Please make characters ambidextrous

Home Forums Suggestions Combat Please make characters ambidextrous

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    • #3053

      –Post Edited–

      Condensing the original post it simply stated I wish to see characters being allowed to use each hand equally. Tools, weapons, items, etc. in either the right or left hand. Essentially it would be player choice on which is the primary hand used.

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by ApfelStreusel.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by ApfelStreusel.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by ApfelStreusel. Reason: too strongly opinionated for some
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by ApfelStreusel.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by ApfelStreusel.
    • #3128

      Hey ApfelStreusel,

      We can add left/right handed models by flipping the model. So, from a coding point of view it’s not hard for us to do. I’m not sure what the designers think about this idea (what if you want to hold 2 items at the same time like BioShock

      I’m left handed too but I always feel weird with the left handed models. Guess its a personal preference.

    • #3222

      I have deleted the previous post as it may have been too heavy for some. I am adding this suggestion to another post with more character related suggestions and will keep it simple. Thank you for the reply.

    • #3376

      Well, it does brings to mind the many struggles I had in minecraft where I would’ve loved to hold a torch in my left hand whilst I’m digging with the other. Would be great to see this happen at some point, if possible.

    • #5477

      Yeah like what if you could hold a torch in your left hand and a sword in your right while you explore

    • #5565

      I definitely vote for this idea, it is definitely more immersive to use both hands/claws/whathaveyou.

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