #5130

      I’m pretty sure portals are in game, I have not personally used one but… they’re in the videos and everything. I personally do not believe you should be able to die and respawn with all of your stuff… at least not on the official launch. If you find a titan and take all of the resources before the titan kills you… you would keep those rare resources without taking on the titan.

      You can also switch servers in the menu.

      The game IS missing a lot of features like crafting, npcs, combat etc.
      I did originally think there was crafting when I bought into it 😛 But oh well.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Sorrow.
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Sorrow.
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Sorrow.
    • #5137

      1. i never see people in this game, the world are in the right size for now , but with no portals or any way to tp to another player and explore with them i fell lonely.

      If you spawn at the capitals on Agabab, Eisa, Ruccie, Tawas & Wenton, they’ve been around since pre-Steam launch so have been built up to varying extents. Although the newer servers are pretty quiet at the moment, if you respawn at the capitals on those, you could help start building up those worlds (once you move outside of the beacon).

      2. the protecting beacons / claming lands , i feel for now this is really importent as players would like thier creations to get saved and not just play in the wind.

      The Devs know that this could be an issue and they will be added in soonâ„¢

      3. and the last for now is the very reason people buy this game, the briliant idea of portals, i never see any and i run for and hook for a long periods of time in serch .

      There were portals in the pre-Steam version, but the world that they connected to isn’t available at this time. I can’t remember if any of the portals that were available didn’t connect to the server that was called “Test”. I’m sure that they will be added in again asap, as will the ability to create our own.

      4.the ability to respawn and save your current backpack because lets say i found someintersting mats in other or the current world like flowers etc… and i really want them near my house , whenever your respawn you get the basic mats all over agian ..

      I’m not sure I agree with this as I feel it could be abused once Titans are added in. At the moment, the easiest way is once you’ve found a home location on a hold, set your home spawn point, go collecting things on different worlds, then travel back to your home using the “P” menu. That will teleport you to your home without resetting your inventory.

    • #5224

      @ardos basically covers it.

      1. Dev controlled portals and beacons will be in soon. We’ll link the worlds up.

      2. Player controlled portals and beacons will be later – mainly because we need to create a GUI that sits on top of the system already in place so that you can control them. But we totally agree that these are really important features.

      3. If you die in the game – you’re probably going to lose your backpack (unless you get back there quickly or a friend kindly recovers your stuff.) Without this there is very little drama or tension to exploration. Where is the risk?

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