Resource Communism

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    • #5783

      I just wanted to share my wonders about how i figure Oort as a MMO.
      I see that there is people who want to host own servers, and i think that this game shouldn’t go by this way (to many games so).


      well, just figure massive worlds built by thousand of people getting resource, buying it, selling it (miners, lumberjacks, builders, sellers)… Massive Guilds making BIG and proudful efforts to grow up stylish structures, tinny unions of adventurers… If we use hosted private servers, there will be resources that will never be a currency of trade, buildings never seen, histories never shared…………..

      Imagine there’s no (private) servers
      It’s easy if you try
      No host below us
      Above us (one) only sky

      Imagine all the people
      Building for today…
      Imagine there is countries (yes, countries)
      It isn’t hard to do
      Just to kill or die for
      And religions too
      Imagine all the people
      Living life in communism…

      You may say I’m a dreamer
      But I’m not the only one
      I hope someday you’ll join us
      And the world will be as one

      Imagine the possessions
      I wonder if you can
      Just need for greed or hunger
      And brotherhoods of men
      Imagine all the people
      Sharing all the world…

      You may say I’m a dreamer
      But I’m not the only one
      I hope someday you’ll join us
      And the world will live as one

      ( )

      Lets Go Oort Online, put us together….!!!

    • #5784

      (move my post to another forum if its necessary, thanks)

    • #5787

      In the current survey, oort team asked if we prefair a game with or without the possibility of personal server and if these servers should be connected to officials servers.

      Even if we can create a personal world on a personal server, it will not prevent the existence of official worlds managed by Oort team.

    • #5794

      I think that the better way is a main server with connected worlds, still has an interaction between players by the “main” world.

      • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by kitsune5.
    • #5824

      I’m not sure what you want to say… first there isn’t just one main server because every single world is a seperate server. Then there will be people on their private servers, not connected to the main Universe, but why is that a problem? Most of the people will play the MMO part of this MMORPG anyway.
      Some people just like to play singleplayer (yea their kind of wrong here because MMO but whatever) and why shouldn’t we let them. I played for years singleplayer Minecraft and after that I slowly got onto servers and now almost exclusivly play online^^

      About the Communism part. Just No. And it should say “and no religions too”.

    • #5834

      Private servers should have zero impact on the official servers. Also, if you want to live in commune, do like in real life and set up your own communist nation with a communal resource system. Good luck with keeping supplies full!

      As for the song, nice parody! Although I think it contradicts the ideas of communism when you talk about wealth and greed.

      I think you have a theocracy in mind.

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