Release: 95 – Fix for blocks popping back in when added/removed

Home Forums News Release: 95 – Fix for blocks popping back in when added/removed


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    • #6761

      * Fix for blocks popping back in when added/removed.

    • #6790

      Just a heads up. I was just (9:52PM EST) building a structure on Agabab server and the issue of blocks popping in still seems to be occurring.

    • #7150

      This still occurs as of December 28. The block I experienced this issue with is one of the leaf blocks (the pink one).

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Lilem.
    • #7153

      I saw this as well with the white ‘coal’ blocks on Vaisier, but it takes a long time to happen. I think in the case I saw it had to do with trying to fill a gap beneath an existing block.

    • #7170

      I noticed this occurring when Internet gets slow… It might be the players connection to the server and that’s why the block pops back in, because the game has yet to get the data the block was removed and it refreshed… uploads speeds are slower than download speeds.
      I could be wrong tho.

    • #7178

      I have high-speed internet connection that gets even faster at night. This is not connection-related issue, I believe. I didn’t experience this with any blocks except the leaves, though.

      • #7238

        It might not be your internet but that of the server… Part of squashing bugs is making code smaller so it can transfer faster… The internet is all connected and even if your line is really fast the data is bound to pass through some slow areas.

        But if it’s only the one block doing it for you, it might be something they can look into. I would imagine that if it was an net issue other blocks would be doing it too. Still I am really impressed that they aren’t so laggy. I played a lot of quick cash games with so much lag because they did not have enough bandwidth.

        The #1 reason I purchased this game is because the devs listen to their players and interact with us. They really care if we are having fun and not just about making money. Sure it’s a job and they deserve a paycheck but they doing it right.

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