With combat currently under development, I have a few concerns.
Firstly, I’d like to see some way to toggle oneself available for PvP manually. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to build something when you’re sucker punched or shot by a player you were not paying attention to.
A few ideas to protect oneself from unsolicited PvP could include:
+Manually flagging oneself for PvP, much like in a PvE WoW server.
+Craftable Sanctuary beacons, much like the beacons to control land, but when placed prevent player damage within an area. The server spawn would be a good place to have one by default. Areas surrounding a portal would be another.
+Sanctuary worlds, where PvP is globally disabled. I like this idea because I think they would eventually become massive trade and commerce hubs, or places for showcasing artistic talent or just learning to play in a stress free place.
+Naturally generated or randomly placed Sanctuaries, like temples, trading posts or preserves. Would provide a safe haven to trade from on even the most hostile planets, even without having your own settlements.
Much of these sanctuary ideas may be better implemented in a Combat II patch, or even economy patch, but the basic need to be able to avoid PvP combat should be implemented with Combat I.
This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
Havok40k. Reason: Edited tags