Rope physics based Bridges, Block Settings, ETC

Home Forums Suggestions Building Rope physics based Bridges, Block Settings, ETC

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      I think an interesting spin on building bridges would be to have rope bridges as an option to standard block bridges (using wood blocks and such).This would be ideal for connecting floating islands together as a means of travel. Though I’m unsure if it can be implemented.

      For block setting like slopes, and direction of said sloped blocks. Maybe have the default block placement be a normal block, then looking at it and pressing say “=” or something similar flips through the block slope options displaying them on the placed block, then using the “-” or similar would rotate the block and flip it (8 options, each direction with the base on the bottom, and on the top (upside down if you will)). This would allow for much more complex and visually appealing buildings. Of course any system that allows for the diverse placement of blocks as outlined in this suggestion that doesn’t require special slots to be used for specific slopes is welcome.

      I’d say larger selection of block types, but I’m quite sure those are in the works (debugged blocks etc).

      A form of power, be it magic or otherwise (to match game lore) that isn’t area based, but rather path based, to allow for specific functions. I personally feel MC’s redstone was a good start, but extremely primitive in possibilities. An option would be to have a tool or something similar that allows you to edit the directional current in a given conductive or magical block (iron, copper, lead, gold etc would all be conductive, and could be edited for directional currents, while certain stones would be used in the magical aspect, with the same directional current options) which would allow the player to direct where the power is going (24 directions in total from the centre point, Z, X, Y, and all diagonal directions as well, allowing diagonal current transfers)

      Maybe the power feature would be too much for a game of this calibre, but I believe if done correctly, this could be an extremely beneficial feature for many Oortians looking to build that unique thing.

      Thanks for reading.

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
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