Right when I launched Oort Online, my entire screen was filled with a bright flashy white light. If I moved my mouse around, I would get glimpses of my surroundings but the white covered up the entire screen. This happened on both Safari and Google Chrome.

Interesting enough, if I turned off ‘Post Effects’ the weird flashes would go away.

After that, the game would run fine. However from time to time, the game would either freeze up or lag. It was most notable whenever I tried breaking and picking up a block: The game would completely freeze and I had to relaunch.
Here are details about the machine I’m operating:
OS: Mac OS X 10.9.4
Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory: 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6700M 1024 MB and Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
My Mac is set to automatically switch graphics cards to save battery but if I turn Energy Saver off, it will run AMD Radeon.