Quest System – Procedurally Generated?

Home Forums Suggestions Multiplayer Quest System – Procedurally Generated?

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    • #7564

      Thinking for a minute about the RPG side of the game, will there be NPC’s who offer quests? If so, then maybe there is an overall story arc, which is planned, that will offer a main quest storyline, but along with that, it would be great if NPC’s could offer procedurally generated quests.

      These could be to retrieve items from dungeons, kill world bosses, gathering, or crafting quests. Also random quests that could open up sideline stories. If there is going to be a content rich game, where a lot of players will want to be, then to have a good supply of quests to do, along with the building/crafting would be awesome.

      Also with procedurally generated quests, there would always be something to do, and could also offer a good way to upgrade weapons, or to get base weapons which can be crafted/upgraded to legendary/Epic/Ascended etc.

      By adding a quest system (and procedural generation), it would enrich the whole experience, and add another dimension to the crafting/building/survival. it would (imho) really merge the voxel building sandbox into a whole new kind of MMORPG.

    • #7719

      Procedural Quests would be wonderful! It would fill a big whole I feel on other MMOs when I finished the last quest on an area and just see the cool landscape – but no cause to go there. I also like the idea to use this method to get some rare mats or upgrades, but how would it be to get tokens or points for a faction on the world to trade with them? …

      Thumbs up for this whole idea!! ;D

    • #7851

      Honestly, I’d may do one or two of this quests and that’s it. I’d much rather have other players give out quests than some stupid NPC.
      If I don’t have to do the quests AND they don’t scream for attention, why not have them. But as soon as there is an icon on the minimap or an NPC which screams for help all the time, it’s more a bother for me than anything which helps the game.

    • #7856

      What seems more interesting to you? World quests, or player quests? Are there any clever ways to combine the two?

    • #7861

      I like both ideas, I’d personally like to see a basic quest system for dungeons/titans/rare crafting materials and a player quest system based off of that. Maybe also something like a bounty system, since this game will contain pvp I guess there will be good use for it 😀

    • #8209

      I would like it if you as “Hoster” of an Oort Online Server should have the Abillity to Create Own Quests Series just as addition.
      So that you can do something like a 2nd own storyline 🙂

    • #8217

      I think it would be cool if Guilds could craft some type of item, say a crystal. this item would allow guilds to form guild towns and bases that they can manage/govern and also develop Quests. the guild would have to make a system to fund the quests so maybe have some thing like taxes and other things. the “crystal” could allow members to view crime rates and other stats of the town and possible change things based on rank and permissions developed by the guild.

      If the guild made its home in a hostile world maybe have them have to fight and come up with ways to protect the “crystal” as well as its citizens from mobs.

      And have other players the ability to make personal quest which would be more like a favor or a trade from what the non NPC people that iv talked to have told me

      NPCs I think would be good to fill in gaps like whos going to sit in the shop all day or give out quests and all that

      • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Grey.
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