Performence Problems Firefox / Chrome

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    • #2425

      Hello ,

      i tried playing the game with firefox and chrome, with both browsers i had individuell problems.

      Firefox: very good performence (50-70fps everything “on”) but i had after a several amount of time the problem, that things which i harvestet dont disappear. i can walk through the models and loot them, but the models stay visible. when i walk into the models i can watch through the bottom into the whole map. I tried to find out when does firefox start to have the malbehavior described above and i think its everytime somebody joins the server.

      Chrome: The performence is far away form firefox. it show me 20 fps with everything turned off but it feels like 5 fps.

      My System:

      64 bit windows 7
      radeon ati r9 200
      i5 2500k
      16k ddr3 ram
      java is up to date
      browsers are all up to date

      If you have further questions dont hesitate to contact me again.

      best regards

      Erwin Wagner

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Erwin.
    • #2459

      I think firefox is slowly crashing due to an out of memory issue in the case you are seeing.

      Generally chrome is fine but they just made an update that not working well in some cases.

      If you run chrome from the command line with “–disable-d3d11” which run chrome using directx9 instead of 11 it may well run much, much better.

      “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” –disable-d3d11

      If that is better can you let me know what the fps difference is – we are talking to them about this issue.

      The next update also has a fix in that should help some of the extreme slowdown on Chrome on some cards.

    • #2582

      I startet 32 bit version chrome with disabling d3d11 and now i have constant 60 fps and it fells all really nice and fast. so chrome works now very good.

      Thats unbevlievable nice dude 🙂 thx

    • #2611

      Wow, this makes quite a difference for me too.

      Thank you Michael!

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Tercel.
    • #2738

      Could yo please explain how I launch chrome in 32 bit with d3d11 disabled please.

    • #2745

      If you have a short cut to chrome copy it and call it, say, Chrome DX9. Then right click on the short cut and select properties. This opens a properties dialog on the shortcut tab. Edit the ‘Target’ by adding –disable-d3d11 to the end.

      Heres an example :

    • #2946

      I’ve tested Oort now on Firefox and Chrome.

      Runs smoothly with acceptable fps but after a few moments blocks I destroy don’t disappear visually. They are not really there but are shown. Also blocks I place dont appear visually but are really there.

      Runs with low fps and feels like it has a little delay. With DirectX11 disabled the fps are OK and the delay is gone but every now and then I get little lags.

      I really hope the steam-Client get’s released soon.

      My System specs:
      Intel i5-2500K @ 3.30 GHz
      8 GB RAM
      Windows 7 64-bit
      2048MB Asus Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition
      Firefox 31.0
      Chrome 36.0.1985.125 m

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by El_Bollo.
    • #3130

      One other thing to try is updating the graphics drivers to the latest ones to see if they address some of the DX11 slow down.

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