Oort twist on power and modern tech

Home Forums Suggestions Crafting Oort twist on power and modern tech

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    • #3409

      With Oort online I’m hoping power will be implemented like tekkit I would like to see windmills and solar panels but with the Wonderstruck artists twist making it oorty. This will give people some thing to work towards like starting at wood/coal/oil/wind/solar etc. Any other techs that could be useful?

    • #3425

      I’m not sure if this is what they want. I surley enjoyed playing FTB but I don’t think it would fit into Oort or at least not to this extend. Maybe some basic tech things but not to far into the industrial age.

      But if you combine it with magic it would fit much better I’d say. More Oorty as you said^^.

    • #3470

      Yeah, The vibe I got from their concept art leads me to think that if there were power it would be voodoo magic out of the crystals kind of thing. So perhaps your voodoo crystals are recharged by the sun, or the moon, in the town generator. Although power does open the door to some interesting possibilities. Perhaps this is what maintains your beacons and thus control, or perhaps player traps or shields.

      • #3477

        How about a symbiosis of magic and technic? That would be cool^^ (and why voodoo? xD)

      • #3478

        sure, why not. I love the art style of this game. lol, not sure why voodoo is my magic of choice, but to be fair these character look more like they use skylanders magic rather than voodoo.

      • #3490

        I have to say I’m not familiar with skylanders magic^^

    • #3501

      I would love to have some kind of power source option and blocks that could use it. Switches, lights and pistons as a starting point are enough to open hundreds of possibilities from doors to traps to just simple lighting. For me Redstone is the reason I played Minecraft for so long 😀

      • #3506

        Yea I love Minecraft for the same reason. Redstone contraptions are great but if something similiar is implemented in Oort then it should have the same style and should fit in with the lore. Magic is just something which presents itself for that reason. Maybe with crystals you have to mine and exchange after several days. Like a Battery.

    • #3741

      I am the same, redstone in Minecraft makes secret rooms my thing. I saw windmills in one of the artists drawings and thought could be a nice way to power things up. From reading the funding goals I’m guessing redstone/ mechanical systems is going to be added with the crafting II as says mechanical blocks and powering your systems. I just feel that vanilla Minecraft would not be such a big hit as it is without the mod packs eg tekkit so if mod packs arnt going to be considered these sorts of things need to be implemented from the beginning to keep the sandbox side of the game going.

    • #3804

      Well, Power crystals could be cool, but why have them recharge? Make them single use like a battery, then harvest them like mad! Upon depleting a crystal, it could be used as a reagent for crafting of some sort? Perhaps crystal based weapons, where it could make a spear tip or arrow head.

      The next question about power would be should things have to be connected to a power source, or perhaps power sources power everything in a radius? Some combination of both? The possibilities are endless!

      • #3821

        I think the connection question depends on how much magic is in the whole process. I would make much more sense to connect everything in a radius with magic than with electricity. But that might just be my feeling^^
        I also love the idea of crystal based weapons. That could bring more depth into the game.
        Imagine an Archer with crystal arrows paralyses (because kind of electricity^^) a monster while the Melee fighter keeps the monster at bay and they barely make it just because of the teamplay.

    • #3969

      I played vanilla minecraft for a while but actually didn’t enjoy the creative side, survival was what was interesting for me. After watching some Direwolf20 videos I got really into the industrial side of it all.

      Essentially why I play the game is to advance myself from a basic stone fire to fully automated systems that do all sorts of crazy stuff. It’s fun to experiment and see what is possible, but all of that requires power and the tools/items to do it. But learn one thing from mods in Minecraft… implement one type of power only! Minecraft was/is plagued by modders creating their own power types RF, EU etc. Don’t even go there! 😛

      Imo it’s fine to have multiple things such as ‘power’ i.e. what we see as electricity but also other things like magic and steam etc.

      • #3976

        Yea MU,EU and what not were and are a pain in the ass xD But I’m not sure about the whole automation thing in an MMO. It could be good but also very bad…

      • #4042

        And laggy too, just ‘sayin. Many pistons can stop minecraft server.

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by DjKolekson.
      • #4044

        Yea that’s another point but I’m not sure if it’s because it just causes lag or if they coded it that bad^^ (everything can cause lag if you do it too much) Or maybe both^^

    • #4045

      But that’s what’s great about this game is its MMO with Sandbox. Im lucky and I love them both but with this it will need sandbox and MMO to join. Some people will buy the game for the sandbox and some for the mmo or others like me for both but both must be packed full of play. With Minecraft (the biggest sandbox I can think so will use it) I dont feel that it would of done half as well without the mod packs. Building and adding on the basic Minecraft (vanilla) and made the game builds larger with power/ power tools / solar panels and so on. This game wont be modded as far as I understand so for the long term it must have alot of options for building to keep the sandbox side alive or it will stop with building a fortress/ home or smashing through a mountain to make a road. If pistons and so forth would cause issues with lag then maybe a limited amount per-person should be allowed to be built. I would like red stone type or magic to be the power source for alot of things. Possibly the different method used in charging varies the amount of power the crystals/ batteries could hold or take to charge? I liked the idea to power up crystals to maybe power hammers to smash a larger area of blocks or to charge up a staff to do more damage etc. I would like the chance to use solar panels and or windmills to link the charging of these stones/batteries. I think its quality if you could go into a guild owned castle with secret doors to different sections/ portals/ secret bootie. It gives the building side of the game an edge it needs to move onward and upward from minecraft.

    • #4047

      Minecraft shortfalls should not dictate what is or is not possible in oort. Mechanical blocks chugging all day cause lag? Add a fuel source that must be filled manually and now all mechanisms turn off automatically, problem solved. Automatic farming generates too much product for the economy? Add game mechanics that either reduce efficiency of supply, or generate higher demand. Give food a “shelf life” that destroys food that’s not consumed after x days. Problem solved. There is literally no reason a player should not be able to automate or mechanized anything they can think of.

      • #4048

        yea you’re right if they implement it right it will be great

    • #4055

      And maybe add tanks. Everyone likes to drive Tiger or Panther into someone house. Thats cool. If you dont like someone just bomb his house with nuclear rocket. Magic? For what when you have AK-47, its better 🙂

      • #4056

        I hope so hard this was a ironc post^^

      • #4057

        I dont want to be rude but when i read alot of ideas here on forum… I think the same for 50% of content here. I really dont like to be rude.

      • #4058

        You do? 50% might be a high estimate not? For me it’s about 1-5% maybe.
        Don’t get me wrong I like to drive a tank into someones house too^^ But any too modern thing wouldn’t fit into the vision they convey of Oort atm.
        But I just got an idea^^ How about a world just for war? Maybe a mod for yourself and your friends without interupting the maingame with mass destruction. That would be really nice^^

      • #4061

        I had an idea, y’all could post your new ideas, that have no relevance to the original thread, in a new thread! Then you don have to worry about accidentally hijacking other people’s thread. Brilliant, right?

      • #4062

      • #4063

        Well the fact that this is still relevant for this thread makes me agree with the meme above. Especially because we discuss it in a kind of a subthread so everyone knows that this part is just about this idea which could be an addition to the topic in this thread.

    • #4084

      original thread “how will power be implimented”

      ya’lls post
      “And maybe add tanks. Everyone likes to drive Tiger or Panther into someone house. “,”I like to drive a tank into someones house too^^”


    • #4086

      First before you criticize others about their content you should learn to replie correctly so that answers don’t create new answers to the main topic but rather stay in the same subtopic. Because that’s what makes a thread really confusing. Like you see with this post!

      And second, if you talk about energy and then FTB or Tekkit (or industrialistation with other words) it’s plausible to think about tanks and other machinerie. To open up a new thread just for such a minor thing isn’t necessairy in my opinion.
      You shouldn’t pack too much into a thread like rukio did but you shouldn’t spread the topics too much. If the topic “Tanks” would get more attention or create more ideas about other things which could be grouped together with the “Tank” topic then we should maybe consider to move it into it’s own thread (if that is even possible with this forum atm)

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Kuma.
    • #4088

      I “replie” by adding suggestions that may help flesh out an idea or lead to other methods of answering the same question, but still stay to the original topic. Where as, going from a topic of power mechanics to vehicular combat is completely non-sequitur, But I’m glad you agree it should be moved to it’s own thread. That’s all the time I’m wasting on that matter.

      • #4089

        And again you didn’t learn how to replie correctly. Well if you can not think of any way on how to come from Energy to vehicle that uses said energy then so be it.
        I said if we’d expand on the idea it could be reasonable to move it to it’s own thread, not how it is atm.
        And if you believe in your opinion then no time is wasted in defending it. In a way you already acepted defeat with this sentence.

    • #4090

      In a way, my defeat only came because I wasted time arguing with an internet troll who can’t even spell “reply”, and not because of any argument rendered by them. That, or there is some definition for the word “reply” that says if you spell it “replie” then you have to add some “^^” to make it correctly. There is truly no way to know when you match reason against ignorance. What chance did I ever have? Q.Q so sad ^^


      If that’s not “replie” enough, check a dictionary. Or scribble your own gibberish in there, what ever.

      • #4091

        No tanks in modern tech?! I don’t approve

      • #4092

        And i am already giving a little bit up on the community. Sigh

      • #4093

        Yea same here… Especially if one of the more frequent poster has to resort to criticise the grammar of his opponent as soon as he sees he has lost instead of arguing with arguments. (I wonder who the true troll is)

        Edit: But Koleksons picture replies aren’t good reasoning either.

        • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Kuma.
        • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Kuma.
      • #4096

        Just having some fun.

      • #4099

        It may be fun but it doesn’t help to resolve the problem^^ but at least you know how to reply correctly^^

    • #4101

      You’re welcome 🙂

      • #4102

        Or maybe not (if that wasn’t on purpose xD)^^ We definitely need a Forums admin to clean up threads like this^^

    • #4560

      I hope some of the Dev team or all of them tried FTB because the contents in there are created by players for the player, the mods there have very good stuff, vary from automation to blood magic and voodoo stuff, and the process to create and item there is very good (smelt, crush, cock the powder, and so on) I mean people can advance in they way they love, like choosing your own path and making it unique to you only.

      • #4599

        Yea I love FTB (not so much the newer packs^^) but if they make something similar in Oort then it should be much harder to obtain/build/create because FTB is to easy as I remember it.

    • #6012

      The opening post has exactly what I’m hoping and expecting even if its a magical version rather than completely realistic industrial. Thermal expansion, bob tech and Thaumcraft were always fun to mess and combine.

      Any MMO that creates some sort of system where you can create essentially power generation system/crafting similar, will have my life time loyalty.

    • #6315

      I think some of these items should be added to make a tekkit feel but now so far into the Industrial Age. Maybe a couple of wires, lanterns, and steampunk do-hickies.

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