Real money auction's

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    • #2387

      I thank it would be cool to have real money auctions for crafting supplies and odds and ends not like gear but like stuff that would take hours to farm. it would be a way for people that play for hours to get a lil extra out of the game and a way for people that don’t have all the time in the world to still have the chance to craft and stuff.

    • #2646

      I’m sorry, but that is an awful idea. That switches the game into a Pay to Win schema, which blows up the economic balance, not to mention it’s something that they’ve already stated they will not do.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Yatekko.
    • #2827

      Diablo III did that and after they had it out for a bit they removed it from the game.

      I wouldn’t want a Real $$$ option in this game like that, a sub maybe yes, but not this. 😛

    • #2828

      Well, auctions may be a bad idea, but if they did something that allowed a player to buy vanity items that had no affect on game play, it could be a good way to finance the game after launch.

    • #2986

      100% opposed to any pay-to-win initiatives.

    • #2995

      Ditto. 100% against using real currency to obtain vanity items ingame. If anything at all, you’re better of to fight for it ingame than to have it obtained by means of such an easy way. People tend to be much more grateful when they have an item that’s been fought for and obtained through great effort.

    • #3039

      A vanity item is something with absolutely zero stats, and serves only for decoration or personal enjoyment. I am totally in favor of making impressive items that can only be acquired through trial and tribulation!

      • #3301

        I am in for the vanity item shop it is a great way for game developers to make some money without trashing the players 🙂

    • #5585

      Vanity shop, as long as it remained purely aesthetic is what most free to play games that don’t want the stigma of “Pay To Win” use to make their money.

      One such game that uses vanity shops is Paths of Exile. This title came out around the same time as Diablo 3, was seen by near 100% of it’s users as what Diablo 3 should have been.

      H1Z1 will also likely take on the vanity shop business model.

      When I hear people say their not ok with a game having a real world currency shop, especially ones that are MMO and require massive monthly upkeep cost’s, I say this. Go to a grocery store and tell them you don’t want to pay anything for their hard work, watch how fast ya get kicked out the door.

      Business is business, and nobody does anything for free.

    • #5993

      I think it would be a good idea if tweaked a bit.

      Having a real currency shop for vanity items or even dyes for sell for real money but have thous like 99 cent like the game mabinogi that has dyes like that which could be tweaked and add a similar set up to this games

      Possible having a way for people who only like building to be able to buy bulk of certain materials while still having to go and find other materials like for example if someone wanted lots of stone or something like that they could buy like 100 or 500 blocks but not have that option to get more valuable materials.

      also if they decide to have servants so something like that then you could buy them to tend to your crops and animals and all that for a price

      Maybe some type of special pets or something like that but also have the ability to get other pets that are equal in game that dot look or act the same. Like an example would be like a skeleton or ghost during Halloween.

      2 things that would have to be done is to come up with some type of system so that these items could be traded or gifted but not sold in market or for massive amount over trading while also having these items help but not be something that other players cant get access too if they put the time to get or to set up or even tip the scale in game play.

      Having some what to have people pay for something would help the developers continue to build and improve the game and possibly even lower the price to get the game.

      Expecting them to not have a way to fund a MMO would just have the game end short and even die off or be something really boring so rather then say no we don’t want that we could think of something that could make everyone happy :3

      • #6328

        The biggest problem about this would be that it would be way to Pay to Win like (People using real money to get ahead of you is no fun) We already have another way to found it which would be people paying to have their own private worlds here they would still need to work to get their materials but they would be able to choose where to build without having to worry about nearby beacons.

      • #6347

        Many of these ideas such as a place for builders who dont like gathering blocks can be best handeled by in game interaction with other players. While I agree it may provide an alternate source of revenue for the devs, it hurts other players who may depend on providing those items in game for gold, or cause them to quit playing entirely!
        The most favorable real money shop options for both the devs and player base is goods and services that have no significant effect on player interaction or economy. Goods like vanity items or titles or non-combat pets/npc are an excellent example (spooky skeletons!)

        Services could be sold from a real money shop as well, such as paid land regeneration* or temporary passive racial ability boosts (maybe gain +_% to your races passive ability to jump higher, as an example)

        *assuming they impliment resource regeneration in the first place, and assuming they only respawn resources every few days. This service would allow a player to regen the resources within a few chunks only once per regen period and dissallow regeneration of artifacts like oort temples or dungeon chests. This should be safe on the economy as it still requires the player to gather the resources, just like they would if they visited a new mine or waited for resources to regen automatically. Naturally, if something is not naurally regened to begin with, this service should not affect that thing.

      • #6428

        I really agree with Havok40k on how pay to win hurts other players and player interaction. I say if it benefits you in game, it shouldn’t be bought with real money. Vanity items make sense as an extra source of revenue. Vanity items, race changes, and extra character slots should be able to be bought with real money, if anything. I’m pretty sure you can rent private servers but those should have no affect on the main server.

        I would hate to see the ability to buy things like extra inventory spaces, items like tools, armor, and materials, or companions.

    • #6435

      Well ways to Avoid play to win you could make it most of it for pure looks.

      Example: A player wants to dye their clothes or maybe metals they would have to buy dies at the real money shop and the dyes could be really cheap like 99 cents or 2 dollars per dye. Also the dyes non tradable so they would be taking out of trades and game market. You could possibly make the process of dying on a sheet that has different colors mixed all over and you could have an X with 5 points and you have to try and get the color that you want in the points and each point could have like a 20% chance of Getting one of the 5 colors and if you don’t get the one you want then you have to redo it. 99 cents or even 2 bucks doesn’t sound bad to get to look exactly how you want too. And depending on the outfit it could have 3 or 4 dye able parts to it and yea.

      Example: the devs could release special outfits seasonal or whatever and charge a few bucks for it and players can synthesize the outfits or if dropped they go to NPC’s to sell and the. The synthesized outfit into manuals to make more of them.

      Example: devs could sell skill resets, character stats reset, or race reset.

      Example: for special events or seasonal pets that cost like 5 to 10 bucks that you can’t get in the game like a skeleton, elf, imp, deer, tiger, maybe a creatures or a mini Titan. Just have it to where you can summon more than one pet I guess just one at a time.

      Servers would is great but what about people that don’t want them. Also its one of the funding options and Backers will have to fund everything till then thought this could be a way to speed things up.

      The biggest issue that I feel is with play to win is when other People that can get better stuff like higher damage or some type of boost that the other players can’t get a other way. And I’ve played games that do fine with it and it’s not too bad you cause you can get those items other ways or buy them however in some of the games the items that can be bought are sold at high prices breaking the economy so I was hope we could come up with a solution. One of my ideas is make them unable to be sold in authoring or non tradable and you can just try to make them blueprints with them when you no longer want the item so for a bit you won’t be able to get them but after the people have them make the blueprints and can sell the blueprints to NPC’s for a good price depending on the economy of that town and all that.

    • #6598

      I would be very opposed to any sale of in-game items that exists outside of the Oort economy.

      What would be the point of creating a game that has the ability to run it’s own economy, encourage interactions through trading etc if you can bypass it all if you want to throw a bit of real money at it?

      There are ways to maintain funding for a game that don’t involve selling anything in game. I agree with Havok that any real money items should not affect gameplay.

      • #6630

        Ok, so the idea would not to be to give an edge to players that buy items from a real money store nor even give them items they could trade or sell. Its to help the game with funding as it has been 4 or 5 days and the goal still at 12% till its even unlocked. Many players want beacons and creatures so how can the game of oort speed up funding or continue to survive really without some type of funding to keep making updates and all that so its a game everyone can know and love. Mostly for future/near future reasons it could boost game funding.


        1.the dyes could be a way for characters to look the way they want. Where as if you craft something it could be set up to have random colors for its set mat or just basic colors for that item and the player could buy dye amps for whatever it item is made out of metal leather cotton whatever and they could dye that item and it would be the same item just look how the player wants it too.

        2.Also they could put in a kind of like mini game so that the dye wasn’t 100% to get your color you wanted and just have like a box come up and you have to get certain dots on to the color you want for that area on that item and if you move one dot it moves the rest. One dot could be like 20% chance so the more dots you got then the higher chance of success and you only got like 10 to 15 seconds to do it. Of course if your 100% unhappy with the colors you got in the mini game that show up at the bottom of the box you can decide to hit ok when its like a roulette wheel or try to get better colors to spin out off. So if you do fail to get the color you want it still dyes it something.

        3.Make dyes non trade and non sellable so that they cannot affect the game economy.

        4.dyes would only be for clothing, weapons and armor having nothing to do with blocks or anything else.

        5.have dyes cheap like 99 cents each. Sounds reasonable.

        Special pets:

        1.The devs could release special pets based on seasonal events, game events, players created pets, and have a set price for there’s limited edition pets that aren’t necessary stronger or better they just look cool and maybe have a key you can hit and it brings up all your pets to summon and you can put the one you like most in a hotkey and the rest can live at your homestead. and for example during Christmas you can get like deer or crystal dear, little elf’s, maybe xmass versions of normal pets. possibly have mini versions of your favorite titan that are not crazy strong that are the same power as normal pets, but all pets could be trained to be stronger so mostly you just have a pet that is unique and special to you.

        2.of course non saleable and non tradable.

        Special outfits:

        1.devs or players could design outfits or weapons that could be released during events.

        2.these items would be seasonal related maybe even anime or something related and all that jazz that has to be bought to be brought into the game.

        3.these items would be turned in to blueprints that everyone could use to make them after say a month or so. So they are special for a set time and maybe give players that buy them the ability to pick the colors of that outfit or weapon free of charge and no dying process to get there colors just pick and go.

        4.these items could be set in tiers for certain level of players so low levels couldn’t get a weapon or armor that could take on higher levels they would just be cool to have and be the players level and have similar states to what they can get or they can buy higher tier however can’t use them till that level and make them soul bound weapons so no one can buy them and sell them to other players for high prices and when the event is over the blueprints are released to the public which have to craft and even dye them like everything else.

        5.items stats would be based on players skills when able to craft.

        reset items if the game has skills and all that:

        1.mostly like reset skills and stuff like that and change character race estrada estrada.

        Because after release the games prices are going to $15 to get making it much harder to grow And just because you think that. “Oh the answer is in private hosting servers with modding.” I don’t see that being the case.

        1.Only 16% of people even wanted private hosted servers in the road map vote 2 and 64% just wanted to play in the main server and the 20% wants to have oort give the tools to them in a server oort hosts.

        2.Around 30% of people voted against modding all together.

        3.The opinion that 20% of people would be a cool free version of the game that players could make there homestead when connected to the internet and still be able to play if the internet is down or they had I amount of time that internet was not hooked up like they just moved or maybe they don’t want to go one the main server that day id thing that would be a nice thing that players would like if the devs did that.

        One thing I think that might also help if possible is making oort to where weather a player is on Xbox, pc, PlayStation, tablet, and smartphone they can still play together which I don’t know if that is possible for oort I do know that other games are doing it like 2 that I can think of. that way oort would have a bigger audience and also have that perk that you can still play with friends with a different console which would help with funding.

        Also having a rich story that could be made by players maybe groups of players or players talking to the devs about story ideas. They could make cool quest and use NPC’s to give out the quest and the players make up what they say, craft what they give, and stand where players want them to stand. The game will also need a good combat and social system with a lot of other stuff that makes oort different/ the same, but also stand out from other games. And by same I mean like halo and call of duty are both first person shooters, but they’re both different and both good games.

        I don’t know if the devs get the servers to run oort for free but I’d hate to see the funding drop so much that if it does they can’t keep the game up and I’d hate if they added a monthly cost to play oort. Also if they had much better funding maybe the dev team could grow and give us more. XD

        I do believe that thinking of some kind of good funding would help oort and I know a lot of people are against it but the game is a product and companies can’t keep that product if it doesn’t make the profit to keep it going. So instead of saying I don’t like that it shouldn’t be here. Help come up with a solution that everyone is happy with and will benefit every on and the game.

    • #6633

      I am a styling fanatic, i love looking around for the best looking gear and playing around with color variations, so i would be really really sad if they limited dyes to a cashshop perspective :/
      I would like to see a job called dye maker or stylist or whatever who can take certain herbs to dye a piece of gear a specific color.
      but on the point of cashshop its kinda meh, i dont think you should be able to buy gold or exp boost, but fashion items, cosmetic mounts and pets and the like would be alright with me, something that would be cool would be pet armor, just realised that and is going on steam with it, but yeah. please dont limit customization from cashshop, and dont make it pay to win

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