
Home Forums Suggestions Combat Races

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    • #1725

      In Oort, I would want a balanced race system. I wouldn’t want someone to play a specific race because that race is way more dominant than the others. I’m not sure what each race is capable of doing, but maybe a special skill system would be interesting to see.

    • #1732

      Thanks Ben. When we start implementing the different races we would like to give players a good reason to choose between them (attributes or skills). When you have gameplay differences between characters or races in games it usually ends up that there is one more dominant than the others.

      However, with time and tuning you can reduce the differences until you have a fun and fair system.

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #1816

      If I made add. Something I was thinking about in terms of race attributes or skills is to keep it as simple as possible.

      Personally Id like race choice to really be down to aesthetics. But I would like some benefit.

      For instance. I know in the concept I saw what looked like a feline race. That races running speed could be enhanced.

      What I mean is giving each race, one or two bonuses to a stat, if they are in the game.

    • #1843

      Thanks Darren. Feel free to contribute! That’s what the forums are for πŸ™‚

      I know what you’re saying about different attributes. It’s nice for there to be some gameplay impact of the differences. As soon as things get too complicated you end up with a balancing nightmare often with continuous nerfing of the overpowered race of the week.

      Keep up the ideas!

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #1865

      i think it would be great if every race will have the attributes which race they are for example the reptile race can swim faster and the insect race can walk faster like Darren said.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Janis.
    • #1947

      Rukio said something about having the insect race utilizes wings of some sort, so have them be able to jump 2 blocks high.

      When I think reptiles, I think land. Water is more amphibians.
      So Reptiles could move faster over rough terrain, by say, making them auto move up 1 block spaces, instead of the player having to press jump.

      Not sure what other races will be available. I would like to see a wolf/canine type looking race. Their benefit could be something that has to do with hunting for food.

    • #2001

      Seems like everyone wants races and different attributes badly!

      It has been NOTED! πŸ™‚

      (But don’t stop making more suggestions about them. They’re great)

      Rob – Wonderstruck Designer

    • #2031

      If there is a feline race maybe they can be a little faster? Like by a %02 faster? lol That way it’s not really at fault cause maybe there are spells or food that can give a temp run boost or sprint.

    • #2081

      Up till now a lot of movement related attributes has been mentioned here is some other ones:

      – higher mining speed
      – higher damage
      – higher damage against a specific type of creature
      – lower damage taken
      – more powerful magic
      – a special spell/ability

      I have no idea which races are coming exempt the bug and lizard so i can’t specify the races to them πŸ™‚

    • #2151

      Heres my list of races.

      A ram looking race.
      A wolf/canine race.
      A feline race.
      A monkey looking race.
      And an avian/bird looking race.
      Maybe even a mole type race that came from underground.

    • #2166

      Oh the ram looking race would be awesome i would play that all the time.

    • #2191

      You could make it that felines are a lil slower in water since they are cats lol

    • #2261

      I’d like to see a frog race. I don’t know many games that have frog based playable races. This annoys me ’cause I like frogs.

      • #2264

        If there was a like button…

      • #7491

        I’m so behind an amphibious race of any kind, I would build Atlantis and all the land-lubbers could come enjoy our watery realm.

    • #2403

      Races were always one of the most difficult choices to make for me.

      I have read about an reptillian and insect race on the website.

      Some perks that each race could have( not game breaking)

      less fall damage

      waterbreathing (longer time under water

      some races that would be interesting for me are:

      -Plant like race (something alon the lines of the sylvari)
      -Rock like race
      -canine race
      -feline race

      like 2-4 races but no more, because choosing will be difficult enough for me with only the 2 mentioned on the website ^^

    • #2405

      Looks like from some of the art that there will be a goat/ram race, a monkey race, feline race and one I can’t quite put my ginger on.

    • #2406

      Finger* damn phone auto correct lol.

    • #2408

      Race is funny but I don’t think Race attribute is fun. This will turn to a case that “This race attribute is useful so I choose this race.”

      Therefore, I think it is better to cancel something like race attribute or race skills. And add something like customize attribute and skills, which can be choose when that character (race) was created, or something like level up system.

      Then, let the race selection become a simple thing which design how you look like.

    • #2410

      I think race should mostly be aesthetic than anything else, I really don’t care for the stats or special traits. But it really doesn’t bother me if they do or don’t add it.

    • #2456

      I also think races should be mainly about aesthetics because i don’t want to end up with some ugly defective looking creature just because i prefer a certain skill set.

      A compromising solution would be the eve online system. Your starting race determines your starting skill set but you can still max out all other skills in the long run.

      Or perhaps the Fallout system. Your race determines your “Primary” and “Secondary” skills and those improve faster for the secondary and much faster for the primary skill set. But you can still max out all other skills, it just takes some time.

      So a final level character would have all skills maxed out regardless of race, so you can chose based on aesthetics. You just might end up struggling a bit in the beginning if you have the wrong skill set.

    • #2485

      Ya, like if you didn’t like the race you picked you can craft a potion of renewal and it’ll put you in a character creation screen to redesign your character.

    • #2846

      well one of the things I was wondering about the races is that in a MMO you generally end up within a single race most of the time for the entire time as the character. so what about putting in something like an item/quest that allows you to change your race in the game or allowing a player to have multiple characters of different races.

      Also if I had to say anything about adding in a race I would love to see a snake and a spider race. after all some people like to play as darker character styles and maybe it’d be good to have some races that might suit those type of players as well. after all if you are going to add a reptile race and insect race then those might be viable option for those races. as for race skills their might be certain benefits added in to what aesthetics you choose for your character. for example if you have a reptile race you can have traits like wall walker, water breather, swift swimmer and other such applicable traits like wall walker can be a reduction to fall damage if you fall from a height against a wall(the longer you are against the wall the slightly better the reduction) and you get it my picking something like more gecko like hands and get a swift swimmer by using a snake tail for your lower half making you slightly faster in water but maybe add a tiny bit to your hit box because of the added length by a snake tail. maybe make certain aesthetic choices in each race influence some of the traits or perks.

      • #8153

        I really like the Spider character idea:

        -Slower walking and little/no jumping
        -Wall/ceiling climbing and farther/more effective grappling
        -One block tall for tight spaces
        -Higher available field of view
        -Walk on water
        -Low defense
        -(Maybe) Night vision

        Here are some other ideas I had:


    • #2901

      A bat character would be kinda a dark race. πŸ™‚

      • #2907

        I agree I think having the choice of having light and dark races would be good in a their could be certain pros and cons to them as well. if there are going to be npc villages at some point it could have a big impact on those interactions.

    • #3066

      Personally, I’ve always been much into what happened with Guild Wars 2. They introduced a small creature in it’s predecessor that became playable in the second version. It came from underground, was small and slightly fuzzy, but had a very smart ability to create golems and toy around with magic. It’s been my favorite character next to all those hugs and bulky characters. So as soon as Oort Online will introduce something like this, I know what mine will be.

      As for racial benefits? I don’t really know nor do I care, it made things all the more interesting but equally confusing when I was playing Oblivion back in the days. I guess I just prefer it to be more for looks only at this point. I’m shallow like that? :p

    • #5746

      I think that races should have different and unique benefits and should be very defined, so that in an instance of pvp for example the difference could be a certain advantage like “I’m amphibious and there is a mammalian berserker charging me with a sword, so now that I can clearly see that this guy is a mammal, I’m going to use my amphibious swimming skills to evade him and avoid his stronger mammal attacks”. I think this would make It very interesting on different worlds and would make it so that even if a bonus looks dumb and useless (swim speed, water breath, higher jump, etc) it would still be incredibly useful in some worlds.

      • #7492

        Or with water breathing just swim under water to somewhere that you can’t be followed. If it’s a bird type gliding race they could just jump off cliffs to escape. I really like this idea! Mammals would be less susceptible to cold and a bit stronger starting out.

    • #5747

      I believe races should have 1 notable trait, such as night vision for feline races, increased jump for monkey races, strength for goat races or similar, slight locating abilities for canine races (assist’s in finding ores and such), extended underwater for reptilian races, or the option to select one of a list of available attributes for example

      Feline – Night Vision, Higher Fall Distances, Increased Agility (speed)

      Monkey – Higher Jump, Increased Agility, Higher Fall Distances

      Canine – Detection Abilities, Increased Agility, Increased Strength

      Reptile – Water Breathing, Increased Agility, Detection Abilities


      Only one of these can be selected, while all other attributes and skills increase over use, such as mining (which determines speed and yield), high mining could grant 1-3 block return instead of straight 1:1

      I think this game should borrow in a way a couple features from other extremely successful games, such as runescapes skill system, not an exact duplicate obviously, but the devs twist on the system, or even similar to Life Is Feudal.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
      • #7852

        Oh I’d love a skillsystem similar to RS, as grindy as it was it made fun^^ But I’m not so sure if it fits into Oort. Maybe take certain elements like you said.

    • #6302

      it would be interesting to see a jelly/liquid based humanoid form race, similar to the chaos emerald monster in sonic adventure

      its featured skill would be ” absorption” enabling a + healing effect while in water, water based attack have little to no effect, also all physical attacks have little to no damage unless augmented or the creature/titan/oorts damage is higher than your defense.. other skills would include: water glide,water shield,water blast, typhoon rage,etc

      that being said, the races main weakness is magical based attacks, lightning and earth attacks deal more damage and all augmented weapons deal +damage upon each hit. fire and wind attacks are dependent on if your attack damage is higher then the persons defense and resistance. ice based damage deals a temporary freezing effect, also based on weapons levels.

      enviornmental damage also factors in, walking on ice would give a slow walking effect, can die quicker in lava, walking on plants would enable them to grow quicker with the cost of life.

      only by equiping a certain type of armor would enable this race to negate the eviormental effects, and depending on augments you have on the armor, would reduce the damage from their weakness.

      5 key advantages
      1. eating poison plants give you . well a poison effect when hurt by monsters/titans
      2. rain and deep water enables a brief invisibility effect, rain gives small healing
      3.higher levels give you the ability to command some water and anphibious creatures
      4.able to give healing water to other players at the cost of life
      5.absorb other players life at a certain level?

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by VexusOo.
      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by VexusOo.
    • #6423

      What if when you made your character, there were a set number of starter races (say 6). After awhile if you managed to level your character a lot (if they were to implement a leveling system), played for a certain, or anything else that could make sense, you could level your race. By this I mean you would be able to further select your race, or evolve/age. There would be a number of choices (for example 5) you could choose from, each having different bonuses added to the game. There would be no cons from evolving/aging, only benefits. It could be hard to choose which one though, but the benefits would fit different play styles. There could be several evolutions throughout the life of your character, adding uniqueness, benefits to your play style, and giving you something to strive for.

      • #6425

        I quite like this idea πŸ™‚

    • #6649

      There should be a mole race

    • #6785

      I wanna play as some kind of dragon
      any kind of dragon
      (but not some generic “lizard” Lizards are not dragons)

    • #6791

      That’s what I said too! I put it down under the “other suggestions” in the survey. Would be great….

    • #6974

      I think each size should have several different species, That way every 1 can play to their preferred type and look. But again they will have slight differences and environments they work best in. For example, an aquatic type creature can last longer under water and as they lvl up, they can increase that duration. aquatic types should also have 3 sizes and unique looks per size. The smaller one lasts the longest under and swims fastest but is slow on land and not very good for pvp. The mid size is fast under water and land with balanced pvp skills best for ranged combat or dagger quick kill melee style. While the bigger one has normal speed under water and land but is good for tanking and melee combat.

      Another example, animal types can run faster and jump higher than most other races with excellent stealth and hunting capabilities. They are built with pve in mind and can attack several enemies at once with speed. The smaller one is good at ranged attacks and setting traps. They have high evasive skills so they can run from combat easily. The mid size can use mid ranged kunai to stun enemies and wields duel weapons, They have less def but the best hide skills. The biggest one can’t hide well but has a vary large amount of HP and def, They also use a large two handed sword that they like to spin around with. Animal types can have several looks such as wolf, cat, lion, bear, and bull.

      I do think flying is a good idea but the best way I can think is gliding, Bird types can slowly glide from mountains and with an over head view they can drop bombs and such. Mid air combat would be interesting too. if hit, expect a hard landing lol. Other races need to rely on a device that let them glide but it will be heavier and descends faster. Imagine a gang of bird-men attacking an airship. Birds have the best range due to their eyesight so they work best for ranged combat. The smaller one has almost no fighting skills however it is very good at spying and magic. The mid range is very good for dive attacks while the larger one can last longest in the air and good at bombing. I don’t think calling a chicken a β€œchicken” is a good idea here lol.

      Every race should have options to grow the way the player likes as they lvl. For example, even tho aquatic types have higher water speed, a bird type can increase their water speed and duration but at a lesser rate. As they lvl they are given points to use where u would like, however, if you use them to your races characteristics you get more increase per point. also cross races should be interesting, A penguin is a bird type but acts like an aquatic type. Each race has advantages in some environments however, they are not limited to those environments. Every 1 has similar start stats and can lvl as they like. For example, some job classes require more speed or strength. And because there are so many playing styles, you should make several and level them all so u can play in any situation. If you are unhappy with your character, you can buy a skill/stat reset scroll and redo it so u do not have to make a new 1 and start all over.

      The job class you join can help level the differences. For example a ninja turtle (yes I know) Can be very fast compared to a mage turtle that relies on magic to travel. Race skills and job skills should be considered.

      These are just some ideas

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by ShadowFox.
    • #7307

      All i want is some really really really really CUTE female race with b****, i don’t care about pros and cons.

      Please grant me my wish! πŸ™


    • #7465

      Maybe some sort of Construct race, like ancient magic robots that the Oortians left behind to defend and fell inactive until something found them.

      Also I want to be able to add tattoos or designs in the fur/skin of the creature that I play as, maybe at creation or maybe there will be that as an option later on. And maybe these tattoos and designs are used for ancient magic or something?

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Cartographer.
    • #7700

      I’m all for the current character race suggestions, also liking this ^ magic artificial/construct idea. I do hope however these races won’t be gender/class locked? Nothing bugs me more in a game then, “It has dragon people! But… All dragon people are big breasted women! No exception!” or “You wanna be a duel scythe wielder? Alright, your a little elf girl! For no-one else can learn such things!”

      Lol, I’d rather have genderless characters then to be forced in a role in all honesty.

      Also, I’m hoping there’ll be sort of skin/mod system of sorts for greater customization of said characters? Changing of the whole body like on minecraft or such might be a little much, but like personalized colors on a preset format would certainly be nice.

      • #7854

        Please make double scythe wielding a thing *_* I’d die for that. (Even just scythes as weapons would be awesome!)

    • #7853

      First, I thought: Please, no attributes for different races.
      But with reading this thread I changed my mind a bit. (And I recently started playing GW2 so that might be a reason too^^) Still there shouldn’t be anything only one races can do. Maybe a race moves faster but the other races could use speedspells to get the same effect (of course the faster moving race could use this spell to and be even faster but thats not the point). Or one race could breath underwater but the other races could make some sort of helmet or mouthpiece to do the same.
      But there should be only one or two skills like that for every race and it should be something you wouldn’t bother considering too much while choosing your race. So you can almost purely go for asthetics.

      As for ideas I have only one: Please make a smart race, one thats known for the things they invent and build *_* (Like I said started playing GW and fell in love with the Asura^^ Gomen^^)

    • #8043
      Suga Daddy

      Will there be Flails? and a sheep race? or goats that look like sheep?

      sorry, just throwin’ stuff out there.
      I’ve bought the game and my title won’t change, any help?

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Suga Daddy.
    • #8138

      Sorry for putting this on main page at first, Id just like to add I find the flippin’ cute animal races are fantastic, and would suggest adding a fungi/mushroom guy to the mix, maybe eating sticks and emitting a glow when in the dark.

      Also I wouldnt worry too much about up front lore, maybe just put tidbits of info on the backs of titans or some such that can add up to give clues about the lore, but fluff heavy can go to far.

      Strongly hope to play this in tandem with me lady and she likes cute!
      Keep up the good work gang!

    • #8139

      It may be some kind of unrealistic method to leveling the balance: if the most part of players choosen single race/ability/perk, it working worse then rest. This way not usable, but easy.
      The Game can gather statistics of player’s preference and equalize races/abilities. When all type of races/abilities would be used in equal quantity, the largest effect each would have.

      It’s not imply degradation of abilities to zero value. I think 20% decrease of most chosenable race’s main talents is enough.

      And please – I entreat you! – don’t make race of blood-thirsty plants as a Floran in StarBound. Players, who play with that usually is a very disagreeable humans.

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