poison world concept (V1)

Home Forums Suggestions Worlds poison world concept (V1)

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      worlds: rain forest colors, deep shades of green,various plants and colorful fruit tropical forest that differ in density, the sun shades purple in the afternoon, wateers poison content based on least to greatest,( clear, blue, dark blue, purple, black,)
      Ruined deserts,poisonous lakes, giant large trees,underground caverns. worlds typically rain most of the day, rains less at night,golems appear less at night, spiders appear more at night, snakes appear between both.

      enemies: mainly plant type enemies, bugs , Venus fly traps type enemies, vines that can snare and trap you and deal damage.giant snakes.

      oort temples: giant temple/ pyramid structures covered with vines. underground spider lairs filled with webs, pit traps filled with small spiders. twisting, maze like snake temples with pressure plated traps.

      jade oort golem: can be found in oort temples with jaded statues, can also be found by collecting pieces of the jade tablet, showing you the location of various and secret temples, each map differs between players. drops raw jade material that can be used to make weapons, armor, etc.

      spider titans: regular spider titans can be found within the more dense tropical forest areas , underground, special, larger spider titans can be found underground, spider tablet shows you some of underground spider map, varies each player, spiders drop silk, venom that can make poison silk snares, nets, etc.

      snake titans: regular ones can be found roaming in the less dense tropical forest areas, underground, special, larger snake titans can be found in the dessert, nearing the location you will find bones , temples marked with snake statues, snake titans drop snake fangs for weapons, snake skin for armor, snake skin color and design varies.

      creatures: monkeys, various reptiles, small bugs, lightning bugs.

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by VexusOo.
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